URGENT – Oroville Dam Update – Prayers Needed

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: Dear President Trump, and those in high places, and the People of the USA, Peace and Blessings to you. Please take note of these serious matters concerning the Dam. I have been advised by most prominent Scientists and Engineers that the Dam is in danger of collapse. There has been a major cover-up. Please protect your people. Wishing God’s Blessings ...

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Message to Luz de Maria – 17 July 2017

OUR LADY: My children are becoming bold in refusing to obey the Requests of My Son. Not knowing what the soul is, you do not know what you are going to lose, and you venture onto the easier path, the one that leads you to damnation. Every Call by means of this Revelation is Divine Will. Each Call is not intended to frighten you, but to warn you about the purification that is approaching for Humanity so that you are not caught unprepared, and you are willing to change your lives. Humanity acts by pleasing itself in everything it wants, without meditating on whether it is for its good or ill. A selfish and competitive attitude leads man not to think of his brothers and sisters, but to focus only on his own well-being, his personal pleasure, giving free rein to the god of materialism ...

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A Soul Who Loved – Chapter 3

SANDRA: “At the age of 17 William experienced his first vision: At this time, he was drawn more and more towards the Blessed Sacrament. He was attending Mass on a daily basis. Only souls who are drawn in such a way can relate to this. The Great Flame of God, Who draws all men to Himself. The very first vision occurred on Easter Sunday following Holy Communion, at the 10.30 am Mass in Saint Frances Xavier Cathedral in Wollongong. Mass had ended and the church was now empty. William was kneeling alone, deep in thought contemplating the profound Love of God. Suddenly, the whole church became engulfed in a cloud like mist ...”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 14 July 2017

JESUS: "My children's personality is no longer their own, but has been conformed to the majority, with a man emerging who has no thought of his own other than that inherited by the rest of society. A man has arisen who imitates his fellow men, who does not reason but only imitates others' behavior. Children, My people, I call you to inform yourselves, to deepen into My Word made explicit for you in various ways, because it is you who are going to be participants in the coming events ..."

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William Costellia to President Donald Trump – 11 July 2017

WILLIAM: Don't Allow North Korea to become CATACLYSMIC in another attack on American soil — like Pearl Harbour on the 7th December 1941 — as negotiations were in progress in November with President Roosevelt making an appeal for Peace on the 6th December ... Consider a Military Alliance with Russia or India or the Philippines. Japan and South Korea are already — by doing this, China will not come to aid North Korea ...

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Message 753 – 7 July 2017 (Video)

JESUS: The battle of the spirits begins! I will send the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to the world now, to clean the world of its iniquity; to remove the evil; to chain the devil, the Antichrist and his prophet – so that all men know that I am the Christ – the Son of the Living God – the True and only Messiah. I will rescue My Church who has given itself over - like a harlot – who has drunk the blood of the Martyrs and will now betray the Mystical Body. Fire will soon descend upon an unrepentant world, as nature will rebel against sinful man ...

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Video Address to President Trump from William Costellia

WILLIAM: [4 July 2017] You are God's servant and Jesus is very pleased with you. You need to be careful because many hate you. Many love you and are praying for you. Mr. President, considering North Korea. You need to think of what needs to be done, which I'm sure you have, but you need to invade North Korea to remove the Dictator who has brutalised his own people ...

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