Time of your resurrection is near – Russia to invade rest of Ukraine, Poland and the Scandinavian countries – When Russia places its hammer and sickle over the Dome of Peter, the Warning is near
Tell My son, the French Royalty, to act now so Benedict XVI and Peter Abraham can complete their tasks – world soon hear about Pope Benedict as the Imposter moves to dethrone Me – Soon there will seem to be three men who claim the Throne of Peter – Many statues will weep blood, oil and tears, and some will come alive. Satan active with false apparitions, false prophets and magicians.
Antichrist created by evil union of two consecrated souls - Antichrist released from Hell to enter a body which resembles man. Great Chastisement coming; Battle of Armageddon is upon you – Enormous ecological changes – Benedict will sacrifice his life for Remnant Church – Miniature Judgement is your last Great Warning – Revolution in Rome, great earthquakes, tsunamis – The one on the Throne of Peter continues to mislead Our children.
Over-zealous Governments have introduced laws to punish homosexual acts – If old Law enacted half the human race would be either murdered or imprisoned – Many in prison are innocent in God’s Eyes because of corrupt laws and a corrupt Justice System – Laws of men must be universal – Many innocent will be imprisoned by the Antichrist and his Prophet – Watch the stars, sun and the Heavens for many signs will be given.
Souls led astray through self-worship, egoism and self adulation – Pray Mysteries of Light with Our Holy Mother – Youth of this generation and those involved in industries have the power to mislead billions of young children.
Peace talks false – Nuclear Agreement false – Movements in Planetary System – Revolution in Rome, sign of the Warning – False prophets in the guise of magicians; magic coming from Fallen Angels – Vicar General of the Remnant Church – Final Dogma - Pope Francis as he is not the legitimate Pope Chosen by God – Consecration of Russia after the Warning.
World approaches enslavement by Antichrist and his Prophet through Lucifer’s power – God will strike with such sudden force, leaving no doubt that justice has now come – False peace in the Middle East; suddenly Great War will begin and take men by surprise – Abomination upon My Sacrificial Altars – Conflict between China and Japan – Satan will soon declare he has come in the second coming.
Your Holy Angels are given to protect you from the infernal spirits which invade the Earth – Disturbance of the balance of the Planetary Solar System – Those who come with an olive branch of peace […]
Antichrist plans major attack on Pope Benedict and MDM; unite with Our Lady in prayer – Prophets, Seers, Visionaries, Disciples and Apostles are all equal, but each has a special Mission – MDM main Chosen […]
Biblical References: The Messages of the two End Time Prophets: the Seventh and last Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy from Ireland, and the Seventh Trumpet, the Little Pebble, from Australia.