Message 299 – 15 August 1990

OUR LADY: “Many of Our children do not accept the Cross of My Divine Son in their lives but rather, go against the Will of The Eternal Father. And in this way the Cross becomes unbearable and, therefore, Our children become over-burdened with their own wills. Learn from the patience of My Divine Son in the Garden of Gethsemane, My sweet children, in the patience that He had with many of His children who [had] done such harm to Him and to the people around Him.”

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Message 298 – 13 August 1990

OUR LADY: “Talking of peace, My sweet children, is not enough, for many do not seek peace but seek the destruction of each other by power and greed and avarice. Pray for the Leaders of the world that they may hear the One Crying in the Wilderness of man's hearts - your Heavenly Mother. Prayer, My sweet children is The only recourse for peace.”

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Message 293 – 13 July 1990

OUR LADY: “Any Seer who goes against My son, the ‘Little Pebble’ - especially through their public messages - are not receiving these directives from Heavenly sources, as he was chosen to direct Seers and give them light and understanding of their own experiences. He is the light for this time that will shine in the darkness as he reflects the Light from My Divine Son.”

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Message 288 – 13 June 1990

OUR LADY: "I do not come with Words of delight, My sweet children, but Words of care. It is because I am your Mother that I come so often. I do not like having to repeat Myself so many times, with the same words of warnings and chastisements. These are not pleasing to My Immaculate Heart but, rather, it gives Me great pain to deliver these words to you from the Throne of The Eternal Father. But what else can I do to save Our children?”

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Message 287 – 2 June 1990

OUR LADY: “Too many of My children forget the Intercessory Power of the Holy Ghost for your souls. It is He Who Prays for you before the Eternal Throne of the Father. And in the Son and with the Spirit of God, My sweet children, I, your Heavenly Mother, became Mediatrix before God, for mankind.”

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Message 284 – 13 May 1990

OUR LADY: “So pray much, do penance and offer up sacrifices for your brothers and sisters. Do not blame the youth for these times, for the youth are the product of society and the parents that bore them. You are responsible, dear children, for the world as it is. Look to yourselves and you'll find the reason and the cause. But these sinful times can be overcome by prayer.”

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Message 283 – 5 May 1990

OUR LORD: “The great war Prophesied by My Most Holy Mother - and through countless Seers throughout the world - will soon come! It is a sad fact, My sweet child and dear children, that mankind continues to proceed towards their own death, not caring about their lives, but proceeding towards the abyss - with their lives of leisure and pleasure and great sinfulness. Wake-up, My sweet children, while you have the time.”

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Message 278 – 13 April 1990

GREAT ANGEL: “Be Disciples of the Living God and keep His Word, for even though Christ - the Son of David - Died on the Cross, He Rose from the dead and Lives in His Mystical Body on Earth. Let this be a sign to the world: The Second Coming of the Divine Redeemer is at hand!! Let all the Prophets of the world shout-out to the world of the Coming of the Messiah - but first, the Crucifixion of the Body of Christ, the Church, must be fulfilled!!”

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Message 277 – 8 April 1990

OUR LORD: “My children of the Light: Bear in mind that you must become ‘Christ-like’ and ‘Mary-like’ before you reach the summit of perfection. This is the time of Passion; this is an event for each man, woman and child. You too, My sweet children, must bear, patiently, the cross that the Eternal Father has fashioned for you. Carry your cross!! My Mother - My Most Holy Mother - shall stand beside you, to bear your cross with you. You need only ask and it shall be given to you, for this I have Promised and My Promises stand forever!!”

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Message 267 – 3 March 1990

OUR LADY: “Have We of Heaven taken so long to teach you the Truth and then let you go? No! My sweet children. I, your Heavenly Mother, Love you greatly; for this reason I come to you as a Mother. Today, I come as a sorrowing Mother, because I see so many souls that are lost; who are in darkness and confused! My children must take up My Holy Rosary and pray - pray unceasingly - for all souls. You must not abandon prayer, My sweet children. Prayer pushes Lucifer and Satan and the fallen angels away from such Holy Places as here.”

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