Those who love and serve God have Eternal Life and will be privileged to come to the Garden of Paradise in a short time; the dawn of the ‘Golden Age of the Holy Ghost’ is here.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael has been here during the latter part of the Rosary, standing inside the Chapel, to the right of the painting of Saint Sentimintarious, with his feet touching the bottom part of the Altar; his head is just a little under the ceiling. It is the first time I have seen Saint Michael this close for a long time. He has on the full armour as a soldier, but holding a sword in one hand and a scale and balance in his left. He places them on the Altar.
Seven small Angels kneel around the Altar – their heads almost level with the top of the Altar – and Saint Barachiel is here, as usual; he brings the Sign.
The Cross is very deep in the sky, it is a pinkish-white colour and pulsates a Light which emanates from it, Light which causes a type of shadow between the Cross and here. Upon the shadow are the petals from many roses – miles and miles of them – very beautiful in different colours that are sharply defined.
The Cross opens up at the centre of the crossed beams. A very strong beam of Light comes out and shoots towards the Tabernacle; an energy, or a force-field, is created around the Tabernacle and an extremely bright Light comes out of it.
The little Angels still kneeling, also bow down now. Saint Michael kneels too, on the first step near the Altar railing, in prayer. Many more Angels come out of the Cross and float down, very swiftly, towards us, causing the rose petals to move with the breeze which is caused through the fluttering of their wings. The petals float in the air – it looks like a storm. It is really nice.
There are many different types of Angels preceding Our Holy Mother, Who is in a small Ark, which is being carried by the Angels. It looks a bit like the Noah’s Ark that I have seen before, but a much smaller version. Our Lady floats on top of the Ark and although holding the Baby Jesus, She does not have the tiny Ark in Her right Hand. Behind Our Blessed Mother many more Angels can be seen. It is a really beautiful sight.
The Ark comes to a halt just outside the front of the building. Our Lady now glides on a little cloud of Light towards the Chapel, which opens up like a doorway, and the wall just disappears. Our Holy Mother stands, with the Baby Jesus, where the Crucifix normally is on the wall. She is ‘Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians’. In Her right Hand there are twelve roses; in the Hand of the Baby Jesus there are twelve more. The Holy Infant is about two years old and wears a beautiful cream tunic today. On His Head is a very small Crown and I can see not only His Sacred Heart, but the Immaculate Heart of Our Holy Mother, Who has on the Fatima Crown – the more familiar Crown that we know.
Our Lady looks at Saint Michael with a beautiful smile – he bows his head towards the Altar, then raises it again and reaches out his two prayerfully placed together hands, towards Our Holy Mother, Who hands him the twelve roses. The Baby Jesus leaves Our Holy Mother’s Arm momentarily, to glide towards Saint Michael to kiss him on the head and give him His twelve roses, then He goes back to Our Holy Mother.
Our Lady nods to Saint Michael for some reason; he disappears with the flowers. Our Holy Mother kisses the Baby Jesus and makes the Sign of the Cross with Our Lord.
OUR LORD AND OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
OUR LADY: “I greet you, My beloved son – My little ‘White Rock’ – My Priest-sons, and all My sweet children! Today is a very important day for Holy Mother Church. The Title that I bear on this day is a Title of the Apocalypse, for I am the ‘Mother of the Church’ and the ‘Ark of the Covenant’, and within My Immaculate Heart resides the Ark of Salvation for Our children.”
“I will not speak long, other than to encourage My sweet children to continue to carry your crosses and bear each other’s burdens, in the joy of knowing that those who love and serve their God and My God – My Divine Son, Jesus – have Eternal Life, and will be privileged to come to the Garden of Paradise in a short time from now, for the dawn of the ‘Golden Age of the Holy Ghost’ is here, and in a short while My sweet children will understand its meaning, and rejoice.”
“Pray for Our Holy Vicar, whose birthday you celebrate today. I send My Maternal Blessings to him and to the future Vicar of My Divine Son, Jesus, Our little ‘White Rock’. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“There are others who will hear My Voice and this will be recorded in due time. I will take your prayers to the Throne of My Divine Son, Jesus, for the benefit of Holy Mother Church. I Bless you all, My sweet children: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady wishes the two Priests to Bless us.
TWO PRIESTS: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: The Baby Jesus leaves Our Holy Mother, going swiftly throughout the Chapel to Bless each individual soul and place something in their heart – and not only those here, but all those who love Our Lord. We will continue now with the rest of the Rosary.
Dear friends, 16th May, 2000
Today is my 50th birthday! Much has transpired over these many years, especially since 1982 when I began to have many visions and locutions from Jesus and Mary. Over the years, as I became known throughout the Catholic world, many people would tell me of a Prophecy from some of the great Mystics of years gone by: e.g. the famous stigmatist Maria Julie Jahenny of Brittany, France, who prophesied the last Pope, Peter II, would be not older than 50 before he ascended the Throne of Peter.
Well this was my belief also, for Seer after Seer verified these Truths. I am now 50 years and still waiting, but not disturbed. Just prior to my birthday I asked this question to Our Lord regarding these Prophecies. Our Lord replied there is a mystery in this date and time, not as it seems by the counting of time for men, and it would become clearer later, but that the Prophecy of me becoming Pope very soon, as some say 2003, will come to pass. I was to continue to offer all for souls, and His Glory.
In the United States there lives a Religious Nun, Mother St. Charles. She is a Mother Superior and also a Mystic. She is 83 years old and has received visions since she entered the cloister 63 years ago. She continues to receive revelations, and last month Jesus spoke to her about this issue. Jesus simply said: “Can I not change the dates? Tell My son, the ‘Little Pebble’, he will be Pope much sooner than he believes; tell him My Holy Mother and I Love him very much!” These Words consoled me very much.
On my birthday, on the 16th May, 2000, at 3 minutes past midnight, Jesus, Mary, countless Angels, Saint Joseph, Saint Francis, Saint William, Saint Dominic, Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Saint Theresa the Little flower, Blessed Padre Pió, and many, many more Saints, entered my bedroom and Blessed me. The same day at Mass, Jesus came and Blessed me and after Mass Our Lady came under Her Title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, wearing Her large Brown Scapular, but this time on the Scapular was an Image of Her Assumption and on the back part, the Ascension of Jesus.
Note: The original Ascension of Jesus was on the 16th May – a Thursday – as per Maria Valtorta’s visions in the ‘Poem of the Man God’. Our Lady said this was a gift for Her faithful children. This was the Scapular to be made for the Remnant Church, as it is the Scapular of the New Era – the Scapular of Paradise. Those who wear this Scapular were promised to enter into the New Holy Era. Our Lady then took it off Her Shoulders and placed it over my shoulders. With Our Lady came Saint Simon Stock, who carried a crozier – it looked like a Bishop’s crozier, but instead of the curl, it ended like a question mark with a cross at the end of it. The top part of the crozier was covered with jewels, and Our Lady said this was for me when I become a Bishop. Our Lady and Saint Simon Stock Blessed me, and left.
Jesus also told me on my birthday, that the reason I was born on the 16th May at 12.03am, was because that was the hour that He was betrayed by Judas, and I was created and born in reparation for this act of betrayal. It is for this reason that I, too, have been, and am still betrayed by so many people, so often.
I wish to thank the many souls who sent cards and best wishes, and also for the many Masses and Rosaries – these are my strength.
Lastly, I wish to share a very important event: A few weeks ago Bishop Wilson, from the Wollongong Diocese, set in motion the Investigation process of the Commission, with four members on the panel, plus a Director of these proceedings – also an Advocate will be given to me soon.
One other very exciting point is that a Roman Catholic Bishop friend of mine, went to see Pope John Paul II on his birthday – 18th May, 2000. He said Mass with the Pope and had a private audience with him, to ask His Holiness for the Approval of the Order of Saint Charbel. We now await his report.
In the year 2001, I plan to make a world journey in May. I will advise you, with details, later this year. Please pray for its success.
May God Bless you and reward you all.
The Little Pebble