Message 833 – 15 August 2021

OUR LADY: “New South Wales of Australia has gone into total lockdown because of the Pandemic, but it is a wrongful move, because it will cause great strife to the people of New South Wales. The authorities are looking at the matter in great fear, but the ones in control are very happy, because this will cause great anxieties for My children. Pray for those in charge, because they will have much to answer for. My children, this Pandemic is not as serious as you make it out to be. Prayer will solve all problems …”

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Reign of the Beast – Coming of Peter II – Return of Jesus

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: “It is 2020; we are waiting for events to turn as Jesus has said, since November 2010, that He will return within forty years. So what has transpired since then? I personally believe we have fifteen years to go before Jesus returns - and why the signs that are coming are the signs that we are waiting for. There are thousands of signs that we are waiting for, but one thing is certain, Jesus will return before the end of the year 2050, because the period Jesus speaks about at the end of the period of time is forty years - which is 2050. But, as I believe, Jesus will not give us the time, but will give us a hint. So as it has been ten years since Jesus spoke to Maria Divine Mercy on the 8th November 2010; it was the beginning of the end, because the full forty years is the 8th November 2049, so I have given Our Lord 2035 for him to return, but everything is in His Hands ...”

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Message 797 (in Slovak) – 13 November 2019

Správa 797 – 13. novembra 2019 16. novembra 2019 – 03:40 doručená od Williama Správa daná od našej Panny Márie skrze WILLIAMA COSTELLIA v stredu 13. novembra 2019 Požiare sú iba začiatkom veľkého trestu, ktorý […]

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Message 797 – 13 November 2019

OUR LADY: “Today I come under the special advocacy of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary our Mother, Help of Christians. This is a very important title, not only for the children of Australia, but for the children of the world, because mankind has forgotten many things that pertain to salvation ... The fires, dear children, are only the beginning of a great chastisement that will come to Australia and to the rest of the world. I tell you most solemnly, that this is only the beginning of the trials of this country, for soon the enemy will let loose of souls that will harm this country in many ways ... Christmas is coming near dear children. Celebrate Christmas in the right way by adoring your God and loving Him. I am always waiting at the door of your nation for My children to acknowledge My Words, which are ones of Love and Mercy ...”

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BOOK OF TRUTH – Bk 1 (Main Points) – 7 September 2019

“The time is drawing close for the Advent of the Great Tribulation. This event will commence from the end of 2012 and must not be confused with the time or the date for My Second Coming on Earth. God won’t allow a plan, to deplete world population, to happen. The Great Tribulation will now unfold before the eyes of a disbelieving world. ... Believers do not fear for yourselves or your families. You are being protected. Please pray the Holy Rosary and My Divine Mercy [Chaplet] at all times, to help ease and avert some of these disasters. As these global disasters commence with dramatic changes in weather patterns - which have already begun in a mild form – they will be seen as global warming. Yes, mankind has damaged the Earth, but these disasters will have nothing to do with climate change ...”

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Message to Valentina – Sydney Seer – 8 May 2019

OUR LORD: “Valentina My Child, I come to tell you that humanity is reaching a point of self-destruction. No one believes in God anymore. Only a small majority do. The rest of the world lives carelessly from day to day, planning how much money they will make, becoming greedier and greedier, and committing sin and living in sin ... Many are dying with no knowledge of God. These people are not bad. I cannot throw them into Hell. I feel compassion towards them, because there is nobody to teach them about life after death. I blame Churches and My Shepherds for not telling people the Truth ...”

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Message to Yellow Lily – 16 March 2019

OUR LORD: “I bring the greetings of your Little Pebble – the one We believe in so implicitly, so lovingly, so wonderfully, so mysteriously, so sacramentally. Yes We believe in him this way because those with the true faith – the true faith - that has Me in all My Parts in My Infinity – you believe in the Little Pebble; you believe in his victory ... We are winning; We are revealing. It is indeed dark to light. There is much to be saddened over. There is much to complain about, but it is greater if you have joy, because joy quickens all these events. Joy helps us to be and appear to all, as fearless as We are. My little soldiers: let all these things come to pass and pray for your brothers and sisters in the Media and while working on their own, to reveal truth. They are with us too – they just are not as far as We are yet, because We know the Little Pebble – which is beyond telling in its might, in its knowledge and in its ability to bear the Cross – the full weight – with Me ... If you believe in the Little Pebble, unlike so many who stand with Us as We proceed with the Cross on Our Shoulders. If you believe in the Little Pebble you are indeed under with Me, My very Gibbet. You are with Me with the Mother of God and Jesus can forgive so many things because of this unity ...”

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