Message to Luz de Maria – 24 June 2023

OUR LORD: "YOU ARE LIVING THROUGH THE MOMENTS PRIOR TO THE GREAT GLOBAL DEVASTATION.  Envy manages to crush even man’s thinking and makes him forget that he is going to destroy himself. The struggles and threats for supremacy continue ... My People have such faith that they know that, as a people on the march, they will be delivered by Me from what is going to happen to humanity in the midst of the fulfillment of the Prophecies ... IN PEACE, BUT WITH ASSURANCE, WAIT FOR THE COMING OF THE ANGEL OF PEACE ..."

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Message to Luz de Maria – 20 June 2023

OUR LADY: "Changes on Earth are happening quickly in one place and another. These phenomena and others not experienced before are signs of the proximity of serious events for humanity. Nature is moving quickly and giving people no respite. This will increase more and more, becoming a reason for evacuations in some places on Earth ... PRAY TO THE ANGEL OF PEACE (3), ASK HIM FOR HELP FROM NOW ON! ..."

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Three Messages to Luz de Maria – 6 10 13 June 2023

SAINT MICHAEL: "Those who keep their personal faith nourished are fraternal, sharing with everyone the knowledge that they possess; part of the way to the Heavenly Banquet is won by works and deeds. NOT FORGETTING OUR BELOVED ANGEL OF PEACE, (1) I CALL YOU ON THIS DATE ESPECIALLY TO OFFER A PRAYER FOR THE ANGEL OF PEACE, KNOWING THAT IT IS HE WHO WILL COME TO GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF TRUE FAITH, HOPE AND CHARITY, BY WHICH MOST OF YOU WILL BE REVIVED ..."

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Message from Our Lord – 31 May 2023

OUR LORD: "The world is going into the Third World War. Shortly Russia will go into other NATO nations claiming these nations are provoking it. I have told you before that mankind is going quickly into warfare because mankind have forgotten to open their hearts and pray. NATO has been warned to prepare because Russia will invade the same way they have done to Ukraine. At first Russia will attack Europe and China will make its move to attack the free nations and North Korea will attack South Korea and Japan ..."

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Three Messages to Luz de Maria (English and Slovak) – 21 26 27 May 2023

OUR LADY: My Divine Son defends you against so much evil that is prowling across the Earth ... My beloved St. Michael the Archangel and His Legions await the call of each one of you in order to help you so that you would not fall. THESE ARE DIFFICULT MOMENTS FOR HUMANITY, MOMENTS OF CONFUSION in which, if you remain steadfast, you will remain faithful to My Divine Son. NOT ALL IS PAIN: from trials are born the true heroes of My Divine Son. As Mother of humanity I help you, I protect you ..."

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