Message 762 – 7 January 2018

ETERNAL FATHER: “I AM WHO I AM – The Alpha and Omega! I am a God of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Forgiveness and Justice. Men must turn to me now, because My Justice is falling. I seek only the salvation of My children, yet men ignore Me, as they continue on their merry way, seeking only pleasures – similar to the time of the dark ages, where the Aristocrats and the Royal Houses danced and displayed all types of atrocities and shameful abuses, while their people starved and many perished. This is being repeated again – where the faith was ‘lackadaisical’ – and the sins of immorality took over Christendom ...”

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Message to Luz de Maria – 24 December 2017

OUR LADY: My most beloved daughter [Luz de Maria], that My Son was born in such humble conditions was not a coincidence, but arranged thus by the Eternal Father so that from the first instant Humanity would understand that in order to enter the spiritual life and accept the Teachings of My Son you need to untie everything that keeps you bound to false personal beliefs, to the “ego” that remains strong in man, to human foolishness, and humbly look at yourselves and recognize what is and how it is, what must be left and what you must take up to in order to be united to My Son. I ask you that every day be like this one, on which the man of God recognizes that Love must prevail in life, and remember that without love we are nothing ...

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Message to Luz de Maria – 22 December 2017

OUR LADY: As Mother, I call you to unity at this instant in which Humanity is running over with what is improper, seriously offending My Son, replacing the Commandments and Sacraments so as not to feel remorse. Creation vomits out the errors of this generation, the biggest mistake being the lack of Love for God, the lack of Love in man. From this all errors are born and for this reason you have gone astray because of the constant disinformation with which they are confusing you. The earth shakes at human disobedience, and in this shaking man suffers and will suffer more calamities. You have not understood that in disobeying the Will of God man punishes himself and God allows this punishment given human negativity. My children, the moon will take on a different color from normal for a few instants, the vault of heaven as well. You keep in mind prayer with the heart and above all, constant work and action in the Divine Will ...

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The Alpha and Omega of Creation

SAMUEL RONCI: “Truth only comes from God and before the world can come to an end, as we know it, the truth must be revealed. How will this be done? The Lord will accomplish this by using his prophets, the same way He used the prophets in the Old Testament. This work presents the teachings that were given, by the Lord, to the prophets of our time that are located throughout the world. When these teachings are brought together, they present a clear picture of the events that will lead us to the return of Jesus in Glory and the end of a period of salvation. Jesus is speaking: “All the strands of this Mission are being drawn together to form a pattern. Then, when the various parts are linked and fitted together, like the pieces of a jigsaw, when all the pieces begin to merge, the final picture will become clear.” (Ref: MDM message Jan 24, 2014)

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Vision given to William Costellia – 1 January 2018

WILLIAM: Today I had a small Vision, I saw Jesus Explode on the scene in this very strong Light - like Star Wars when they go into hyperspace. Jesus was all in Dazzling Light, with streams of Light coming out of Him. He greeted me and said: OUR LORD: “Blessings to you, My son and the whole World! This year will be a year of expectation!” WILLIAM: Behind Our Lord I saw the Sun, Moon and the Earth and each had a sword through them. Jesus then spoke to me about private matters, Blessed us again and left. OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

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