Month: July 2015
To the President of Pakistan – 22 July 2015
How does God see us at the Moment of the Illumination of Conscience – 6 July 2015
LITTLE PEBBLE: Today as I was contemplating about Divorce and Marriage in the eyes of the Teachings of God through Moses, then through Christ, the Apostles and the Magisterium of the Church, I became frustrated […]
Very Important Messages – 4 July 2015
How one must live. From a soul who was judged to be condemned by God, but saved by Jesus.
Crusade Prayer (54) Prayer to the Father to dilute impact of World War 3
Crusade Prayer (54) Prayer to the Father to dilute impact of World War 3 O Heavenly Father in the Name of your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ Who suffered greatly for the sins of mankind please […]
Cross upon the World – 1 July 2015
Regarding the Message 719 dated 12 June 2015. Jesus placed his Cross on the world. Today, 1 July 2015, I had a chance to study this cross upon the World and the Countries it affects. […]