Messages to Christina Gallagher – 25 July 2020

OUR LORD: “The man of perdition has many in his army at work. He is Lucifer and his many minions - his legions - rage upon the earth. You walk in a world that no longer belongs to you. The powers of antichrist are upon your world. His control is at every corner as in the man-made virus and many more illnesses to strike fear into your hearts but your fear should be for what his army are doing – in the one-world government of dictatorship and control of all that you own and especially control of your person to destroy your soul ...”

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Message to Luz de Maria (in Slovak) – 5 September 2019

Správa Luz de Mária – 5. septembra 2019 19. september 2019 – 06:42 Od Williama Správa od Svätého Michala archanjela skrze Luz de Mária 5. 9. 2019 Boží ľud: Náš a váš Kráľ Pán Ježiš […]

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Message to Luz de Maria – 5 September 2019

SAINT MICHAEL: “The Devil makes pacts with man to assume new power over humanity and thus come to dominate the world. Keep yourselves constantly vigilant so that the strength of all is one and so that evil is not able to enter into the children of the Most High. HOLDING ONTO THE HAND OF OUR AND YOUR QUEEN AND MOTHER OF ALL CREATION AT THIS INSTANT MEANS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING THE STRENGTH NOT TO GIVE IN. The world and its machinations have intensified their struggle to lead the People of God astray, since evil swarms throughout the Earth and man enjoys evil ...”

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BOOK OF TRUTH – Bk 1 (Main Points) – 7 September 2019

“The time is drawing close for the Advent of the Great Tribulation. This event will commence from the end of 2012 and must not be confused with the time or the date for My Second Coming on Earth. God won’t allow a plan, to deplete world population, to happen. The Great Tribulation will now unfold before the eyes of a disbelieving world. ... Believers do not fear for yourselves or your families. You are being protected. Please pray the Holy Rosary and My Divine Mercy [Chaplet] at all times, to help ease and avert some of these disasters. As these global disasters commence with dramatic changes in weather patterns - which have already begun in a mild form – they will be seen as global warming. Yes, mankind has damaged the Earth, but these disasters will have nothing to do with climate change ...”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 24 May 2017

OUR LADY: EVIL CANNOT DESTROY THE GOOD, AND ABOUT THIS YOU, CHILDREN, YOU MUST HAVE IT CLEAR; BELIEVE IT AND WALK WITH THIS ASSURANCE. Trials lead you to grow more and to be stronger, if mind and heart fix their gaze solely on the Divine Purpose which is to lead you to taste Heaven in advance ...

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A Call to Consecrate Russia to Mary on 8 September 2016

I invite you to a very special gift we wish to share with you and ask that you unite with me on the 8th September 2016, to celebrate Our Holy Mother’s Birthday, by Consecrating Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, as the Church has not as yet done this. If you can please ask the Bishops and Priests of your Parish to do the same and if possible, write to Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, to do the same.

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Message to Luz de Maria – 30 June 2016

JESUS: My People, Earth wails; some of Mine have Heard it. It wails not only for the sin that Humankind deposit on It, but also because of the ignorance with which man acts in complete contempt of The Commandments, Sacraments, and Deeds of Mercy, in an absurd denial of all that reminds him of My Love, My Mother’s Love, and all that is Sacred ...

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The Time is Now – 26 May 2016

Begin NOW and GATHER everything Our Heavenly Family has Instructed. Get in sanctifying grace and do all you can to stay there. Once these events begin, you will NOT have the time or the resources or the places to go to gather these things. Do this Now. Protect your souls, pray unceasingly and trust in the Power of God ...

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