Message 851 – 31 December 2022


31 DECEMBER 2022 – 11.15 PM


The Holy Trinity, with Our Lady and three Seraphic Angels, came at around 11.15 pm. Saint Michael stood behind me. The Eternal Father was holding the Royal Crown and Jesus was holding the Keys of the Papacy. The Eternal Father said:

THE ETERNAL FATHER: “My beloved son, today I Crown you as My Last Vicar!”

Jesus said:

OUR LORD: “I hold the Keys of Saint Peter!”

And the Holy Spirit became bigger and put His Wings around us. The Eternal Father said:

THE ETERNAL FATHER: “From this moment on you are My Last Vicar!”

“Pope Benedict has passed away and will remain in a Holy Place until the 6th of January 2023.”

The Holy Trinity Blessed me and Our Lady stood in front of me with the Angels surrounding me. From that moment I became the Last Vicar for Holy Mother Church. The Holy Trinity and the Blessed Mother Blessed me.

THE HOLY TRINITY AND OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”


1 JANUARY 2023 – 3:00 PM

Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

It is by My Divine Will that I took Pope Benedict, to receive his reward and, at the same time, I inaugurated that you, My son, would be installed as the Last Vicar of Holy Mother the Church – Today I wish to ask the Church to inaugurate, officially, the Feast of Mediatrix of All Graces, Co Redemptrix and Advocacy – This will be your First Dogma for Holy Mother Church – Comet-Asteroids is not far from the Earth – Many Great Earthquakes coming up: – You will receive a correction by the Courts, very soon, allowing you to come home.

Both Jesus and Mary are before me all in white. They have come through the White Cross, which is standing very large and bright. My Three Angels of the Seraphim Choir are guarding them with Saint Michael to the right of them. Saint Amor Dei and Saint Menoloutis are standing next to Saint Michael. Saint Amor Dei is standing on Saint Michael, because he is only a foot tall. Jesus speaks:

OUR LORD: “I greet you, My beloved Vicar of Holy Mother Church: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

Our Lady comes and greets me the same:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

OUR LORD: “Today is a Great Feast Day for more than one reason. Today is the Feast of My Holy Mother and the Feast of Inaugurating yourself as My Last Vicar for Holy Mother Church.”

“It is by My Divine Will that I took Pope Benedict, to receive his reward and, at the same time, I Inaugurated that you, My son, would be installed as the Last Vicar of Holy Mother the Church. Although it seems strange to the reader that I have chosen to make you My Holy Vicar – the Last Pope – in such an inadequate way, but with time, My Church on Earth will understand why it had to be this way.”

“Today is a Great Feast of My Holy Mother. One that will be linked with you, My Holy son, because today I wish to ask the Church to Inaugurate, officially, the Feast of Mediatrix of All Graces, Co Redemptrix and Advocacy, because today is the day My Mother’s Victory will commence, because the Days of Darkness upon mankind, will truly begin. This will be your First Dogma for Holy Mother Church and men within My House will understand that I have chosen you to be My Holy Vicar for Holy Mother the Church, which will bring forth the Victory of My Holy Mother, for mankind.”

“Much will be asked of you, My beloved son, to bring the Church through its most difficult time, but once it has been purified, then the Victory will be heard and resounded throughout the world.”

“My Holy son, take courage, because many things are going to be seen this year. Because this year is one of great trial for My children and it will be you who will guide and strengthen them. It won’t be long when the world will know that you are the Last Vicar and they will rally around you. You will now go forward slowly; make the roads straight. Be at peace, because I and My Holy Mother are always by your side.”

“Today on this Great Feast Day, I will grant you any request you desire. I Bless you and those of Holy Mother Church: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I will let My Holy Mother speak, because She is eager to reveal some of the Plans, so that mankind will be prepared: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

Our Holy Mother comes very close and embraces me and kisses me on my head.

OUR LADY: “I greet you, My Holy son, Vicar of My Holy Son, Jesus Christ upon Earth. As today is a very special day for the world, because of My Church’s Feast Day, but also because of the Dogma, which has been proclaimed by you, My Last Vicar for Holy Mother Church.”

“Mankind will not understand this Gift Jesus, My Divine Son, has given you and Holy Mother the Church, but with time, mankind will understand the very Calling I have given to mankind, because you are the Angel … which I have Promised Holy Mother Church, through the Seer, Luz de Maria (Argentina), to whom I spoke about the one I am sending who will console My Church upon Earth and who will give to mankind the consoling hand and consolation the world’s needs now.”

“Mankind is at the feet of great sorrows, as the Comet-Asteroids is not far from the Earth, which will come past the Earth’s atmosphere and cause great fear and some destruction, to wake mankind up, because the electronics of the world will be stopped and cause many problems for mankind.”

“I call on mankind to pray deeply, because this year will be one of very sorrowing times. My son, you will receive a correction by the Courts, very soon, allowing you to return home and within a very short time, your case will be studied and your convictions overturned and you will be a free man, receiving a clear direction that you did not commit the trash that the Authorities placed upon you twenty year ago.”

“There will be calls from the Philippines that they want you there and, not long after, you will go there and form the New Vatican, as the old one will be destroyed by the Evil One.”

“My children are in confusion as to why did Benedict die. First, it was My Divine Son’s Holy Will and second, it does not change the Prophecies, because all will be fulfilled, because the Pope will flee Rome. There is much to understand, My children, because the Prophecies are not finished yet.”

“There will be many, many Great Earthquakes coming up, but the most important one is in California, of the U.S.A., Hawaii and Indonesia, because the earth will move, sweet children. Therefore, I ask Our children to move away from the Coastline of the Americas and for the people of Hawaii to move to the mainland and for the Indonesian people to seek higher grounds, or move to another land, because you do not have much time.

Australians, too, must change their lives, because this year in many places near the sea, will be inundated with much water, because there will be much more rain that will come. Pray, dear children, My Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, because you need a lot of prayer.”

“In the past week, My children, Georgette Harb came to the Holy Land, because Saint Charbel inspired her, but when she realizes that I still Appear to Our Rock, then she will come with many pilgrims.”

“Pray, My children, for Europe, because it won’t be long that they will realize that their countries are being invaded. France will go into warfare themselves and bring much hardship upon themselves and the countries attached to them – in the neighbouring countries.”

“The Middle East is preparing to attack Spain. Pray, My dear children. War will break out in Africa, because people are dying there. Pray for Taiwan and Hong Kong, because China will make a move on them both very soon and bring war.”

“My children, war is a punishment for man’s sins. Pray, My children, as time is running out. Pray for an Ocean Liner, because one of them will be captured and many will die. Pray for the U.S.A., because war will break out there very soon.”

“My children, I wish I could bring good news to you, but time is moving on and the events must befall mankind. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“As for your question: Yes, Nostradamus is a True Seer, but his writing is only able to be understood – to understand some of it. I Bless all of My children: In the Name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And I Bless you, My Chosen Son, My Last Vicar for Holy Mother Church: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Fear not, because you will not return to the place, but you will move forward. Trust in Me and My Divine Son, Jesus, because you are My Last Vicar now and the Church needs you strongly. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“I Love you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of t he Holy Ghost. Amen.”

Our Lady moves back to Her Divine Son, Jesus.

OUR LORD: “Yes, My son, you are the Last Vicar of Holy Mother Church.”

Jesus and Mary make the Sign of the Cross and they leave.

OUR LORD AND OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

N.B.: All Bishops are to advise of any irregularities within their Dioceses.


Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

OUR LORD: “Be not afraid! Yes, William is still My Last Vicar – the pride and spouse of Mary’s Heart, Peace! You are who you are, remember, the only way for souls chosen by God to live certain destinies with Him as Seers and Mystics of the Church, is for them, in word or action, not to reject and decline what is offered by Heaven, for the good of the world – you have done neither of these, no, have you not clung to your role and Mary’s Heart with all your own?”

“So, I will now explain the Truth that is this Prophecy: Benedict has flown over and higher above the bodies of the Cardinals, why – because they have, without and with few exceptions, left the Truth that is the Church. No one with voting rights rejects Francis’ soup. These, as it says, are bodies; also, the Authorities and Groups held under her have conformed to Francis’ edicts with little hesitation – anything that wishes to receive its stipend has embraced fully, the destruction of Francis. I speak boldly: they are bodies because they have lost their souls – so, authority. Benedict has flown over these because, with subtle negotiation he had tried to keep the truth with him, when it is revealed the iron fist that has come into the Church and brick by brick, crushed what is important to its truth. The world will see how all of what has been before it, and the Cardinals that did not stand and fight for Me and Mary, for all of Heaven and, more importantly, the children of the world that are God’s.”

“You are The Last Vicar – yes, My son. As the Heart of God, the rent Heart of God is stabbed again and again, with so much more than a thrust from a sword! The People of God left confused, those who do not know their faith so well, easily plucked and plundered. Jesus weeps, Mary weeps, but We, as one, have a Plan – an unstoppable Plan. Yes, you are My Pope, you, My Last Vicar are assured – be assured. You know we will win. Does that explain?”

“For those who wish to understand will understand. Now, you know too, why our dear son was only given the very briefest of descriptions of what he has been commissioned to do, unfolding slowly over such a time. Be at peace, my son, I Am close to you, yes, knelt beside you.”

“Peace to Benedict; Peace to all the Fathers before him. There is nothing left to come that is not known to the body of the Faith. We shall not be destroyed. Get ready for the great rising from the ashes for all humanity. Peace, My brother; Peace.”

“Jesus loves you with all His Heart. Amen.”


OUR LORD: “Yes My daughter, I AM the Great I AM, I Am the Great Physician, the Word Incarnate. I AM the Divine Mercy.”

“Yes. My son is the Last Vicar, through the Will of My Father. He has been given permission to begin the repair of My Church, My Bride.”

“Many new hardships will befall the world but in the midst of these tragedies, My Remnant Church will go on.”

“Go in My Peace and Love My daughter.”