Message 801 (in Slovak) – 5 January 2020

Správa 801 – 05. 1. 2020 8. 1. 2020 – 18:12 Doručené Správa od nášho Pána skrze Williama COSTELLIA vo jeho dome v nedeľu 5. 01. 2020 Slávnosť Zjavenia Pána Lesné požiare v Austrálii Pápež […]

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Message 801 – 5 January 2020

OUR LORD: “My beloved little White Rock, there is a Mystery that surrounds your Papacy which will be unlocked very soon, My child, for Satan will rule most of the earth very soon, when his strong believer, the Antichrist, makes himself known to mankind. He will sway many to follow him, bringing great darkness in the world for the Anti-Pope, Francis will show the world that all must follow the Antichrist, as he is Christ returned in the flesh for the world to behold. Therefore, you then have the Unholy Trinity being presented to the world.”

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Message to Yellow Lily – 21 October 2019

JESUS: “There will be again a huge – (and this is Our Lord using the word ‘huge’) rise in Eucharistic Miracles, but it will not occur in the great Basilicas – it will be in the abandoned, or nearly abandoned, Churches. It will be in the quiet Adoration Chapels – they will not be ignored. As well, I will grant to this House of Prayer and to all My Charbelite Houses of Prayer all over the world, extraordinary favours. They will be immutable and from them, more little Houses of Prayer will spring up. I promise, our numbers are small, but our people are great and our numbers will grow ... You may, as people come to you and I will send them to you, direct them. You will see; you will see greater mistakes in the Mass, as what is occurring in Rome, will be promoted throughout the world. We are prepared to take them on ... here and now. You do not scandalize me; you do not scandalize My Mass. If you see something and you act forthrightly on My behalf, you are defending Me and it is not an outrage. I am with you – I am with all of you; I am with all of My all of you’s all over the world. I Bless you and I Love you and My Blessings will pour down on you ...”

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Message to Yellow Lily – 17 October 2019

JESUS: “... Francis does not speak for Me, he does not act for Me - it has never been his intention to do so; he has given himself over to work for the Father of Lies, who is the Beelzebub, in full knowledge. He knows that the Blessed Sacrament is My Mortal, Divine Heart, it is My Flesh, built by Mary in Humaness and God in Endless Perfection and Eternity. My people, do not be confused, I knew who I Am forever, I did not doubt ever that God, is My Father and I am indivisible from Him and His Movement, His Person, of the Holy Ghost. Can I speak plainer? Francis, you have chosen this course, you and those with you, have picked this course - so be it; know all this can be forgiven but as you continue down this path things will only become worse and worse for you. You say you are not afraid of schism, there will come a time when you will regret these words with all the other words you have said and not said, to sow division.”

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BOOK OF TRUTH – Bk 2 (Main Points) – 2 October 2019

OUR LORD: “Then he (the Antichrist) will appear suddenly and announce himself to the world as a man of peace, a bright jewel, which will sparkle in the midst of darkness. As he emerges, he will be seen as one of the most charismatic political leaders of all time. His handsome, appealing and caring personality will fool the majority of people. He will exude love and compassion and will be seen to be Christian. He will draw many followers, so that he becomes like Me, the Messiah. This will be the biggest deception of all time.
He and the False Prophet, who will sit like a King in the Seat of Peter, will secretly plot a one-world religion. It will promote love and allegiance to the Antichrist and love of oneself.
Suddenly all will be asked to accept the one world Mark of Allegiance. .. It will control your money, your access to food and how you live ...”

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Pope Francis is the Anti-Pope – 11 July 2019

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: “Please take serious note on what I say, as this comes from Jesus Christ Himself. Since 2009 Jesus has told me that the Anti-Pope has been elected (in Pope Francis); that Pope Benedict will be removed and an evil man will be placed upon the Seat of Peter. 15th February 2013: Pope Benedict was forced to abdicate. To the Seers of the world: please keep check upon your Messages. Even though most of the Seers are correct, they do not keep an eye on these Messages, because they still claim that Pope Francis is the True Pope – but he is not. Pray for him and ask God to be Merciful ...”

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Message 772 – 27 October 2018

OUR LORD: “Pray, My children, as the enemy is ready to invade the free world. The monetary systems will soon collapse and make way for the New World Currency to be leashed upon the nations. Pray, dear children, pray, for much will change for the Earth very soon.”
Tsunamis and earthquakes and tidal waves will lash the land and the earth will split, leaving many people homeless. My children, pray very much, because the Warning is soon upon you. Watch and see! Keep an eye on the stars, because an event will soon happen where the stars will be noticed of shifting places, so that an asteroid will be seen and it will enter the world’s atmosphere. My children, My children: I do not say these dreadful things to frighten you, but so that you know these events are very near. Next year will be a year of heavy trials for mankind, as the seven (7) years of desolation are near. Pray My Most Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, as these two prayers are very important at this time. I love you, My children and send to you at this time many, many Seraphs, for these Angels are sent to you to protect you from the power of the Evil One and his Fallen Angels. Be aware, My children, for great changes are coming to the world and unless you are protected by the Seraphim Angels, you will be tempted very much. Pray to the Seraphic Angels, as they hold great power before men ...”

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Message 771 – 13 October 2018

OUR LORD: “The world does not know it, but the Antichrist is well in charge of most of God’s children and mankind has not seen it or felt it, but mankind does not hear God calling, because mankind has gone astray. They believe all is well, in spite of the fact that the world is in great danger of falling into the hands of the enemy of God and that is Lucifer – the Antichrist – allowing him to rule the hearts of Our children, through thousands of temptations covering the Earth. Listen children: Do not be persuaded by the influence of the evil ones, for they only wish to enslave you and hold you forever in the Kingdom of Darkness. Be not afraid, for I have come with My Most Holy Mother and millions of Angels, to rescue you. Pray with Me and My Most Holy Mother, the ‘Our Father’, for He will come in great swiftness to console you and to protect you from the evil one. The hour has struck, My beautiful children, where I and My Most Holy Mother will come and rescue you. Call on Us – we are waiting for your call ...”

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Message to Yellow Lily – 22 September 2018

JESUS: “I ask you please, rather than lament present circumstances, give thanks for them, possess joy for them, in your heart of hearts, possess joy. What does it mean in your heart of hearts? Do not take it back again; whatever is bothering you, release it; release it so that you can possess joy and fullness ... That means possessing Me! Possessing Me! Do not allow Our Communion, Our time together, Our intimacy to be interrupted; this is only interrupted when you do not allow things that bother you - laments, little sufferings - to be Mine, to come to Me, because you cannot handle them, My little ones. Only your big Brother, Jesus, can handle them. Remember, I am your big Brother Who takes such good care of you – prodigious care of you – because I have a Plan for all of you ... You know what that Plan is? It is the New Jerusalem, which all of you shall see. What a Kingdom it is! What a Kingdom it will be! What a Kingdom now, because of how we have been brought low. Do you know, as the such on Earth is brought low, the New Jerusalem is lowered ... When you hear of things that are happening in the Vatican and what Francis is and is not doing, for I tell you truly, the man is pulling the flowers out by their root. The garden shall be in ruins. He is making plans and doing things that are wholly and fully against Me and offend My Heart in indescribable ways, because they are to his destruction ...”

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