Message 262 – 31 December 1989

OUR LORD: “All those who have ears: listen to My Voice and hearken to It! Be obedient to My call - the call of the shepherd who seeks His sheep. I have come for the ones who are lost and are in darkness, for the ‘ninety-nine sheep' who are already with Me will remain there, under My Sacred Heart. But you who are in darkness: I Command you - out of obedience, for My Love - to repent and come with Me, while you have the time. The Earth will soon feel the Arm of My Justice to this unrepentant generation.”

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Message 258 – 13 December 1989

OUR LADY: “It is not difficult, My sweet children, to follow the Commandments of God - but you must pray! You have My Divine Son in the Eucharist, Who awaits you each moment. Receive Him often, My sweet children and you will be given life and strength and courage and hope and Love.”

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