Message to Luz de Maria – 9 January 2025

SAINT MICHAEL: "Evil is spreading over the human race with greater force, causing man’s need to live in accordance with the Divine Laws to disappear. This way of living, working and acting according to human desires draws man’s punishment upon himself, bringing the scourge of water, the scourge that the earth will cause, the scourge of the air and the scourge of fire because the human race despises the Most Holy Trinity and Our Queen and Mother ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 4 January 2025

SAINT MICHAEL: "Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, changes are occurring one after another in all respects; on the cosmic plane the changes will be rapid and will have repercussions on Earth. There will be changes to the Earth, its geography will be altered; deep earthquakes will rip the earth from the inside and earthquakes of great intensity will awaken dormant volcanoes. The changes on Earth will happen quickly before the eyes of those who did not believe that the Prophecies would be fulfilled. Those who called the instruments of Our Queen and Mother liars and false and who dared to pass judgment will look upon them with amazement at the fulfillment of what these true instruments have announced ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 16 December 2024

OUR LADY: "For this generation it is extremely important to maintain peace, because where peace is lost, the enemy of the soul enters and steals tranquility until he achieves his goal. The purpose of evil is division and you must resolve not to allow division, wherever you find yourselves ... VERY DIFFICULT TIMES ARE APPROACHING FOR YOU, MY LITTLE CHILDREN, AND IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU BE CREATURES OF PEACE, IN ORDER FOR YOU TO BE ABLE TO OVERCOME EVERYTHING THAT IS APPROACHING ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 1 December 2024

SAINT MICHAEL: "You must use discernment, as after the Antichrist appears, the Angel of Peace (3) will come to dismantle the Antichrist, and those who despise God will crumble, because the Angel of Peace will come with Truth in his mouth. As the Custodian of Divine Truth he will awaken slumbering hearts and many will repent, because he will convey love by simply looking at them ..."

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Two Messages to Luz de Maria – 20 25 November 2024

OUR LORD: "I send you My Angel of Peace, the one who with superior love will raise the fallen, provide for the spiritually and materially hungry, and will heal hearts of stone, if they wish to be healed. My beloved Angel of Peace has a name; it is not Elijah nor Enoch. You must wait to recognize him; you must wait until I deliver him into safe hands to remain among you ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 5 November 2024

OUR LADY: "I see so many homes where warmth does not exist. It is not shown through the love of the mother or the father. The children have learned to be selfish and to focus only on fulfilling their personal desires, without seeing who is next to them (cf. Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:20). This is the overindulgence of the human ego that has detached from feelings, from the Commandments of God’s Law, and from all fulfillment born of love in My children ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 2 November 2024

SAINT MICHAEL: "Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, when you see what part of humanity is experiencing, you do not look at yourselves in the mirror. What you look at with indifference is happening all over the Earth in various places; the elements scourge the earth with enormous force, as enormous as the offenses done to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ ..."

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