Message 829 – 31 May 2021

OUR LADY: “My beloved children of the world. I, your Heavenly Mother, come today to ask you to pray especially at this time, because the world is going to go through many, many trials. The vaccinations that mankind are forcing My sweet children to have: do not accept this, dear children, because the vaccinations are harmful to the body and soon there will be another Virus that will spread in the world and cause more damage, because the elite and the Illuminati desire to control the world and they do this by inducing the world to take medication, which is harmful to mankind ...”

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Catherine Emmerich Vision of Peter II – 10 May 2021

CATHERINE EMMERICH: “Last night I had a vision of the Pope. I saw St. Francis carrying the Church and the Basilica of St Peter borne on the shoulders of a little man who had something of the Jew in his countenance. It looked very perilous. Mary stood on the north side of the Church with Her mantle extended over it. The little man was almost bent double. He is, as yet, a laic. I know who he is. The twelve men whom I always see as the twelve new Apostles ought to have helped him, but they arrived too late; however, just as he was about to fall, they all ran up with myriads of Angels to assist him.” (Vol.2 p.299-300)

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Message 819 – 1 November 2020

OUR LORD: “Now you will see in many countries of the world, how the Divine Light of the Triune God will disappear and the scourges for man will continue. Therefore, I ask dear children, that you pray - pray the Holy Rosary of My Most Holy Mother and the Mercy Chaplet - for these prayers will strengthen you. Pray for the children of France, Germany, Italy and Spain, because these countries will be chastised to prepare them, because it is My Divine Will that I choose these Nations to become diamonds, for it is when they are scourged, they will realize My Divine Calling, for they must support the French Monarch and My son Peter II - and this will happen soon ...”

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Reign of the Beast – Coming of Peter II – Return of Jesus

WILLIAM COSTELLIA: “It is 2020; we are waiting for events to turn as Jesus has said, since November 2010, that He will return within forty years. So what has transpired since then? I personally believe we have fifteen years to go before Jesus returns - and why the signs that are coming are the signs that we are waiting for. There are thousands of signs that we are waiting for, but one thing is certain, Jesus will return before the end of the year 2050, because the period Jesus speaks about at the end of the period of time is forty years - which is 2050. But, as I believe, Jesus will not give us the time, but will give us a hint. So as it has been ten years since Jesus spoke to Maria Divine Mercy on the 8th November 2010; it was the beginning of the end, because the full forty years is the 8th November 2049, so I have given Our Lord 2035 for him to return, but everything is in His Hands ...”

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The Trial of Jesus Christ in the 21st Century

THE TRIAL OF JESUS CHRIST IN THE 21ST CENTURY How Jesus would have fared in today’s Justice System – test it yourself: Arrested and charged in the early hours on Friday. Those charging Jesus were […]

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Message 598 – 18 May 2000

Those who love and serve God have Eternal Life and will be privileged to come to the Garden of Paradise in a short time; the dawn of the ‘Golden Age of the Holy Ghost’ is […]

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