Message of Jesus to Christina Gallagher – July 25th, 2020
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“My little one, I desire you write down all that I tell you. Tell all the people of the world My truth.
I am Jesus – He who redeemed each one of you. You have become blind through sin and because you deserted Me, but I still thirst for each one of you. So many of you are blind and you do not know what is happening all around you. I will tell you.
The man of perdition has many in his army at work. He is Lucifer and his many minions – his legions – rage upon the earth. You walk in a world that no longer belongs to you. The powers of antichrist are upon your world. His control is at every corner as in the man-made virus and many more illnesses to strike fear into your hearts but your fear should be for what his army are doing – in the one-world government of dictatorship and control of all that you own and especially control of your person to destroy your soul.
You My people have opened your hearts and lives to all of the world and the flesh. You disowned Me and you left yourselves available to be led into darkness that is death. I have called you many times for many years. Now your choice has led you to this. Most of you will be stripped of all that you have and own, then stripped of your life and robbed of eternal life. How foolish you have been! All that you will be told by the dictatorship of the world is intended to control you. Your governments have signed into all of this, in the one-world government.
As for the one-world Church, you see how you have been deceived. The one-world Church that is not of Me is with you. True shepherds or true priests have little time left to choose whether they serve Me or Lucifer and his minions in the form of antichrist. Many will choose antichrist out of fear and lack of conviction of their faith. True priests will serve Me and trust Me. They will feed My lambs and speak truth. Some may lose their earthly life but gain eternal life in Me. You are all to fear not the man that can kill the body but I tell you truly you must fear the one who can kill the soul.
Your disobedience in refusing to recognise My message and My messenger has led to this great destruction coming upon you. You will have terrible calamities all over the world; floods so great that they will tear away towns in their great force, landslides that will sweep away many parts of towns and cities on most coastal areas around the world, earthquakes that will take hundreds of lives at once. Fear will be everywhere as the stench of death will travel for miles in the wind. Hunger pangs will be all around as so many cry to heaven for help but you have abandoned My mercy to even avail of My help. Great loss of the world’s population will take place; some are prepared but many will not be prepared and will descend into Hades to await My final judgement. The third world war will come and it will take many people to their death. For many, hell is all they have chosen for their merit.
My little one, see I cry for the souls who were foolish, like the foolish virgins.
How My many shepherds have abandoned Me for so long. Now they lead the flock into the pit. My flock is scattered and full of fear – I will shepherd My flock Myself but there is much suffering to be endured first and the loss of much of the world’s population.
My little one, you are troubled and afraid, too. I tell you I am with you. Be not afraid.
I bless you,
Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Message to Christina Gallagher – 16 July 2020
“My daughter, write down all that I tell you. It is important for all the people of the world.
People, I say to you listen and hear what I tell you. How foolish you were to abandon My Mother’s Houses. How you have lost many graces My Mother desired to give you for protection. You continue to walk in blindness and without My grace you will fall like the many of My priest sons. You see how fast My priest sons hide and fail to give My Sacrifice to you – that of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of My Son Jesus – to nourish you in soul.
Your world has with it the deepest darkness of hell, the antichrist. How so many bow down to his power! Yet even more will do so in a short time. You will all be called into the suppression and dictatorship of antichrist. You will be called upon to receive the vaccine that is death, and the mark of the beast will be forced upon you. Those who receive it willingly will die – unto eternal death.
Those of My people who took part in the destruction of My Mother’s House will receive my justice. How the shepherds partook in this destruction as well as those who deliberately set about to destroy it! How this House is a light and those who stayed firm in commitment to its fruits and the many graces received there, you will merit your eternal home for My mercy will be with you at the hour of death. Know that those of you who have helped and made sacrifices for this House, will receive Life in Jesus at the hour of death: My Mercy will flow upon all such souls.
There will be sorrow that will befall all who have received but have run away and denied the truth of the fruitfulness they have received from Me. I gave the gift of life spiritually and in many I gave the gift of life in body but so many were ashamed to remain faithful. They found it easier to flow with the deception that was handed out unto you, My little one, yet some of them were even aware of the falsity done unto you. I will show up in the Light all those who have wronged you and My Mother’s House.
In the times upon you there will be many sufferings. You will all enter a time of such evil and darkness that you do not think is possible. You will have no place to run or hide. They are blessed who have received a Precious Petal, blessed by Me and My Mother. Those who obtained the Picture of My Mother with the white roses and pray the rosary in its presence will draw down great grace of protection in the times that are to come. My child, because of your endurance I will permit to those in every home you entered, a great mercy.
There will fall upon the earth fire. The third world war is imminent. Bishop will find fault with bishop. Division will be everywhere. In the hearts of those in darkness will be a great desire to fight the children of light.
I tell you, My child of light, there will be those in darkness who will find fault with what I tell you now. Fear not, you are in My Life. Fear no man. Live only for Me and give unto an ungrateful world the words of truth that I give you.
My shepherds, how your behaviour has shamed Me, but you do not have the conviction of Truth. You permit the gifts I give of Myself to be suppressed and withheld from My little ones. Why do you call yourselves shepherds of Mine? How so many of you have merry-ed your time with the powers of darkness and your sins have enslaved you even more deeply now with the darkness of sin that is upon you. Wake up, plead for mercy while you still have time. Do not be foolish to assume that when this virus is over you will be free. It is a continuation of the great apostasy – the desertion of the Truth, but Truth will remain even if there were only a very small remnant to be saved.
You will have death on every side. The third world war is close at hand – a great destruction in the world.
I rebuke those who commit the sin of sodomy, they are in a great darkness of sin and those partaking in abortion – the killing of the unborn – make themselves the embodiment of sin, they live for bloodshed, both those who carry out such deeds and those who need them. The blood of the unborn murdered in abortion is calling out to stop this diabolical force at work.
My child, I bless you and My dear brother Gerard for the faithfulness of your witness to Me and to My Mother’s call for humanity.
I bless you abundantly,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”