Message to Fr Sam Johnston – 6 February 2020

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020 (Ontario, Canada)



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The Father in His Great Wisdom has a plan for the world, He will not destroy the earth, but will transform what has been contaminated by materialism, love of wealth, and the corruption of His people.

Selfish ambition must give way to humble obedience, and to love of neighbour, pray for those who do not pray, pray for those who desperately seek to love and be loved, pray for the destitute, who have nothing and feel they have no one who cares for them.

Pray for all Priests who serve God in order for them to continue serving you in holiness, they are sometimes overlooked in prayer intentions, it may just surprise you to know how needy they really are.

Pray for those who seem to have everything in life, they may seem happy with all their possessions, good health, money to squander however they please, yet, in the reality of Heaven’s gaze they may have nothing, that is if they do not have Me in their lives.

I am the Bread from Heaven, sent to nourish you, My Heart was pierced to allow you to enter into My Heart of Love, broken by the manifold sins of humanity, but open that you may gain entrance.

With My Love, you will care for others, as you act out of love to the undeserving one, who may have not been so loving to you, he just may be converted by your kindness in the face of mistreatment.

The Holy Spirit is the One Who will unite people, He will be the Flame to ignite hearts everywhere.

The Father is Holy and only holy saints will be admitted into Heaven, strive to become holy through repentance and making reparation for all of God’s created, that all will have an opportunity to be saved.

A pilgrim Church of dedicated followers, a remnant of peoples who are fervent in their Faith, who truly believe in God, and whose hearts are immersed in the love of God and for their neighbour, this will be a new beginning for the world.

Those who have been spared from the great chastisements, who have invoked My Blessed Mother Mary and Consecrated themselves to Her, they will have been protected and instructed, they will be at peace and find new life with Me.

Do not fear the unknown for if you are truly trying to follow Me, even if mistakes are made, I am faithful to forgive you and all your sins and iniquities, I will protect you and as you surrender completely to Me, I will make sure that you remain with Me.