Message 824 – 22 February 2021

OUR LORD: “My Holy Son, William, your time is near, when I will send you to many lands to bring My Words of hope and encouragement. Do not fear or be troubled by the enemies, for they will tremble to be in your presence. Son, those who you are to meet you with many changes, are coming within your life, which will amaze your enemies. Take courage and take the sword with you, because you will vanquish the enemy. The Seers are not yet united, even though you have tried very hard, but be assured they will know when the time is right ...”

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Message 810 – 29 June 2020

OUR LORD: “My children, the enemy is placing many obstacles upon our Children of the Light by causing fear and disharmony amongst My children, by forcing Our children into lockdown and separating the people by measurement on how far they need to be. But in actual fact, the only reason they are doing this is so that they can place the Barcode over you, because they cannot read it when you are close together. It is another form of control – you must become aware of it. Place Holy Blessed Oil on your body parts – namely the hands, chest and forehead, because this will cloud their instruments ...”

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Message 808 – 18 May 2020

OUR LADY: “My sweet children, I Love you and I send My Maternal Love and Blessing to all My children on this Great Feast Day of My Loving Title of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians: know My sweet children, [you can] ask Me anything under this Great Title and I will grant it to you within forty days from today. I Love you, sweet children and I Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Know My dear child, soon to become Pope Peter Abraham II, as We will come for Our Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict when he leaves Rome, because it will come soon. But know, sweet child, you will be free very soon and you will travel to many countries to help them to prepare for the coming Warning and all the events that are to come upon the world ...”

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Message 763 – 4 February 2018

OUR LORD: “Men still do not understand the meaning of My Holy Mother’s Words given to the children of Garabandal, Spain ... If men do not change their ways a Great Warning shall be given to mankind ... Remember this, My children, even though the Evil One is loose upon earth with his six main demons and all of the Fallen Angels - to take away many of Our children with them - God still controls all, as nothing happens in this world or in your lives, without God’s Divine and perfect Will ... Pope Francis will reveal a new plan for the Church – it will confuse many of My children. You are to know this does not come from Me ...”

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Message 726 – 13 November 2015

Dear people of God, This is my last post until I notify you, as the authorities have been monitoring my site for some time. As a gesture of goodwill, this will be done, however the […]

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Message 590 – 13 September 1999

Each moment is crucial for the outcome of this great warfare between Heaven and Hell – good and evil; there is no room for hesitation or indecisiveness – Trials that you are now undergoing are […]

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Message 552 – 1 November 1997

You are now entering a period of time where you will be asked to drink the bitter Cup of My Passion – You are on Calvary and now you will be ‘nailed’ with me on […]

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Message 459 – 20 November 1994

You are living in the last moments of world history as you now understand it – Shortly many changes will occur in your lives and many trials will come to the world – The Twelve Kingdoms within the New Holy Era are full of the Glories of God – Through Heaven’s Chosen Communities your hearts shall be strengthened – All who desire to go to the New Holy era must prepare their hearts and souls and give a “Yes” – Remember the Suffering Souls, you do not truly realise how much they are suffering now ...

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