A Soul Who Loved – Chapter 3

SANDRA: “At the age of 17 William experienced his first vision: At this time, he was drawn more and more towards the Blessed Sacrament. He was attending Mass on a daily basis. Only souls who are drawn in such a way can relate to this. The Great Flame of God, Who draws all men to Himself. The very first vision occurred on Easter Sunday following Holy Communion, at the 10.30 am Mass in Saint Frances Xavier Cathedral in Wollongong. Mass had ended and the church was now empty. William was kneeling alone, deep in thought contemplating the profound Love of God. Suddenly, the whole church became engulfed in a cloud like mist ...”

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Vision given by Our Lord to the Little Pebble – 20 March 2016

Jesus spoke saying: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” I heard a heavy thunderclap in the Church. Then appearing on the Altar I saw a White Lamb to the left of the Cross and to the right, also on the Altar, a Goat – both were bleeding.

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To the People of God – 23 April 2015

LITTLE PEBBLE: On the 6th March 2010, I wrote a letter addressed to you. However, since then much has changed in my perception of the same events. The first part of my previous letter will […]

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Message 714 – 17 April 2015

Document of Alliance for all Priests to sign – Crash in Monetary System – Sydney hit by tidal wave after major earthquake – Holy Souls in Purgatory will all be released to meet Our Lord […]

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