OUR LADY: “See, My child, how My Divine Son Weeps and gives His Blood to the children of this nation. He Shed His Blood two thousand years ago for mankind, and mankind still reject My Divine Son...."
OUR LORD JESUS: ... "We Love Our children on this earth, even though many have gone astray and, through your prayers and sacrifices, dear children, many will come back on the road of Truth."
OUR LADY: “Pray, My children, for all Seers that they be strengthened in their faith; in their courage and in their conviction. I Bless you, My child, to give you the strength necessary to proceed on the journey of faith and trust: on the journey of uniting souls and saving Holy Mother Church: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
OUR LADY: “My dear child and dear children of the world: I come today, once again. Today, I appear under My title of "Our Lady of Fatima" as I appeared many years ago to the three children. The Message I wish to give to you, My children of the earth, is the same Message that I gave at Fatima - one of prayer, penance and sacrifices.
OUR LADY: “My dear child, no man is worthy of the Graces that they receive. However, in the Will of the Eternal Father, mankind is given these Graces for their salvation and for the Glory of God and His Pleasure. So always be grateful, dear child and dear children of the world, for all the Graces you receive.”….
OUR LADY: “See, My children, how My Son's Heart is broken and Weeps Blood because of the sins of the world. I have come this evening to beg of Our children to console the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus.”….