Message to Valentina (Sydney Seer) – 16 June 2019
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What is Foretold must be Fulfilled
During the Holy Mass, while Father elevated the Holy Eucharist, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “My loving child, appreciate and be grateful for still receiving Me freely in the Holy Communion. I tell you it won’t always be like this. The times are coming and advancing very quickly for all the prophecies to come to fulfilment.”
“The evil is planning to attack the Sanctuary and destroy everything inside the Church. The first thing they want to remove is the Tabernacle. They are planning to get rid of Me. By doing that they want people to not believe in Me, their God, anymore.”
“When these times come, stay very close to Me, have strong faith in Me, and know that after that, things will change for the better.”
As Jesus was telling me this, I became very anxious and upset. I was in tears. Blessed Mother was nearby, I asked her, “Blessed Mother, why would our Lord Jesus Christ permit evil to destroy the Sanctuary in the Church?”
She answered, “Have hope and trust in my Son because these things must come, what is foretold must be fulfilled. What is prophesied must come to fruition. Trust in my Son and do not get upset.”