Letter to the People of God
25 November 2024
My Beloved People,
Today I wish to address you in a special way. As I was appointed by Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, it is now time that I speak to my people as your Vicar, Pope Peter II — the Last Vicar of Holy Mother Church.
On 31 December 2022, when Pope Benedict XVI died, he opened the door to myself. Saint Malachy predicted the name of the Last Vicar, but the prophecies have always spoken of the Last Vicar as being the Last Pope (Precursor).
My Beloved People, I wish to bring to your attention the times we are living in.
On 2nd October 2024, the Antichrist began his 3 year reign. At first, he will be hidden in the Vatican. He was in the Synodol Hearing at the Vatican, which changes many things in the Church and in the world. He and his group of the elite are in control. He will become visible as of 6 June, 2025 and he will look very handsome.
The world would have converted to Christ, because of the Three Days of Darkness, which will happen on good Friday until East Sunday. Satan and Hell will be closed for six weeks. Satan and his goons will be tied up and will be silenced, giving mankind the chance to convert, as Jesus will make Himself visible and convert every soul. After six weeks, which will be the 6 June, Satan and the demons will attack all mankind. It will be very difficult, but the children of God will be protected.
My dear people, you must prepare yourselves by stocking food for the time, placing the food in safe places. Those living on the Coast-line of Europe – mostly along the coast-line – move inward if you can; if not, trust in God
The next 5 months will be detrimental for all, because the world will go into the Third World War, where Russia will invade Europe. In the Middle East the Muslims will attack Israel and take over with Iran taking out the nuclear warhead on Israel.
China will invade all of the countries including the U.S.A., Canada and Australia. The world will go into convulsions.
The Asteroid will strike the East Coast, bringing great destruction to New York and the Island countries of the Mediterranean; all of the smaller Islands will be sunk. The war will continue with the invasion of the U.S.A. It will last until the world will be punished by Heavenly Fire.
On Good Friday the world will be made dark. God will stop the Third World War after the world has been inundated by Nuclear War, but God will stop it.
Then for Three Days of Darkness the world will be punished. On Easter Sunday Jesus will intervene. Hell will tempt mankind for the Three Days of Darkness – you, my children, will be protected, but you will need to light your candle for the three days. After this event you will be free for 6 weeks, where Satan cannot tempt you. After this Satan will have 3 years to end his reign.
So, my dear children, have faith and trust in God, Who is the Father, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Remember always to pray to the Mother of God the Son (the Living God, Jesus Christ). It is through Mary, Our Holy Mother — by saying the Holy Rosary — that Satan will lose.
Take courage, my children, for the victory is very near and Satan will be removed and return to Hell, to stay there for 1000 years, and a New World will be Created for us – so live in hope. All the Souls in Purgatory will be returned to a New Heaven and New Earth.
After 1000 years, all those born will be tested with the final release of Satan, then will come the end and the new life with God will come. Satan with the lost souls will be locked on Earth for ever and ever. So, I say to my brothers and sisters, pray and offer all to God through the Virgin Mary.
As Christmas is near reflect on this Feast and offer all for the coming trials.
I wish God’s special Blessing for you all.
I remain God’s Holy Vicar,
Pope Peter II