Message 805 (in Slovak) – 12 April 2020

Správa 805 – 12. apríla 2020 13. apríla 2020 – 15:10 Doručené od Williama Správa od nášho Pána Ježiša a našej Panny Márie skrze WILLIAMA COSTELLIU v jeho dome 12. 04. 2020 Veľkonočná nedeľa Vírus […]

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Message 806 – 25 April 2020

OUR LORD: “My children, as you see, the Powers of the world try to control all. You need not fear, because you know what is happening. The One World Government – the One World Religion – is about to take shape, but, My children, you have nothing to fear for soon the Great Warning will come. But before this, the Great War will come; be at Peace and know that I and My Most Holy Mother are there always to help you and remember the countless Angels I have spread throughout the world to protect you ...”

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The Truth about the Coronavirus – 21 April 2020

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: “What you are experiencing is the super powerful organisations controlled by the Illuminati and the Freemason organisations to reduce the world population, so that the Antichrist can take over. It is a means to control the public by reducing movements and bring the world into the Third World War ...”

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Message 805 – 12 April 2020

OUR LORD: “My children, the Illuminati and the Freemasons are to blame for all that is occurring to mankind by forcing mankind to obey the control mechanism, to subdue mankind to the authorities of the world. But little has it done to draw mankind to God, even though it was permitted by My Decree. Mankind has succumbed to the ways of mankind, instead of turning to God to ask for Forgiveness and Mercy. The main reason for the Virus is to reduce the world population, but to their shock, this is not what it is doing. The second Virus will hit the heart and lungs, to bring mankind to its knees. The signs to the world are clear: mankind must turn to God and ask for forgiveness ...”

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