Message 833 – 15 August 2021

OUR LADY: “New South Wales of Australia has gone into total lockdown because of the Pandemic, but it is a wrongful move, because it will cause great strife to the people of New South Wales. The authorities are looking at the matter in great fear, but the ones in control are very happy, because this will cause great anxieties for My children. Pray for those in charge, because they will have much to answer for. My children, this Pandemic is not as serious as you make it out to be. Prayer will solve all problems …”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 19 January 2020

SAINT MICHAEL: “I see the demons confronting man, inducing failures, disappointments, touching the human ego in order to make you lose your peace, Faith, trust and leave you in despair, the aim being that you feel abandoned by Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. You are in an instant of fierce battle between good and evil (cf. Gn 3:6). Good progresses discreetly while evil unleashes itself at everything and against everything, sweeping away in its path whatever may be an impediment to its damaging plans; it raises its voice, it has stopped creeping, now it spots its prey from afar and attacks them when it sees that they are spiritually fragile in some respect. People of God, you live in the world but are not of the world (cf. I Jn 2:15), yet you very easily forget this, especially when you suffer some spiritual discouragement: you act like those who are of the world, forgetting that, forming part of the Mystical Body of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, you must work and act with decorum, even if you are overcome by pain ...”

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Message 801 (in Slovak) – 5 January 2020

Správa 801 – 05. 1. 2020 8. 1. 2020 – 18:12 Doručené Správa od nášho Pána skrze Williama COSTELLIA vo jeho dome v nedeľu 5. 01. 2020 Slávnosť Zjavenia Pána Lesné požiare v Austrálii Pápež […]

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Message 801 – 5 January 2020

OUR LORD: “My beloved little White Rock, there is a Mystery that surrounds your Papacy which will be unlocked very soon, My child, for Satan will rule most of the earth very soon, when his strong believer, the Antichrist, makes himself known to mankind. He will sway many to follow him, bringing great darkness in the world for the Anti-Pope, Francis will show the world that all must follow the Antichrist, as he is Christ returned in the flesh for the world to behold. Therefore, you then have the Unholy Trinity being presented to the world.”

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Message 796 (in Slovak) – 27 October 2019

Správa 796 – 27. októbra 2019 28. októbra 2019 – 18:17 doručené Správa od nášho Pána skrze Williama COSTELLIA v jeho dome v nedeľu 27. októbra 2019 Teraz ste vo veľkom duchovnom boji za Pravda; […]

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Message 796 – 27 October 2019

OUR LORD: “I greet you, My son and all of God’s faithful children! You are now into a Great Spiritual Battle for the Truth, as Satan and his dominions have sullied My Words and placed confusion upon them, causing My children to go into great confusion and misgiving. Therefore, I have placed the Angels of Peace and Understanding upon the world to prevent this, so that My children will understand what is happening in the world, as many of Our children have gone astray and are being confused as to what is happening in the world. These Angels are Warrior Angels I have prepared and sent millions upon the Earth now, so that My children do not go astray. Pray to the Angels, My children, because they are powerful and they will help you now, so that My children will not be deceived by the power of the Evil One. Pray, My sweet children, the Saint Michael Prayer daily, so that you will be enlightened of the times you are living in.”

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BOOK OF TRUTH – Bk 1 (Main Points) – 7 September 2019

“The time is drawing close for the Advent of the Great Tribulation. This event will commence from the end of 2012 and must not be confused with the time or the date for My Second Coming on Earth. God won’t allow a plan, to deplete world population, to happen. The Great Tribulation will now unfold before the eyes of a disbelieving world. ... Believers do not fear for yourselves or your families. You are being protected. Please pray the Holy Rosary and My Divine Mercy [Chaplet] at all times, to help ease and avert some of these disasters. As these global disasters commence with dramatic changes in weather patterns - which have already begun in a mild form – they will be seen as global warming. Yes, mankind has damaged the Earth, but these disasters will have nothing to do with climate change ...”

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William Costellia – Letter to the People of many Nations (in Slovak) – 31 July 2019

William Costellia – List ľuďom mnohých národov – 31. júla 2019 1.8.2019 –10:20 Od Williama [Všetky nasledovníci, pošlite tento list všetkým svojim zástupcom v parlamente] Vážení Vodcovia ľudí mnohých národov! Žiadam vás, prosím načúvajte svojmu […]

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William Costellia – Letter to the People of many Nations – 31 July 2019

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: “Dear Leaders of the people of many Nations, I ask you please to listen to your people and listen to me, God’s servant, who has been asked to write this letter. The world is heading towards great trial, because men have become very lax in faith with the uprising of a Muslim invasion of the Christian world – especially through the countries of France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Dear Leaders of God’s children: I ask you please to listen to what I am saying before the troubles start in your beautiful countries ...”

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