Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 6 October 2019

JESUS: “My churches everywhere are becoming like a warehouse. They try to entertain people, and in response, people clap their hands. Their behaviour is indescribable! My beloved priests are silent to all of this. They do not teach people about reverence in the church, and they do not teach them about the need for silence in the church ... Today, the fashion offends Me greatly. People dress provocatively, almost half-naked. All of this must change ... Pray that I will soon touch the world so that people will come to know that all of this behaviour is wrong. Pray, that they will change. The whole world needs repentance.”

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Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 2 October 2019

ANGEL: “With all that is permitted and happening in the world, do not lose hope. Have faith in our Lord Jesus. Pray and tell all those you meet, because soon He will send a sign to the world. It will illuminate the whole sky, and it will flash in such a way, right across the whole world, and everyone will know that God exists. It will be supernatural, not from a comet or any other planet, but it will be directly from God. It is coming very soon. Pray, and tell everyone to pray and to repent.”

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Message 796 – 27 October 2019

OUR LORD: “I greet you, My son and all of God’s faithful children! You are now into a Great Spiritual Battle for the Truth, as Satan and his dominions have sullied My Words and placed confusion upon them, causing My children to go into great confusion and misgiving. Therefore, I have placed the Angels of Peace and Understanding upon the world to prevent this, so that My children will understand what is happening in the world, as many of Our children have gone astray and are being confused as to what is happening in the world. These Angels are Warrior Angels I have prepared and sent millions upon the Earth now, so that My children do not go astray. Pray to the Angels, My children, because they are powerful and they will help you now, so that My children will not be deceived by the power of the Evil One. Pray, My sweet children, the Saint Michael Prayer daily, so that you will be enlightened of the times you are living in.”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 25 September 2019

OUR LORD: “Do you want to save your Soul? Fulfill THE COMMANDMENTS, love them and make them come alive in your daily work and action ... My children, the wiles of evil invite you to work and act far from Me, putting improper, sinful, heretical, profane acts and works before you in order to confuse you and so that you see evil as good and good as evil, taking advantage of the confusion suffered by My Church: I have already announced to you that "priests will rise against priests, bishops against bishops, cardinals against cardinals." My Church lives in confusion, bowed down by the evil that has infiltrated Her in order to dominate Her and make Her suffer ...”

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Message to Yellow Lily – 21 October 2019

JESUS: “There will be again a huge – (and this is Our Lord using the word ‘huge’) rise in Eucharistic Miracles, but it will not occur in the great Basilicas – it will be in the abandoned, or nearly abandoned, Churches. It will be in the quiet Adoration Chapels – they will not be ignored. As well, I will grant to this House of Prayer and to all My Charbelite Houses of Prayer all over the world, extraordinary favours. They will be immutable and from them, more little Houses of Prayer will spring up. I promise, our numbers are small, but our people are great and our numbers will grow ... You may, as people come to you and I will send them to you, direct them. You will see; you will see greater mistakes in the Mass, as what is occurring in Rome, will be promoted throughout the world. We are prepared to take them on ... here and now. You do not scandalize me; you do not scandalize My Mass. If you see something and you act forthrightly on My behalf, you are defending Me and it is not an outrage. I am with you – I am with all of you; I am with all of My all of you’s all over the world. I Bless you and I Love you and My Blessings will pour down on you ...”

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