Message 829 – 31 May 2021

OUR LADY: “My beloved children of the world. I, your Heavenly Mother, come today to ask you to pray especially at this time, because the world is going to go through many, many trials. The vaccinations that mankind are forcing My sweet children to have: do not accept this, dear children, because the vaccinations are harmful to the body and soon there will be another Virus that will spread in the world and cause more damage, because the elite and the Illuminati desire to control the world and they do this by inducing the world to take medication, which is harmful to mankind ...”

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Message 808 – 18 May 2020

OUR LADY: “My sweet children, I Love you and I send My Maternal Love and Blessing to all My children on this Great Feast Day of My Loving Title of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians: know My sweet children, [you can] ask Me anything under this Great Title and I will grant it to you within forty days from today. I Love you, sweet children and I Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Know My dear child, soon to become Pope Peter Abraham II, as We will come for Our Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict when he leaves Rome, because it will come soon. But know, sweet child, you will be free very soon and you will travel to many countries to help them to prepare for the coming Warning and all the events that are to come upon the world ...”

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Discernment of a True Seer

MALCOLM BROUSSARD: Why do some people find it so difficult to discern a Seer as sent by God? First, Our Lord is the model which gives meaning to the answer to this question. Saint Thomas Aquinas links the Virtue of Faith with the Gift of Understanding and the Beatitude: “Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God.” There is hidden within this triad the answer to the question above -- why people find it difficult to discern a Seer as sent by God. It also explains why people lose faith after they had once professed it so strongly. I hope to show the reader the similarity between the way Our Lord was treated -- with the way the Little Pebble is treated – and for the same reason: -- namely, their hearts were not clean. Therefore, the Gift of Understanding is impeded by the lack of charity; which fosters doubts against their own gift of faith ...

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Apparitions at Medjugorje

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: Some time ago I advised you about the Message given to the Seer Mirjana Soldo of Medjugorje regarding the date: 18 March. We all waited with great anticipation — however, there was only a small understanding of its significance. So, I contacted a prominent Promoter of Medjugorje — Steve Shawl. Here (below) is his answer about the date and about the Bishop Ratko Peric of the Diocese of Mostar Dustar in Croatia. The Bishop’s statement you will find most revealing.

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Errors of Global Climate Change

Even greater contradictions, non-concensus, and data model shortcomings - in true scientific knowledge - are replete in the theory of "Climate Change". Yet, there indicates a "rush", supported by the Vatican, to declare this "man developed theory" in where it necessitates implementing a serious burden upon nations, states, and individuals to solve a perceived man-made or man-participating "threat" to an "emerging planetary crisis". Pope John Paul II would again echo the profound statement "Truth cannot Contradict the Truth" ...

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New Seers’ and Old Seers’ – Current Messages

I have compiled a few Messages and Answers from Jesus to various Seers, including to myself. These Seers are united with me and they will help you to understand events; remain firm in your faith and trust in God. Pray for the Election in the United States, as Donald Trump is God’s choice and should he not be elected on the 8 November, America – as well as the world – is in for a very difficult time. People are also debunking the Asteroid saga – yet there are facts presented by several Scientists ...

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Letter to President Vladimir Putin – 20 August 2016

Jesus asks that you write to Pope Benedict, to enact the Global Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as requested by Our Lady of Fatima. Our Lord asks this of Pope Benedict, as he is the legitimate true Pope. Francis was not canonically elected and Benedict was usurped.

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The Nature of Prophecy

The people in general do not know how to understand the prophetic Word of God. In reality, it does not equate with the term “prediction”. Only the term “prophecy” can account for God — since God is the Author of prophecy — that is what makes it authentic and the bearer of God’s Truth. Saint Thomas Aquinas helps us to understand the nature of prophecy ...

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THE OCTOPUS – 13 April 2016

So what is the Octopus? It is the Antichrist’s web of deception, using the modern tools of mass media, the electronic highway, key personnel in the Church and the governments of the world - through various internet connections, movies, banks and Government Power Groups, schools, indoctrination, mind control, spiritualism.

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