Message on the 3rd Sunday after Easter – 23 April 2023

OUR LORD: "Today I come as the Pontiff of all of My children in the light of the Last Pontiff for Holy Mother Church. My children as I look around the world I see mankind in great darkness which will lead them to the abyss which is open wide. I am currently speaking to other privileged souls. Most have been stopped giving public messages except for a few but I have opened their voices once again to reiterate My Plea with mankind before I close the door and  My Just Hand  will come upon mankind ..."

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Message to Henri of the Roman Order – 13 January 2023

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI :  "Standing in the Barque de Saint-Pierre, the masonry maneuvers with forces of influence. The situation of the Church is deteriorating day by day. There is no longer any clarity or consistency in the defined orientation. Thoughtful reforms, those underway and those to come, will dismember the Heritage of the Apostles' Tradition. Pay attention to the Easter party, Pentecost and God's Day. The noise which was still distant, which was weak, sounds like an alarm. You are the Church and fleeing it would only weaken it, destabilize it and make it vulnerable to the Masonic sphere. Internal currents are fighting a fierce battle. Support the Church! ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 16 April 2023

OUR LORD: "My Mercy surpasses everything if a human being desires forgiveness with all their strength and makes a firm resolution of amendment. When My children desire My forgiveness with all their strength, with all their heart, with all their mind, with all their thoughts, I offer them My infinite Mercy and all My Goodness is poured out upon My human creatures through My Rays ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria on Easter Sunday – 9 April 2023

OUR LADY: "My children do not have a good understanding of loving their neighbor, because they have not become spiritual, they have not entered into fusion with My Divine Son in order to ask Him to give them a tender heart. A heart of flesh that will then allow them to put themselves in the place of their brother and thereby be able - to begin to dispose themselves to help their neighbor without expecting anything; to give themselves to their neighbors in order to make their path easier; to say "I can" when it comes to their neighbor; to put aside personal interests in order sometimes to be their brother’s “Simon of Cyrene”, and at the same time to be people who are willing, dedicated, supportive, and who always take the first step before their brother asks them to do so ..."

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Message to Bright Star and Firelily – 1 April 2023

OUR LADY: "My children many ask what should I do to be ready? I tell you My children if tomorrow morning you woke up and could not leave your home for a month or two would you have all that you need? If sickness came to your home in this time would you have the remedies ready that Heaven has asked you over the years to prepare ... And the most important thing My children have you prepared spiritually for what is about to fall upon mankind? Because your mind cannot conceive the destruction that is about to fall upon this world and the suffering of Mankind that will follow ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria (English and Slovak) – 27 March 2023

SAINT MICHAEL: "The earth trembles with force and will tremble sequentially in several countries.  War is coming: hitherto unknown weapons of great lethality will make themselves known. Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, there will be a red moon and it will foreshadow what will happen after that red moon (Acts 2:19-20, Rev 6:12) ..."

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