Message 485 – 15 August 1995

OUR LADY: “Each one of My little children is called to live this life, and My `Little Peter' shall lead the way. Pray, My little children, to understand well the Words that I speak to you, for what I am offering you comes from My Divine Son ... that you would accept all the Graces to purify your souls and to go forward, not backwards ... To follow My Divine Son through My Immaculate Heart, you must choose to go forward and persevere, persevere, persevere! - in Truth and Justice.”

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Message 482 – 13 July 1995

. . . mankind are seeking to understand the ways of God - but yet are not able, because My children are seeking in the wrong light of logic, [by] 'human understanding'. My sweet children, you must place human logic aside, for if you do not, you will not persevere in the days ahead.

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Message 481 – 9 July 1995

The Rosary is the Weapon of Truth for Our soldiers – The world is in great danger and darkness; many have fallen asleep and drifted away from the truth – Each member of the Mystical Body must undergo the Crucifixion with its Saviour and Vicar of Christ.

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Message 477 – 3 June 1995

“I have come many times to this small nation to call Our children to repentance, for New Zealand - like all other nations - has many sinners, for very few children take up their crosses, in earnestness, to follow My Divine Son in faith. It is for this reason that, once again, we are raising children to bring forth the Light into the hearts of Our children who have fallen asleep.”

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Message 469 – 5 March 1995

The Power of the Beads of Love [Rosary] is far more than you understand – Reflect on Christ’s Passion and the path he had to walk upon; each soul is priceless therefore the sacrifice is great – Unless you pray and prepare, many will fall away; like the temptations in the Garden of Olives – Be obedient to the Pure Will of the Eternal Father and your lives will blossom.

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