Message to Christina Gallagher – 16 and 25 July 2019

JESUS: "How My Heart sorrows for the many in the world who lack Truth in their hearts. How My Heart grieves to see the innocence of My little children being destroyed and the young being deceived through false teaching about their identity and sexuality. How My Heart is pierced at the spread of abortion, the devil's weapon against life. How My Mother's words to you are daily being fulfilled as so many youth, through lack of prayer and loss of faith wander in confusion, are destroyed by drugs and succumb to suicide ...”

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Message 791 (in Slovak) – 15 August 2019

Správa 791 v – 15. augusta 2019 16. augusta 2019 – 01:23 doručená Správa daná Pannou Máriou skrze Williama COSTELLIA 15. augusta 2019 Sviatok Nanebovzatia Panny Márie do Neba Súženie je omnoho dlhšie, ako by […]

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Message 791 – 15 August 2019

OUR LADY: “My dear children you are entering the period of the Great Tribulation. I have spoken about it many times in many of the revelations given to My children. The tribulation is much longer than most mankind would think – even though it is but short duration for mankind - but the tribulations have continued since 2011. It is gaining momentum as the years progress until the Antichrist declares himself as the ‘Redeemer’ for mankind. This is not far off, sweet children. Plans are being made by the enemy and his henchmen – many of them who are current Rulers on Earth of the countries that are destined to suffer the trials that the Eternal Father will send upon mankind ...”

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MDM Message 38 – 11 January 2011

OUR LORD: "Choose the lies promoted by the deceiver – the main one being that God the Eternal Father does not exist – and you are doomed. On entering the gates of Hell you will then realise the horrible mistake you have made. Believe Me, My children, if you could just witness the shock and sense of horror of those souls, when the final truth after death is revealed to them, you would not be able to withstand, even just one moment of this torment. Should you witness just a glimpse of this place now, in human terms, you would drop dead with sheer terror of the fate that befalls those who chose the path of sin. This pathway, which looks pretty, appealing, enticing, glorious and full of wonder, changes when you get half way down it. The changes you come across midway shows you that you are not being satisfied. This strange, empty and disappointing feeling continues unabated for the rest of the journey. You cannot understand why you feel like this. Your experiences, pleasurable on the exterior, are full of unexpected disturbing, nasty feelings which are mixed with anger, frustration, loneliness and fear. It is only when you meet your idol at the end of your journey and look into his wicked eyes, which dance with condescending amusement, that you will scream until you are hoarse. It’s not until that final moment that you will scream for My help. But it will be too late. There will be no turning back at that stage. You will have made your choice in this life. And although I will cry bitter tears of deep sorrow for each of My lost souls, I cannot save you at that stage. Your free will, where you choose your own destiny, will be completely out of My Hands ...”

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Message to Enoch – 23 July 2019

OUR LORD: “They have everything already planned in order to destabilize the economy and the world peace, so that the world will be in chaos; so that in the midst of this crisis, the Antichrist may appear as peacemaker and savior of humanity. Those of you that are of my flock, will easily discern the Show of deception, when the false messiah appears but the vast majority of this ungrateful and sinful humanity, that walks far from Me, will run to welcome him, they will worship him, and will announce to the whole world, that the Messiah has returned. The Antichrist is already among you, he only needs to make his declaration to the world in order to make himself known to humanity ...”

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