Message 780 – 24 February 2019

OUR LORD: “I greet you My beloved son, most pleasing to me: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Be at peace, for today I come to instruct Our children to be ready, for the tribulations are about to fall, as mankind remain stubborn in their ways. My beloved and holy son, do not be afraid because the world must be chastised, as man goes further into darkness and I cannot allow this to continue. The two asteroids are close by, My son, but not yet naked to the eye. The world will get a shock, because I am going to allow one of them to enter the Earth to wake up mankind, before the Antichrist – the man of unbelievable sin – enters in full, [into] man’s affairs. Mankind believe that God is asleep as they continue on their merry way, deceiving themselves, as well as their brothers and sisters, that there is no God. But little do they know what will awaken them ...”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 8 February 2019

OUR LADY: “How many come on Sunday to the Holy Eucharistic Celebration and the rest of the week do not invoke the Holy and Divine Name of My Son for a single instant, and on that Sunday, unaware of what they are doing, they add to their own condemnation, since they approach the Eucharistic Table, the Divine Banquet, and receive My Son laden with sins of which they do not repent. How My Son suffers! They do not think, they do not feel the pain of My Son, because they make Him continually live His Passion and the whole journey of the Sorrowful Passion ...”

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Message 779 (in Slovak) – 14 February 2019

Naša Pani: Môj Božský Syn si sťažuje, lebo ľudstvo odmieta zobrať do ruky ruženec a zachrániť ľudstvo – Slnko je jasnejšie; svet stmavne, lebo Duch Boží už nežije v srdciach ľudí – Označkovanie, čipovanie šelmy je už prítomné vo svete – Vojna príde čoskoro a mnoho miliónov zomrie – Dve sopky v Taliansku vybuchnú; Sopky vybuchnú v Indonézii a v krajinách susediacich; Japonsko bude opäť trpieť skrze jadrovej katastrofy – Modlite sa, za Austráliu; ak nie je dostatočná modlitba, v tomto národe padnú veľké tresty a tam bude veľa úmrtí.

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Message 779 – 14 February 2019

OUR LADY: “My children, take up My Beads [Rosary] – these Beads that I hold in My Hand – because the world goes further and further into darkness where My Divine Son laments, because mankind refuse to take up these Beads, to save humanity. What can I say to you, My son and to My children? I continue to ask for prayer, because mankind is in great need, because evil has gone throughout the world causing great disunity amongst Our children ... Many countries on Earth are wavering, because they do not listen to the Word of God. Pray, dear children. It is important now to pray that the Antichrist does not get full power for a little while longer, to give mankind a chance to redeem themselves, because mankind are in great darkness. They must turn to My Most Holy Rosary, to receive Light ...”

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David’s Prayer – 13 February 2019

OUR LADY: (To David aged 19) “My son, you have received inspiration from God the Holy Ghost. I Bless you and may many souls receive special Graces who receive this prayer. I Bless it and may Divine Blessings come to all souls who pray it. I Bless you, David: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Your Mother of Divine Grace ...”

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9 DAY NOVENA – 10 February 2019

BISHOP BROUSSARD: “Dear Souls of Our Lord and Our Lady, A couple of days ago, one of our Promoters in the Philippines suggested that we begin a Novena of Prayer and Fasting for the intentions of the Little Pebble (William Costellia) as expressed in his letter - 6 February 2019. It is a very heart-felt letter from our brother and seer ...”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 24 January 2019

OUR LADY: “YOU MUST ASPIRE TO ATTAINING THE GREATNESS OF TRUTH, AND THIS YOU WILL FIND BY LIVING IN THE DIVINE WILL, being spiritually wise, and true Wisdom is the Truth. You do not know how to find the beauty of the soul and you lose yourselves in the poverty of passivity. It is true that not all human beings are the same; some are to be found in cloisters, others devoted to prayer, and even in such states, you do not obtain beauty of soul in interior passivity, but in the constant search to meet My Son and this Mother. THEREFORE, MY CHILDREN, THE ONE WHO STAYS ALERT IS THE ONE WHO IS CONSTANT, AND IN ORDER TO BE CONSTANT AND PERSEVERING YOU NEED TO BE ACTIVE IN THE INTERIOR, CONTINUOUSLY SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH IS IN THE DIVINE WILL. Do not beg for what you possess as heirs; walk without becoming tired, walk without staining yourselves with the mud of what is worldly and sinful, do not let yourselves be led astray, be righteous in your work and action ...”

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