Message to Luz de Maria – 11 May 2019

JESUS: “You know, children, that evil is taking advantage of the same deviation of the Earth that influences man in order to divert you from My Affairs, to divert you from the fulfillment of the Divine Law, to divert you from the Law of Love for neighbor, to divert you from charity, from hope itself, so that you sink into discouragement, and not finding immediate solutions, evil leads man to precipitate his decisions. Hence more cases of people who take their lives, hence so many families destroyed, hence the human inability to face life and its events, thus weakness has taken hold of man and My Word is not respected but disrespected and given another meaning that is not the one found in Scripture. That is why you distort the Commandments, the Natural Law corresponding to man and woman: for this reason some women pursue debauchery and abort their children - the inability to take responsibilities is rooted in the lack of knowledge that the Most Holy Trinity and My Mother exist, and the carelessness of parents, disrespect towards those who are older and the ease with which young people get what they want, has led them to be incapable ...”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 19 May 2019

SAINT MICHAEL: “Evil spreads rapidly through the Earth and has built shelters inside creatures weak in faith, weak in the mind and lacking control over the mind, men do not hold it and it flies where it should not fly and goes through gloomy and steep paths leading the human creature to dwellings of spiritual deception, to lose him ...”

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Message to Valentina – Sydney Seer – 8 May 2019

OUR LORD: “Valentina My Child, I come to tell you that humanity is reaching a point of self-destruction. No one believes in God anymore. Only a small majority do. The rest of the world lives carelessly from day to day, planning how much money they will make, becoming greedier and greedier, and committing sin and living in sin ... Many are dying with no knowledge of God. These people are not bad. I cannot throw them into Hell. I feel compassion towards them, because there is nobody to teach them about life after death. I blame Churches and My Shepherds for not telling people the Truth ...”

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Message 786 (in Slovak) – 13 May 2019

Správa 786 – 13. mája 2019 14. máj 2019 – 03:29 Doručené Správa daná od Panny Márie skrze Williama COSTELLIA vo jeho dome – 13. mája 2019 Sviatok Panny Márie z Fatimy Tretia svetová vojna […]

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