NO. 808
The Holy Grounds are no longer yours, but one day they will be returned – Today is Pope John Paul II’s birthday and his voice still carries the Messages of Heaven – The pandemic has closed many children down, but those who are of God will continue to open their hearts – Dear child, soon to become Pope Peter Abraham II, as We will come for Pope Benedict when he leaves Rome – You will be free very soon and travel to many countries.
WILLIAM: The White Cross appears in the sky and there are many, many Angels coming through the Cross. One Angel carries one of the White Crosses and he leads the way. Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians comes through the Cross with the Baby Jesus on Her left Arm. The Angel with the White Cross stands to the right of Our Lady. Our Lady comes into the room with Jesus. There are many, many flowers.
I see Pope John Paul II come in between the Cross and Our Lady. He looks very young and is very happy. Our Lady hands Jesus to Pope John Pall II and comes closer to me and makes the Sign of the Cross:
OUR LADY: “I greet you, My beloved son, William, Peter Abraham II and I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Today I come under the Title of the Apparition of Nowra. It is very sad indeed, My beloved son, that the Holy Grounds are no longer yours. However, even though the enemy has removed My Sacred Shrine from your hands, I want you to know, My children, that one day it will be returned, because it is Sacred and belongs to God.”
“It is true, My children, that many Sacred Grounds have been placed under the control of the Evil One at this time, but it has not overshadowed the voices of My Messengers, because the Messages of Heaven are read and in some cases, continue until now, because Satan cannot close the Messages from Heaven, so be not troubled, My children, because My Voice will be heard by mankind until the Victory cries out to Heaven and the whole world.”
“Today is also My beloved son’s birthday, Pope John Paul II, as his voice still carries the Messages of Heaven, so be not afraid, dear children. Even the pandemic has closed many children down, but those who are of God will continue to open [their] hearts, even when Satan tries to silence them.”
“My sweet children, I Love you and I send My Maternal Love and Blessing to all My children on this Great Feast Day of My Loving Title of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians: know My sweet children, [you can] ask Me anything under this Great Title and I will grant it to you within forty days from today. I Love you, sweet children and I Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Know My dear child, soon to become Pope Peter Abraham II, as We will come for Our Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict when he leaves Rome, because it will come soon. But know, sweet child, you will be free very soon and you will travel to many countries to help them to prepare for the coming Warning and all the events that are to come upon the world. Remain at peace, because I Love you very much and I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
WILLIAM: Jesus comes to me and hugs me, Blessing my head and he takes the White Cross and hands it to me and He says:
OUR LORD: “This simple White Cross is your Symbol of Divine Victory that you will have. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
WILLIAM: Pope John Paul II Blessed me and the world: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
I asked Mother for a special request; I asked for a Special Blessing for myself and privately.
OUR LADY: “Pray, My children, the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day. One Rosary is sufficient, but if you can say more I will be pleased. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
WILLIAM: Jesus and Mary have already entered our home. The White Cross is brilliant and there are millions of Angels behind Jesus and the Blessed Mother. Our Blessed Mother is dressed as a Bride as She looked in 1987. She has on a beautiful Crown and a veil ten metres long. In the veil are many flowers and roses.
Our Lord is dressed in pure white. They both hold candles. Jesus is smiling. Saint Peter and Saint John are with Jesus. Both Jesus and Mary make the Sign of the Cross:
OUR LORD and OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
WILLIAM: The Angels are rejoicing and singing: “Glory to God in the highest; Peace to His people on earth.” – Thousands upon thousands of Angels.
Jesus and Mary are both dressed in white, with a beautiful Scapular of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Jesus speaks:
OUR LORD: “I greet you, My beloved son, Spouse of My Holy Mother, Mary the Immaculate! I Bless you, My son, to give you strength for the coming years, where you will lead My people: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Today is a Great Feast, dear child. A Feast not known as yet on earth, but celebrated greatly in Heaven, for Mary, Queen of All Hearts has deigned to give Herself to you. She is the Immaculate Conception that [Who] will lead all the armies of earth into the Great Triumph that will soon be given to Her for Holy Mother Church.”
“I brought with Me Saint Peter and Saint John for good reason, My son, for you will lead Holy Mother Church very shortly, for We are going to bring forward the Church of the Latter Days. I wish My Blessed Mother to speak with you now.”
WILLIAM: Our Lady kisses me on the forehead and She says:
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My son, My beloved future Vicar for Holy Mother Church: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My beloved son, these past few months have been most difficult for you and for many of Our children of the world, as the hour of darkness has come upon mankind. But soon, I will lift this, so you all will see what evil has done in the world.”
“Know this, My son, your role as My Special Vicar will come into play in the coming years, because your role is soon approaching, where the Antichrist will sit himself upon the Throne, where My children will be scattered, but you, My son, will be the light and courage to carry on, because My Victory is very near and the coming of My Divine Son, Jesus, will be heralded throughout the world.”
“I embrace you, My son, as My Spouse. This Mystery will be understood more at a later time. You are My special soldier, the one who will lead My people to freedom. I Love you. You are the only one who said ‘yes’ to My Call and because of that you have been rewarded by this gift.”
“This candle I hold I give to you, as this candle will light the whole Church, as the Church has gone into great darkness, but through My Immaculate Heart and your ‘yes’, the Church will triumph. Know this, your victory will be heard through[out] the nations. My Victory is combined with your Triumph and I Love you, because you bear with Me the Cross of My Divine Son, Jesus.”
“On this day, I grant you abundant Graces and especially as your time will come to lead the Church of My Divine Son – and you will give to My daughters the special Grace of loving and serving Me. By doing this, My children will serve My Divine Son, Jesus.”
“Be at peace and know I Love you very much. Once again I give you My Immaculate Heart. The Holy Shining Thing that My Divine Son gave you many years ago will bear much fruit for Holy Mother Church and you will retain this gift until the second Coming of My Divine Son. I Love you and embrace you with My Immaculate Heart.”
“I send a special Blessing to those united to you. I Love them very much too.”
“Soon the Virus that is causing so much damage in the world will be removed, but as mankind has forgotten its God, more punishments will come upon the world to awaken My children from their deep sleep so they learn to love and serve My Divine Son, Jesus.”
“I wish to give you today on Our 37th Anniversary, a special ring. On it are thirteen crosses. You will understand it with time: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Be at peace because today, I have come to give a Special Blessing to you, My son and those close to you, so that they receive the Grace they are seeking.”
“Be not afraid because I, your Heavenly Mother, Love you and Bless you: + Go In peace, as I go with My Divine Son back to Heaven.”
“The Saints who are with Me today will be your guide. Be at peace and know I Love you eternally. I Love My children and send a Blessing from My Immaculate Heart and My Divine Son Jesus: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
WILLIAM: Our Lady steps back and kisses Jesus and both Jesus and Mary send us their Blessing: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
OUR LADY: “Remain strong, sweet son and be at peace.”
WILLIAM: Jesus, Mary and the Saints return slowly back and the Angels are singing with their voices very loud. It is very beautiful. Jesus and Mary return through the White Cross and the Angels and Saints follow them.
Jesus says that those who are listening to Him – they have a special love in their hearts and thus special love is returned to them in a special way. So take courage.
The Angels are throwing roses all over the place.