William Costellia to The United Nations – 4 March 2018

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: The Powerful Nations pressure the little Nations into submission by veto votes, embargoes and trade – threatening them with sanctions, if they do not obey the Powerful – all in the guise of Freedom, Peace and Security. Yet the Powerful Nations arm themselves to the teeth with Nuclear and Chemical Weapons, boasting how powerful they are and threatening smaller Nations - using their might and power to destroy that Nation. This is not Christian or Just. Every Nation, including North Korea, Iran and Afghanistan have their rights as a Sovereign Nation, to protect themselves – no different than the seven major Nations like the United States, Russia, China, France, England, India, Pakistan and even little Israel ...

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Video Address to President Trump from William Costellia

WILLIAM: [4 July 2017] You are God's servant and Jesus is very pleased with you. You need to be careful because many hate you. Many love you and are praying for you. Mr. President, considering North Korea. You need to think of what needs to be done, which I'm sure you have, but you need to invade North Korea to remove the Dictator who has brutalised his own people ...

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William Costellia and Thornbush (Video)

Extracts from the public Message 485 - 15 August 1995 in L’Avenir Canada. It is not that often that you witness a single Apparition of the Mother of God in which their are a number of Seers present — from different Countries. On this day in 1995, the Feast day of the Assumption of the Mother of God into Heaven, there were also pilgrims from Canada, America, Australia and Japan. The purpose of this short 14 minute video is to provide a glimpse into the Apparition. All of God's chosen souls have a Mission -- given by God for these times.

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William Costellia: Questions and Answers (Youtube)

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: In Part 1, I explain the situation with Seers and the need for clarity and unity with the Mother of God and each other. The many Apparitions around the world serve God’s purposes for the salvation of souls ... In Part 2, I refer to the rise of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States ... I believe he is God’s choice for America. President Trump is the leader needed for these times. Much prayer is needed. He must be supported by the American People! ...

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William Costellia Q and A Interview – 18 July 2016

This interview is a Question-Answer session lasting a little more than an hour (76 minutes). It is very interesting for most people. Many have similar questions in their mind concerning these times. Specifically, William explains the role Mother of God and Her apparitions and the role of Seers and prophecy in our day. He shows how God is warning the entire world about the signs of the times and what is necessary for God’s children. Many are asking: “What must we do?” Finally, William shares some personal experiences that are very edifying. Enjoy! ...

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