Message to Lorena – 9 October 2023

SAINT MICHAEL: "As Prince of the Heavenly Militia and Leader of my Militant Army, I come to WARN GOD’S PEOPLE OF EVENTS TO HAPPEN IN OCTOBER, especially on October 31st Halloween Day which is celebrated by the Satanic Lodges all over the World, but this 31st of October will be different from all others, because of the beginning of the Strong Pains within the Creation and the whole Universe. These Lodges prepare the appearance of the Antichrist on a Global Level through Satanic Rites but this Halloween will be more special for the witches and satanists because they will open three-dimensional gates to let the Demons of high hierarchies to enter into the Earth ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 17 October 2023

OUR LADY: "Little children, prayer is a barrier to evil. The people who pray united (2) are a people who desire the protection of this Mother. Prayer is a source of blessings and reinforces faith. PRAYER DONE FROM THE HEART OBTAINS GREAT MIRACLES; IT STOPS WHAT IS HUMANLY IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP, IT SURPASSES EXPECTATIONS AND IS A SHIELD AGAINST THE DEVIL. (Mt. 6:6; I Thess. 5:16-22) ..."

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Message to Yellow Lily – 16 October 2023

OUR LORD: "Do not be afraid, and know that what I AM telling you is the truth for all to know and all who know it, know Me, the Truth. Peace. Remain neutral in what is occurring. Do not be drawn up in this fabricated drama, for I tell you this occurring is an operation of evil, to continue to throw the people of the world into tumult and instability. This, that is occurring, is the operation of snakes - poisonous snakes - distracting the world from the truth which is: the Victory of Mary is at hand. The devils have lost, the world is on the edge of the greatest peace it has ever known, since Adam ..."

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Two Messages from Luz de Maria – 9 and 11 October 2023

OUR LORD: "At this moment, it is essential to have true Faith in My Precepts and to remain vigilant in order to accept what is Mine and strongly reject what is outside of My Truth. The specter of War runs through the Middle East, illuminating history. I INVITE YOU TO PRAY IN A SPECIAL WAY THIS OCTOBER 13, COMMEMORATING MY MOTHER'S REVELATIONS IN FATIMA, WHERE SHE REQUESTED PEACE IN THE HEARTS OF HER CHILDREN ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 4 October 2023

OUR LORD: "Do not fear: I will not abandon My People - I protect them and feed them like the birds of the field (cf. Mt. 6, 26-32). THE MOMENT YOU SEE MY MOTHER RADIANT ON HIGH (5) AND ARE IN A STATE OF GRACE, THE SICK WILL BE HEALED. Have no fear! Increase your faith and walk hand in hand with My Mother. Carry the Sacramentals: do not neglect them, not forgetting that in order for them to protect you, you must be in the due spiritual state ..."

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Message to Bright Star and Yellow Lily – 19 September 2023

OUR LADY: "OUR LADY: I greet you, Bright Star of God’s Love, and I thank you again for answering God’s call. Oh my son, my heart is breaking because the world has turned away from their God. They have taken on all the things of the world, and money and material things have been their gods for years now. Oh pray, my little ones, pray for so many will be lost. I ask you to contemplate now, my children, how God’s people were in captivity and how He sent Moses with the Power of God behind him to release His people. Well, I have come to tell you tonight that our Vicar is about to be set free and he will come forward with the Power of God to release people from the grips of the evil one. He will bring God’s people back and you, my little ones, the elect, are his ambassadors. You are the ones that are called to testify to the truth. Staying in the shadows, my children, is no longer an option, for God is calling you forward to testify to the truth. All of those who are lukewarm will fall to the side, for most people will have to choose for good, or for evil ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 30 September 2023

SAINT MICHAEL: "CHILDREN OF OUR KING AND LORD JESUS CHRIST, STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: a new disease is coming with greater force. For protection use the Good Samaritan Oil (4) ... PLACE THE SAINT BENEDICT MEDAL ON THE DOOR OF YOUR HOUSE FOR PROTECTION; HOWEVER, WHAT WILL STOP THE ENEMY OF THE SOUL AND HIS HENCHMEN IS PURITY IN HUMAN BEINGS. Being in a state of grace is indispensable, otherwise it will be difficult for you to obtain the protection that comes from Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, and from Our Queen and Mother (cf. II Cor. 9:8; II Cor. 12:9)."

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