Little Raindrops of Jesus – 29 July 2015

LITTLE RAINDROP: Today I was asked if William could bless the Seal Scapulars … and they were willing to mail them to make it so — but I asked William and he had a better idea. He said he would ask Our Lord. The Little Pebble presented my desire to Our Lord, and the following is the reply to the Little Pebble:

JESUS: “Can I, Who is Love itself, deny any of My children when they call out to Me. My beloved daughter Kathy – My little ‘Raindrop’ and My precious other little raindrops, which will become a raging river to gather My wandering children.”

“This I say to you: ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be given to you.”

“I Love you My children, so much, and send to you the Blessing you sought. I send it to you and all those you love and those who work for My Father’s Kingdom, through My little ‘White Rock”.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus was Majestic – He was like the Divine Mercy picture and I saw Flames of Love and Roses come from His Heart to all.
