To the President of Pakistan – 22 July 2015

Most Honourable president Mamnoon Hussain

President of Pakistan


Dear Mr. President Mamnoon Hussain,

The blessing of Allah be to you and your people.

I am known as “The Little Pebble”. I am a visionary. It has come to my attention about the plight of one of your Citizens, namely — Asia Bibi. She was convicted for a crime of blasphemy against The Prophet Mohamed.

I am appealing to your heart, and for you to reconsider the decision of the Court to place this unfortunate woman — to be put to death.

The Holy Prophet Mohamed, preached Mercy and Forgiveness. You, who are the leader of a great people must do the same! This will show the Western World, that the true Islamic Faith and teachings are worthy to be trusted and respected.

A Presidential Pardon from you, will bring hope and trust for all the people of your Nation — for all the minority groups who look to you for a Just and Fair leadership.

On behalf of God, I ask you to show Mercy to Asia Bibi, who has suffered enough and to set her free.

Wishing Allah’s Blessings to you.

Gods servant,

The Little Pebble

CC: Pakistan Embassy in Canberra, Australia
