Message to Bright Star and Firelily – 7 January 2023

OUR LADY: "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you Bright Star of God’s Love and I thank you once again for your true "yes". Much is about to unfold in this year My children. I ask you to pray, pray, pray for the Just Hand of the Father will now go over the earth and many devastations will befall mankind for they have chosen to turn their back on their God, and they have chosen to not heed the words of their Mother. I have begged you My children through these many years to heed My words and turn back to your God but these words have fell(fallen) on deaf ears and now the Father has said, it is enough ..."

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Message 815 – 8 September 2020

OUR LADY: “The Virus, as you see, is only the beginning. There will be more outbreaks of different kinds, so that the Authorities have full control over the people. But I tell you most solemnly, the distancing that the Authorities are seeking from all individuals is not so that they control the Pandemic, but rather, so that they can track you down and control you – because if you were to walk together, they could not control you, nor do a true reading. My children, read again the Messages of the past, for in them you will find the answer you are looking for ...”

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Message 814 – 22 August 2020

OUR LADY: “Pray, My children. I know that the trials are heavy and many for Our children – but I ask you to remain strong. Hold onto your Rosaries and pray them, because it is through this prayer that many Graces are given to Our children. I ask that Our children take up the Beads of Love and consider the Novena that I have asked through the Seer, which you, My son, will reveal to the world, that I ask this prayer as a Special Novena at this time ...” (The Seer is Luz de Maria. See link below Message)

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Message 808 – 18 May 2020

OUR LADY: “My sweet children, I Love you and I send My Maternal Love and Blessing to all My children on this Great Feast Day of My Loving Title of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians: know My sweet children, [you can] ask Me anything under this Great Title and I will grant it to you within forty days from today. I Love you, sweet children and I Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Know My dear child, soon to become Pope Peter Abraham II, as We will come for Our Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict when he leaves Rome, because it will come soon. But know, sweet child, you will be free very soon and you will travel to many countries to help them to prepare for the coming Warning and all the events that are to come upon the world ...”

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William Costellia – THE RETURN OF JESUS – 1 July 2019

“Before the Warning the Great War will spread engulfing all of Europe and Indo-China – those countries will be involved. Gaza, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Turkestan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iran. This will be the first part of the Great War.
Then it will move to Europe. The Muslims will invade Spain and France. Germany and Poland will be invaded by Russia, then Russia will invade Italy. The Muslims will be driven out by the French Monarch. A nuclear war will begin with Iran firing a warhead bomb over Israel, that will start World War III. The Pope will flee into a foreign land, where he will be martyred. The Muslim invasion will cause a shock, but the French Monarch will come with a strong Army.
During this time China will invade the U.S.A. with Russia, but before this happens an Asteroid will come to Earth in the Western Hemisphere, near Florida, U.S.A. and bring great destruction. I believe this will happen at the same time as the European invasion. When the Chinese Army invade they will invade the Pacific and war will break out between Japan and all the Pacific Islands and will include going up to Italy, where Russia has invaded. China will move swiftly in all of these areas. The African countries will also be at war with each other. China will move swiftly with all of the area. Indonesia will invade Australia. There will anarchy all over the world ...”

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Message 777 – 1 January 2019

OUR LORD: “You see the seven (7) Great Angels standing at the threshold of Heaven and Earth, waiting for My Command to release the Seven (7) Capital Punishments to Earth. I am ready now, because men have blocked their ears and their hearts to do the Will of God. I want all My children to read the book of the Apocalypse and see what it says about the seven (7) Angels. The Seven (7) Great Chastisements is a sign that the world will soon end and the new one will begin. Much is to transpire this year and the years to follow, as the end of time – as you know it – is coming upon this generation. ... OUR LADY: “My beloved son, William, I love you very much, My son and give you the Graces to continue to go forward in the Light of Christ ... I know the road I have placed you upon is very difficult and very complicated, because the Antichrist knows who you are and knows that you will vanquish him in time, as you are My ‘Instrument’ that is called to rule the Church and guide the people of God to the Promised Land. That is why it is difficult at times to fulfil and do as My Divine Son, Jesus, has asked you, but regardless of the power of the Antichrist, his power is but minute to Jesus, My Divine Son ...”

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Message 776 – 21 December 2018

JESUS: “The world is now going towards the Great Cleansing, because mankind have denied the Truth. I tell you most solemnly, My dear children, out of all the many millions that are baptized in the Trinity, only few have accepted God’s Word in its entirety. There are about fifty (50) million people who accept My Word. The rest of the world lay dormant, because mankind have forgotten their God and it saddens My Sacred Heart and the Heart of My most Holy Mother.” ... OUR LADY: “Pope Francis is making a decision which will bring great disunity amongst the true believers of My Divine Son and this will come in the coming year. Many of Our children will be given Light, to understand what is occurring in the Church and many will come to believe in the Truth and come to understand that Jesus, My Divine Son, will soon return to the Earth ...”

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