Message 442 – 13 July 1994

OUR LADY: My dear children: today I wish that you listen to Me very carefully, for many extraordinary events will come upon you soon that will change the lives of many of Our children. These are not only physical, or natural, events that will disturb the world as you know it, but also spiritual - for the battle that you are now in, My sweet children, is the battle between spirits - good and evil ... Therefore, My sweet children, be very attentive - be careful of the snares of the devil. Pray often to Saint Michael and the Angels for them to enlighten you and to protect you - because the evil one now has the power to even delude and place doubts into the hearts and minds of My children, the Elect ...

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Message 441 – 2 July 1994

OUR LORD: “Then let it be. The Eternal Father's Word will be fulfilled in you, My beloved son - Prophet of the last times, and My future Vicar for Holy Mother Church - to bring My House out of its bondage; to cleanse it from its sins - the sins that cry out to My Father in Heaven for justice! You, My Son, will be the sign that I will use. You, like Myself, are a sign of contradiction for the Church but, because of this, My Most Holy Mother will be Victorious through you, whom I have chosen for the Victory of Holy Mother Church over evil! I Bless you, My child, My 'Little Pebble of Love', 'Rock' of My Sacred Heart and the Pure Heart of My Most Holy Mother ... The 'hour of darkness' is upon the world and in My House upon Earth! Only faith, My sweet children - not logic, not understanding - only faith. It is in this faith, My sweet children, in truth that you will have the strength to pass this dark 'hour' that is now upon you. Many of you carry heavy burdens and heavy crosses and this will increase, My sweet children, because My children must learn to understand that the Divine Will of My Father in Heaven is perfect and mankind are imperfect ...”

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