MESSAGE 405 – 31 AUGUST 1993

OUR LADY: “ The Holy Ghost - My Divine Spouse - will enlighten your hearts if you pray; but forget not to receive the Sacraments, My sweet children - My Divine Son - often, in the Eucharist of Love. Go to Confession to cleanse yourselves.”

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MESSAGE 404 – 30 August 1993

OUR LORD: “The war that will end all wars will soon begin throughout all the nations, taking away many of Our children - not only their physical lives, but also taking them away into damnation. The Mystic Church must be the ‘light’ of the world; must bring forth My Word to all of Our children who are in darkness and those who have lost the way. It is time for unity, My sweet children.”

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Message 398 – 13 August 1993

OUR LADY: “The Great Schism is near! Many Cardinals and Bishops will tear themselves apart in My Divine Son's House upon Earth, because many do not wish to obey My Divine Son and His Vicar upon Earth and, because of this disobedience, there will be havoc in the Church and in the world. The Church is sustained by the Divine Grace of God; likewise, so is the world. Without this Grace mankind will fall even further than they are now! As Lucifer fell from the highest point in Heaven, so will mankind fall into the depths of Hell!”

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