30TH AUGUST, 1993 – 3.35PM
The world is in great danger and also My House upon Earth, which is divided – Those of authority have disobeyed My Word and have trampled upon the Sacredness of My Eternal Father and His Word – The Evil One has succeeded in taking away most of the children who should belong to Me; make reparation for sinners to bring them back – Our Little Pebble of Love is now the Vicar of the Mystic Church, to guide you and deliver you from evil and delusion.
LITTLE PEBBLE: There are three Crosses very deep in the sky. Upon the centre Cross is the word “Love”; on the one to the right is the word “Faith” and on the other is the word “Obedience”. Saint Michael is behind the Crosses and Saint Antrodarious – the Angel of Kenya – is to the right. I can see that many Angels surround the Crosses, holding palms. Jesus comes through the centre Cross, dressed in His white tunic and with a red cape. I can see the Sacred Heart upon His Chest, and also – like the Mother of God – I can see a star to the right side of Our Lord’s Heart. Jesus comes very close now, here in the hall, standing by the Crucifix in the Tabernacle with His Arms open and from the Wounds darts shoot-out and come towards the people here.
Jesus is looking about Him and smiling. There are many, many, Angels that have come and have surrounded the whole district. Behind Our Lord I can see through the centre beams of the big White Cross. I can see the Blessed Mother – Who is also descending to where Our Lord is – dressed in pure white, with a white veil which has small roses pinned to it. Above Our Lady’s Head is a brilliant small Cross. She stands to the right side of Our Lord, Who now makes the Sign of the Cross:
OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My beloved son, My ‘rock’, My ‘Little Pebble’ of Love; My dear Bishop; My Priest-sons; My children who are My Mystics, and My beloved children throughout the world: I, the Son of God, greet you from My Most Sacred Heart. I have come with My Most Holy Mother, with the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts and with many Angels, to give to you the Signal Graces that you, My sweet children, are in need of. I have called you together before My Most Holy Mother for, as My Most Holy Mother was with My Apostles and Disciples two thousand years ago, so is My Most Holy Mother with the Mystic Church of today.”
‘My sweet children, you must listen to My Word and the Words of My Most Holy Mother, carefully. The world is in great danger and also, My House upon Earth, which is divided and needs unity; this unity will come from My Mystic Church. The reason for this is because those of authority have disobeyed My Word and have trampled upon the Sacredness of My Eternal Father, and His Word!”
“Mankind has fallen away from the Truth, seeking with itching ears the words that are delivered to them by My adversary. Many of My children – even some of My Mystics – are being misled. It is for this reason that I send to My children My Most Holy Mother, for She is the Mother of My Church upon Earth and it is through Her that the Holy Spirit will be sent to you, to enlighten you. It is time for My children to unite, for division comes from the evil one and unity comes from the Triune God.”
“The world is already at war because it is the war of the Spirits. The evil one has succeeded to take away most of the children that should belong to Me. It is for this reason that I call many children, as victims, to make reparation for sinners – to bring them back to My Most Sacred Heart.”
“The war that will end all wars will soon begin throughout all the nations, taking away many of Our children – not only their physical lives, but also taking them away into damnation. The Mystic Church must be the ‘light’ of the world; must bring forth My Word to all of Our children who are in darkness and those who have lost the way. It is time for unity, My sweet children.”
“Within this Mystic Church – like in Heaven and on Earth – there is a hierarchy – a hierarchy of obedience to the Truth. In this hierarchy you have a leader – a shepherd – and with the shepherd you have the Apostles and Disciples, the Prophets and the Mystics and many of Our children who have been privileged. Be obedient to the Truth, My sweet children, and follow the line of obedience in the hierarchical ladder of Truth.”
“Pray for My Vicar – Pope John Paul II – for he is the shepherd of My House upon Earth. Pray for My future Vicar – Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love – for he now is the Vicar of the Mystic Church, to guide you and deliver you from evil and delusion. Pray for My Apostles whom I have called in the latter days; pray for My Mystics, who must be the ‘light’ of the Church. Turn to My Most Holy Mother in this crucial hour of great need for the Church and the world. For this reason I have called you together, to be obedient to My Most Holy Mother. I Bless you all, My sweet children, Blessed of My Heart: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady comes forward. She will not speak through me now, but possibly through the ‘Trumpeter’ or through some of the other Seers.
THE TRUMPETER: Saint Michael is wearing a beautiful robe of gold, with a white stole and in his right hand he holds three flames. Our Lady turns to look at him, then says to all Her children:
OUR LADY: “My child and all of you, My sweet children: These are the three Flames of Purification; one is the Flame of Love, one is the Flame of Faith and the other Flame is the Flame of Consumption.”
“My children: I shall send through My Angels – My great Princes of Heaven – these three Flames, to burn here amongst you at this time that I have brought you together. My children: I call you ‘children’ because, as I see you, you are My little ones. I call to you to be My little ones – to be so small and so insignificant to the world – but the greatness of Our Dear Lord shall shine as a Beacon of Light through the true Shepherd of this Church. I do not ask you, My children, to replace the truth; I do not ask you, My children, to replace the examples of the Saints – but, My little ones, I ask you to imitate them and I promise you, all of you, My little ones, in My Heart you shall know an undying Love through the Divine Mercy, for the souls of the world.”
“My children, can you see not why I cry? I cry in Love for you, My children; I cry for want of you, My children and at this time I am in My Garden of Gethsemane as I cry, My children, for so many of you who shall refuse My Love, as My Heart just dwells in the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. My children: My Tears I offer you as consolation. Listen to My Heart, My children, for hope is in My Tears that I give for you. Do not abandon the great Mercy that has been bestowed upon Holy Mother Church; do not hide from this great Love, My children, but be the great Martyrs and Saints of these times who shall live as living Flames of Love; living Flames of Faith and living Flames consumed by the Grace of God. And you shall be My children; and you shall be the children of God!”
“I send to you and shall continue to give again and again – My Tears, My children – and as I have called you to gather here in unity in one heart, in one faith, and in one….. I place My Grace and My Holy Saints to watch over you. Listen to their love, My children, as they shed tears for you, also. And My Angels – My great Angels; My Powers – they shall stand here over you. I ask only of you, My children, to come in purity of desire, humility of heart and obedience to the Will of God. And nothing, My children, shall the Angels be unable to do to aid you. I am your Mother, My children; I Bless you all, My children; I Bless you, My children: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
THE TRUMPETER: There are two great Seraphim’s here; Our Lady places them at each side. The brilliance of their mere presence brings a Host of Angels and behind them is what seems to be a huge ocean, but it is in fact, the Heart of Our Lord, Which has opened-up; in this ocean there are ‘streets’ of Blood. Our Lady holds out Her Hands then, with the right Hand, takes the Crown of Thorns from Her Heart and places it upon [Name Withheld].
OUR LADY: [Name Withheld] of My Heart: This crown you wear for My Glory. I shall come back, My child, to retrieve this crown and you shall see the Glory of the Living God.”
THE TRUMPETER: After Our Lady places it on her head She holds out Her Hands over everyone and the Tears from Her Eyes are also coming out of Her Hands: It is like dew coming down upon everyone. There are several drops of Blood coming from Our Lady’s Eyes; Saint Michael is very angry – as also, are Saints Raphael, Gabriel and other Angels. They are angry for the Love of Our Lady, which is rejected, because they see how Our Lord gave Himself, completely, for the salvation of souls; they see the rejection of this salvation and it hurts them to see the Love of their Queen rejected. Saint Michael holds the three Flames of Fire in his hands. Our Lady is speaking very gently, but I don’t understand Her Words. Saint Michael is telling me to remain silent.
(Later) Saint Joseph has come from a distance to stand over the area where Our Lord and Our Lady were. I can see the Light where Our Lord was, but I can’t see Him. Saint Joseph stands very, very, high in the sky – with a very unusual staff in his hands; upon this staff, in a spiral, are many names. Many Throne Angels come; I have never seen them wear a robe before and they hold-out their robe. The staff being held by Saint Joseph changes into a bouquet of beautiful flowers, although the stem is still the staff containing many names. He holds it forward and the nectar from the flowers comes down upon [Name withheld], [Name Withheld] and also, [Name Withheld]; I see all this through the trees. The nectar comes down like a fine mist. Saint Joseph turns and comes to Saint Uriel – who is, as I understand it, like a ‘keeper of Secrets’ and an ‘explainer’ of things. Saint Joseph has done this – held-over the bouquet of flowers – to each of the trees and to all of the Mystics and Seers here; he has done this to each of the Chosen Souls and he has placed it in the hands of Saint Uriel. Our Lady steps back out of the cloud and although Her Light is there I no longer see Her, but there is a sweetness that is coming from Her and a brilliant light in the sky. All now goes dark, except for Saint Michael. Many, many, Angels have formed a circle which is three layers deep around this area, here. They have written upon each…(word lost) a name, but I cannot read them.