FINAL GOAL – Complete Control – 1 March 2016

OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE: “As I warned the children of La Salette, woe to the princes of the Church who think only of piling riches upon riches to protect their authority and dominate with pride. The evil one has led many of my Son’s priests, including even many of the bishops and cardinals down a path that he has chosen to destroy my Son’s Church. The leadership of the Church appears now to be in disarray, because the followers of My Son recognize that the spirit of the Church of My Son has become cloudy now, and the messages that the faithful want to hear from the Church of My Son seem to be filled with confusion and misunderstanding ...”

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Message 798 – 22 November 2019

OUR LORD: “My beloved sheep: do not concern your hearts, because your King and Saviour is close at hand and it is only prayers that I am waiting on, for Me to convert the world. The First Warning of Great Darkness is at hand, My beloved children. It will be like the Great Darkness that will come, but it will be My First Sign that I will give you – so prepare with much prayers and sacrifices. This Sign will come, when all of the Ten Secrets have been revealed by My Most Holy Mother at Medjugorje. Be not afraid, My children, as this Warning is to open the hearts of Our children who have gone asleep ...”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 20 October 2019

OUR LADY: “Holiness has been modernized. The true saints are not loved within My Son’s Church, they are removed so that they do not demand holiness. Be creatures of faith, brave in the face of change, each one standing firm in their place. You know that you are continuing to fight constantly against those who do not love My Son, against the disobedient and those who do not want you to be part of God’s People ...”

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Message 797 (in Slovak) – 13 November 2019

Správa 797 – 13. novembra 2019 16. novembra 2019 – 03:40 doručená od Williama Správa daná od našej Panny Márie skrze WILLIAMA COSTELLIA v stredu 13. novembra 2019 Požiare sú iba začiatkom veľkého trestu, ktorý […]

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Message 797 – 13 November 2019

OUR LADY: “Today I come under the special advocacy of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary our Mother, Help of Christians. This is a very important title, not only for the children of Australia, but for the children of the world, because mankind has forgotten many things that pertain to salvation ... The fires, dear children, are only the beginning of a great chastisement that will come to Australia and to the rest of the world. I tell you most solemnly, that this is only the beginning of the trials of this country, for soon the enemy will let loose of souls that will harm this country in many ways ... Christmas is coming near dear children. Celebrate Christmas in the right way by adoring your God and loving Him. I am always waiting at the door of your nation for My children to acknowledge My Words, which are ones of Love and Mercy ...”

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