William Costellia – THE RETURN OF JESUS – 1 July 2019
William Costellia – 1st July 2019
This is what you will be going through until Jesus Returns. How do we know this? It is because we live in the time of the end. Jesus said in the Maria Divine Mercy Messages:
1st May 2014 MDM: “My Promise to come again will be fulfilled in the lifetime of this generation.”
The time expected is within forty (40) years, which is the length of time of a generation. This makes it 2054. However, a Comet will be coming 2028.
I believe it will be the Warning, but it is difficult to say because, before this comes there is much that must happen.
So how will the last twenty (20) years be before Jesus Returns? How do I know that what I am saying is authentic? -because Jesus said that no one knows when Jesus will Return. But Jesus has given us signs to look for to know that we are living in the last days, even the very last days.
A sign will be given by Jesus when the Warning comes.
20th February 2013 MDM: “This Great Illumination of Conscience will take place after My Holy Vicar has left Rome..” Which will be in the next five (5) years. So what are we to expect?
The Antichrist is alive and well. He is working with Governments and is from the East.
26th April 2013 MDM : ‘The Antichrist will be from the East, not the West, but He will be loved and honoured and be revered by both and in every corner of the Earth. The Antichrist will quickly bring about – with the help of the enemies of God – a war between two nations, headed by two stubborn and powerful leaders. When the threat becomes so serious that it begins to affect the most powerful nations, then peace negotiations will begin. Out of nowhere will step the Beast. He will bring to an end the wars; he will copy the last detail – every moment of My Mission. He will be seen as the Messiah.”
Jesus will return after the Ball of Redemption has come, which is part of the Revelation. The following is a Message from Garabandal:
18th June – St Michael: “Since my Message of October 18, 1961 has not been complied with and has not been made much known to the world, I will tell you that this is the last one. Before the chalice was filling, now it is overflowing. Many Cardinals, many Bishops and Priests are on the path of perdition and they take many souls with them. To the Eucharist, there is given less and less importance. We should avoid the Wrath of God on us by our good efforts. If you ask pardon with your sincere soul God will pardon you. It is I, Your Mother, who through the intercession of St. Michael, wish to say that you amend, that you are already in the last warnings and that I love you much and do not want your condemnation. Ask us sincerely and we will give to you. You should sacrifice more. Think of the Passion of Jesus.”
But before the Great Warning comes what will happen? The first thing what will come before the Great Warning is this:
Iran will bring the nuclear war. They will attack Israel and many Middle Eastern Nations will be drawn in. The Muslims will attack Europe, starting with Spain and France; Russia will attack Poland, Germany and Italy.
10th May 2014 MDM : “It is not for you to understand now, but know that I will raise up within My Church a man who will stand up and proclaim the Truth. The Church will be alarmed, but too frightened to raise their voices. He will bring unity between all faiths.”
7th December 2012 MDM: “The man, directed by Satan, will be seen to become a friend of Israel. Then he will appear to defend it with the support of Babylon, which is the European Union.”
“All wars, instigated deliberately in the Middle East, will spread into Europe.”
17th February 2013 MDM: “The false prophet, will now take the Seat of Rome and My Word – just as it was in My time on Earth – will be treated as heresy.”
18th February 2013 MDM: “Through their wicked lies, they will bring God’s children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendour in the Seat of Peter.”
10th February 2012 MDM: “Earthquakes will be felt as part of a small chastisement before the Warning.”
Once this chastisement is over, it will be time for the Warning.
14th February 2012 MDM: “Europe will be the first target of the Red Dragon, followed by the U.S.A.”
12th April 2012 MDM: “The next Pope will be the false prophet (Pope Francis).”
13th July 2012 MDM: “After the world war, will come the famine and the plagues.”
Before the Warning the Great War will spread engulfing all of Europe and Indo-China – those countries will be involved. Gaza, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Turkestan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iran. This will be the first part of the Great War.
Then it will move to Europe. The Muslims will invade Spain and France. Germany and Poland will be invaded by Russia, then Russia will invade Italy. The Muslims will be driven out by the French Monarch.
A nuclear war will begin with Iran firing a warhead bomb over Israel, that will start World War III. The Pope will flee into a foreign land, where he will be martyred. The Muslim invasion will cause a shock, but the French Monarch will come with a strong Army.
During this time China will invade the U.S.A. with Russia, but before this happens an Asteroid will come to Earth in the Western Hemisphere, near Florida, U.S.A. and bring great destruction. I believe this will happen at the same time as the European invasion.
When the Chinese Army invade they will invade the Pacific and war will break out between Japan and all the Pacific Islands and will include going up to Italy, where Russia has invaded. China will move swiftly in all of these areas.
The African countries will also be at war with each other. China will move swiftly with all of the area. Indonesia will invade Australia. There will anarchy all over the world.
The Antichrist will manoeuvre himself amongst the people and will become public in the world, but only a little at the time. He will come from Egypt. War will be everywhere. The U.S.A. will withdraw from protecting Israel as they will be involved in protecting the U.S.A., as Russia and China will be invading it. But before this happens, California, U.S.A. will be destroyed by an earthquake that will drown the State – it will break up. America will be devastated as it will be in the Middle East, Europe and Japan and trying to survive.
The plan of the enemy was to make the U.S.A. involved in many parts of the world, not allowing it to protect itself.
While the world will be in trouble the preparation for the Warming will come. See here the Article of the Prophecies of the Monarch:
7th June 2019 Little Pebble: “He will form a Great Army in Europe, as Europe will be invaded by the Muslims. It will occur after the Muslims have taken over Spain, France and pushing Germany. His army will be all Christian. He will conquer England and Greece. England will be the first to become Catholic.
The Great Monarch will work with Pope Peter Abraham, but remember Pope Peter will not take up his position as Pope, but he will be leading the Remnant Church.
The Antichrist will be watching and he will bring [false] unity after the Great War. Israel will be given a Plan of Peace.
19th February 2012 MDM: “The Beast will bring about the ten horns, which is the European Union. Babylon will fall and dominated by the Big Red Dragon, China and its alley, the Bear, Russia.”
16th June 2012 MDM: “The skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened to reveal the Fires and Flames of My Divine Mercy. The Earth will be shaken with such a force that no man will escape My Eyes. Many will tremble with fear, because it will only be then that many will become aware of their souls for the very first time. For those whose sins are so black, they will feel ill, in pain and will not be able to stand the horror of what they have to see. I come to show them what the Day of Judgement will be like.”
6th July 2012 MDM: “One third of the Earth will be destroyed as the Angels pour fire from the four corners of the Heavens. Nothing in the world by the laws of nature will remain, as they once did. The seas will rise; the waters will pour; the earth will shake and the soil will become barren. Their punishment is to prevent them from infesting other souls. Leaders who follow the Antichrist will not escape the Eye of My Father.”
“Chastisements are part of God’s Plans to cleanse the Earth in order to purify both the sinner and the ground you walk on. The Seal of the Living God will protect each and every one of you.”
Pope Peter II will bring the Vatican to the Philippines, but will only be a small Church, because the Vatican will be taken by the Antichrist, but later will be destroyed.
The war will be in India fighting with Pakistan bringing many martyrs. The Monarch and Peter II will rule in Europe and will remove the Muslims. The Warning will come and bring mankind to believe in Jesus. The Antichrist will be subdued because the people will be converted for some years.
9th March 2014 MDM: “With the Warning will come a great desire to give Glory to God. This will be a period of great trials because the enemies of God will do everything possible to convince the world that the warning, the Illumination of Conscience, did not take place.”
“At the very end, when Jesus Returns, Purgatory will not be any more.”
THE WARNING – Conchita, from Garabandal wrote: “The warning comes directly from God and will be visible to the whole world and from any place where anyone may happen to be. It will be like the revelation of our sins and it will be seen and felt by everyone – believer and unbeliever alike – irrespective of whatever religion he may belong to. It will be seen and felt in all parts of the world and by every person.”
“It will happen in the sky, no one can prevent it from happening. We will even prefer to be dead rather than to pass through this Warning It will not kill us. It will be a “correction” of our conscience. It will cause great fear and will make us reflect within ourselves on the consequences of our own personal sins. It will be like a warning of the punishment to come. In this way the world will be offered a means of purification to prepare itself for the extraordinary Grace of the Great Miracle.”
Jacinta (from Garabandal) was told by Our Blessed Mother “that the warning would come when conditions were at their worst.”
The date was not revealed to the Visionaries, however Mari-Loli does know the year and she said that The Miracle will happen within one year after the Warning.
[See link: http://garabandal.org/story.shtml]
After the Warning the amount of people that will die will be about 300-million, which includes the Great War; there will be mostly only Catholics. There will not be a Pope, but a Leader, Pope Peter II. It is after the Warning that St Paul and St Peter will appear and choose the Last pope, Peter II.
Bl. Anna-Maria Taigi – 19th Century: (From the book by Yves Dupont on Catholic Prophecy).
“God will send two punishments – one in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils; it shall originate on earth. The other will be sent from Heaven: There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three (3) days and three (3) nights. Nothing can be seen and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly – but not only – the enemies of religion. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. He, who out of curiosity, opens his window to look out, or leaves his home, will fall dead on the spot. During these three (3) days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy.”
“All the enemies of the Church, whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness, with the exception of a few whom God will soon convert. The air shall be infected by demons who will appear under all sorts of hideous forms.”
“Religion shall be persecuted and Priests massacred. Churches shall be closed, but only for a short time. The Holy Father shall be obliged to leave Rome.”
“France shall fall into a frightful anarchy. The French shall have a desperate civil war in the course of which even old men will take up arms. The political parties, having exhausted their blood and their rage, without being able to arrive at any satisfactory settlement, shall agree at the last extremity to have recourse to the Holy See. Then the Pope shall send to France a special Legate …. In consequence of the information received, His Holiness himself shall nominate a most Christian King for the government of France.”
“After the three days of darkness, St. Peter and St. Paul, having come down from Heaven, will preach in the whole world and designate a new Pope. A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the Cardinal, who is to become Pope. Christianity then will spread throughout the world. He is the Holy Pontiff chosen by God to withstand the storm. At the end, he will have the gift of miracles and his name shall be praised over the whole earth. Whole nations will come back to the Church and the face of the earth will be renewed. Russia, England and China will come into the Church.”
After the short Reign of Peace, the Antichrist will move and then the Remnant Church will Reign. Many of them will go into hiding, but those that follow Christ will be many. The Comet to form the end of the world will be around 2025-2028. After the 3½ years the Antichrist will come to an end.
The people of God will be lifted up into Heaven and the world will be cleaned by the Comet that will come and there will be Three Days of Darkness, that is when the Antichrist and the False Pope will be thrown down into Hell.
Then when the Three Days of Darkness has finished, Jesus will come and renew the Earth, but there will be a time before this where God will perform His Judgement.
After this the New Jerusalem will come down to Earth and the Saints with people who lived on the Earth, as the Antichrist is put into Hell. The people who were raised to Heaven will not die. People will be given a chance to survive even just before the Comet.
We expect that Jesus Returns by the year 2038, or around that time. Hell will be closed for one-thousand years (1,000) and the Devil will come at the end of the thousand years for a little while.
20th February 2012 MDM – Seal of the Living God: This special prayer is a Gift from God the Father given to Prophet Maria Divine Mercy for the protection of all God’s children. All who accept this Seal will be offered protection for each and every one of you and your families during the period in the lead-up to the Second Coming of Christ.
“Rise now and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God. Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love joy and gratitude.”
O my God, my Loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection., Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, my Beloved Father. I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You, Dear Father. I console You in these times, Dear Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. Amen.
“Go, My children and do not fear. Trust in Me, your Beloved Father, who lovingly Created each of you. I know every single soul, every part of you is known to Me. Not one of you is loved less than the other. Because of this I do not want to lose one souls. Not one. Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet every day. One day, you will understand why this purification is needed.
Your Loving Father in Heaven,
God the Most High
9th October 2014 MDM: “Remember that after the Second Coming, Purgatory will not exist. Heaven and Earth will become one and Hell will become the dwelling place for those who idolize the Devil and all that comes from him.”
13th May 2014 MDM: “The sky will be darkened for three (3) days immediately before I Return. Prepare with love and simplicity of heart for this Great Day. Do not fear it. Welcome it. Even if you are in great darkness I will take you into My Light – all you need to do is to hold out your arms to Me and I will embrace you as Mine.”
“Many will be unprepared and will find the event to be so overwhelming that they will spill tears of sadness, for they will know in their hearts how they rejected the True Messiah and how unworthy they are to enter My Kingdom. But I say to these people now: on that day you must call out to Me and ask Me to forgive you – then you, too, will be gathered into My New Kingdom.”
31st January 2012 MDM: Crusade Prayer (24) – Jesus reveals Plenary Indulgence, for Total Absolution
“To My beloved followers, who show obedience, determination of will and pure love in their souls, will be the foundation upon which I will now rebuild My Church on Earth. My army, though their love for Me, will be given very special Graces now.”
“I grant them this Plenary Indulgence, to enable them carry My Torch of Fire, so that they can spread conversion. This Gift from Me will enable them to spread the Truth of My Holy Word, so that it will touch hearts everywhere they go. They must say this prayer for seven (7) consecutive days and they will be given the Gift of Total Absolution and the power of the Holy Spirit.
O, My Jesus, You are the Light of the earth. You are the Flame that touches all souls. Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross, yet we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You. Grant us, O Lord, the Gift of Humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters For the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth. We honour You. We Praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You to save souls. We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be. Amen.
26th April 2012 MDM: “Those who are loyal to me will be taken in the blink of an eye, without suffering, into the New Heaven and Earth.”
“Again I must tell all of God’s children not to feel worried or frightened of events to come – all of humanity will witness My Mercy soon.”
“The time for the New Era of Peace brings tremendous joy and excitement for those w ho acknowledge My Hand of Mercy. My Era of Peace will be a New Earth where Twelve (12) Nations will rule under My guidance. You will live in Peace, Love and Harmony. The material surroundings you see on earth today will pale into insignificance when compared with the world which lies ahead.”
“For those worried or frightened for your family or loved ones, bring them with you to My wonderful New Paradise. Pray for them and I will give them special “Graces so that they will be given the Gift of Recognize My Love.”
“The Truth of My Kingdom will be seen even by atheists, who will be shocked in most cases turn into humble love and acceptance. Those who are loyal to Me will be taken in the blink of an eye, without suffering, into the New Heaven and Earth.
This is how the structure of the New World will look:
How it will start according to the writings of the Saints and worldly Analysts and current Seers of the Church, since the 20th Century
Saint Paul says: “Aim at charity – yet strive after the spiritual gifts – but especially that you may prophesy. Prophecies are for our edification. They prepare us for danger to come.”
St Columba – 6th Century: “There will be great wars – unjust laws; people will read and write a great deal.”
St Methodius – 4th Century: “A day will come when the enemies of Christ will boast of having conquered the whole world.”
St John of the Cleft Rock – 14th Century: “Twenty centuries after the Incarnation of the Word, the Beast in its turn shall become man, about the year 2000AD. The Antichrist will reveal himself towards the end of the world; the Pope with his Cardinals will have to flee Rome.”
Bl Anna-Maria Taigi – 19th Century: “God will send two punishments – one will be in the form of wars – the other from Heaven: Three Days of Darkness.”
It is very difficult to know where the war will start, but:
•Russia will invade Europe, Italy and take over the Vatican.
•North Korea will attack South Korea;
•China will attack the U.S.A.;
• A great Leader will be attacked, bringing forth war;
• War will break out with India and Pakistan;
• World War III and the One World Order.
23rd November 2010 MDM – Jesus: “The war which I speak about is being orchestrated by the Red Dragon now. The Dragon – the New World enemy – is scheming now to destroy cities in the West. Pray for those souls who, through this Nuclear War, will die. My people must strive to become self-sufficient. Prepare now (as within three years).”
20th December 2010: “The Great Tribulation – this will even commence from the end of 2012.”
17th February 2011: “The Arab world will unite against My people, the Jews – all allies will fall away, leaving them exposed.”
“Three world leaders assassinated.”
18th March 2011: “While war in the Middle East will involve other Nations, the other Nations from the West will provide a reaction from Russia and China – all will end in a world war.”
17th April 2011 MDM: “A New World Government in waiting, are planning to spring now, under the leadership of the Antichrist.”
“Pending ecological catastrophes will result in a huge loss of life in Asia, Europe, Russia and the U.S.A. The Wrath of God – My Eternal Father – will fall swiftly on this Global Alliance, who are plotting underground Organizations, to inflict death on the rest of the world.
26th April 2011 MDM: The Arab world uprising will spark unrest indirectly, in every corner of the world. Italy will be instrumental in the fallout, which will trigger the involvement of Global Powers in a war.
1st May 2011 MDM: Russia and China to cause disruption
23rd September 2011 MDM: The Antichrist will attempt to control you through a New World Currency; the Warning will put a halt to this.
2nd October 2011: “My Cross will first appear ..”.
4th January 2012: “Nations will attempt to begin to destroy each other in the East. Much prayer is needed to ensure that this Nuclear War and other atrocities, are averted.”
18th February 2013: “They will bring God’s children under the Rule of the ‘Little Horn’ (Pope Francis).”
6th April 2013: “The time for the Comet to appear – people will believe that there are two Suns.”
4th February 2012: “Wars, involving Iran, Israel, Egypt and Syria interconnect. Italy will suffer the fallout.”
6th February 2012: “Pray that the global atrocity of a Nuclear War – which would wipe out one third of humanity – can be averted.”
23rd February 2012: “Pray that Nuclear War can be averted in Iran.”
6th September 2013: “The wars will unfold now in the Middle East – millions will be killed.”
16th May 2012: “The Third World war is about to unfold in the world – it will start in Europe. Your banking system will be the cause and Germany once again, will be involved in this tragedy. When it commences, much will be over saving the economy and a catastrophe will affect Greece – with much fallout in France. The Middle East will also be involved with Israel – and Iran at war and Syria will play a serious part in the downfall of Egypt.”
“The effects of this war will be that My Catholic Church on Earth will be sucked into a One World Church in the name of unification. This unification – or false peace – will become a reality after the Antichrist appears, to create a false peace or so-called end of the war. This peaceful pact will involve the Western World, until China and Russia become involved with matters. They will pose a threat to the Beast with Ten Horns – Europe – and will overcome them to introduce Communism. The Red Dragon, China, already gains a strong foothold in the world due to their control of the world’s finances. The Red Dragon and the Bear, which is Russia, do not love God. They are being led by the Antichrist, who is from the East.”
26th September, 2013: “If I have to destroy cities to stop evil from spreading, then I will do this.”
24th September, 2013: “The Four Parts of the world I refer to are the Four Big Empires: The U.S.A., Russia, Europe and China. All prophecies foretold will involve these Powers.”
“Syria and Egypt, through the unrest in their countries, will become the catalysts for a greater war, which will involve the Four Great Powers. Each of these Powers will be connected in order to create a unified Regime, which will be used to control the global wealth and population.”
19th October 2013: “The Antichrist will create grants to work for his new One World Trade Centre.”
4th March 2014: “These wars will end in turmoil – then the war in the East will trigger an even bigger war; millions will be lost. When all seems hopeless, the ‘Man of Peace’ will appear and then the beginning of the end will be witnessed.”
January 2009 Luz de Maria, Seer of Argentina: “We know that a great majority of people will follow the Antichrist, who is in Belgium at this time.”
“The U.S.A. will fall. China and Russia will unite and devastate many countries, until they reach the U.S.A.”
“The Great Conflict – the Third World War – is at the door; as Israel started the Alliance, it will start the Great War. All economies will fall.”
1992 Christine Gallagher, Seer of Ireland: “Collection of what Heaven said uniting of currencies first in Europe and later leading to a One World Currency, followed by a Cashless Society, which will require the chip or Mark of the Beast. During this time there will come into being a One World Bank, a One World Government and a One World Church, which will not be Christian.”
16th July 2017 Christine: “The grave danger to My Church from him, who is the Antichrist – soon he will be with you in human form.”
10th February 2017 – Jesus: “The world has become like the Whore of Babylon – (Kingdom of the Antichrist).” I saw a clock one minute to twelve, then I could see an army marching and preparing for war.”
10th May 2015: “World War III is already being prepared.”
“The (Comet) Wormwood will come as in an explosion of poison and bring forth death to many – danger, danger for the world.”
5th January 2013: “The man of the Red Serpent will rise up and crush many. There is much evil already planned to come through China, Russia, the U.S.A. and the heads of some European countries. This will bring about great devastation and pain beyond your ability to understand or imagine.”
12th August 2017 Luz de Maria: “Live dangerous – very dangerous – moments. The war is no longer spectrum. A small country will be responsible for the terror of mankind. Pray for the U.S.A. – the war not only calls outside its territory, but within. Pray for North Korea.”
“Many travel the Earth without paying attention to the signs of this moment – they will be amazed before a major unexpected event coming from the sky.”
15th May 2017 Enoch: “My flock, Nations are preparing for war. Peace will go away for the time. With war will begin the time of tribulation – a third of the world will disappear.”
These are but a few references about World War III, but you can be certain this will happen in the next months to come. Prepare and pray.
See Youtube: https://youtu.be/EYsA2luaFZ4
The Warning will be a Valentines gift to mankind because it will illuminate him to see himself as he is – the Truth will light up mankind’s heart like the Sun – he will see how much God Loves him in His Truth.
Christine Gallagher revealed the Illumination will be in the month of February, at a time we need it the most.
Sadie Jaramillo had three (3) Visions on 18th August 1994.
Jesus told Sadie: “This Ball of Light will explode in the conscience of man and he will see the dread of his soul. He will fall to his knees and my enemies will curse me to their perdition.”
Try now to close your eyes and envision yourself seeing this Ball of Light exploding in your conscience – then feel your knees fall to the floor and hear the sound of people cursing God around you. Pray for them now!!
Sadie Jaramillo had this Vision on 18th August 1994 of a flaming object with a tail of flames hurling through space downwards, in total blackness – it appeared to be on a collision course with a Planet.
Jesus told Sadie: “What I have shown you is what will cause Man to fall on his knees and know the dread of his soul.”
Sadie said: “While receiving these words I had an interior vision; I saw first a dark night with stars in the sky, then a burst of light like a fireball with a tail, which I have been shown before; then I see daylight suddenly growing darker until there is nothing but total blackness; then appears the Cross with Jesus Crucified.”
(Realize this same vision which was given to Sadie was given to Sr. Faustina).
Sadie had three (3) Vision in November that shows the collision of two (2) fireballs in 1998:
“Early in the month of November I was shown two (2) balls of fire – I see the two (2) balls coming at each other from opposite directions and then meet in the centre and collide. I see the Illuminated Cross in the Heavens.”
Sadie then sees a man who endures the Illumination; he puts his forearm up to his forehead and reels back; he falls to his knees and cries, holding his hands up to his face.
Jesus shows Sadie a watch – Here is her account: “I see Jesus hold up His Arm to me and points to me to see a watch He is wearing. I know Jesus does not need a watch. I look at the watch and both hands are pointing to the twelve (12)”
(Interesting – the Scriptures tell us that the darkness will fall at noon – Look at AMOS 8:9 “In that day,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “I will make the Sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.”
See Youtube: https://youtu.be/J4ZxBbfLFUY
A month between the Illumination and Miracle in the future.
It has been discovered through research that the Illumination of Conscience will be in the month of February in an unknown year. It has been confirmed by two (2) Visionaries: Christian Gallagher and Marie Julie Jahenny – both are Stigmatists.
Marie Julie Jahenny heard this from Jesus: “I forewarn you, a day will come when in the early hours of the morning there will be little light from the Sun, or from the stars; it will be in the early month of the year. There will be insufficient light for people to leave their houses. It will not be in mid-summer; not during the longest days, nor during the shortest ones. It will not be at the end of the year, not in December, but rather when the spring wheat will not quite have reached its third notch of growth (February).”
“It will be a day of continuous thunder and lightning and terrible upheavals in the atmosphere. The Sun will be almost completely darkened. This will start midday (in France) lasting until 4:00 pm. It will signal the commencement of the Chastisement of the earth.”
Stigmatist, Julie Jahenny, refers to: “The commencement of the Chastisement.”This is the period just before the arrival of Antichrist, Antipope and the Return of Jesus … So, the Warning will come at a time we need it most – just before the Antichrist and Antipope come on the scene.
Stigmatist Christine Gallagher revealed the Warning will come in February as well, in an unknown year. In a personal communication to Maureen Flynn of the ‘Signs of the Times Apostolate’ in December 2006, Father McGinnity, Christina’s Spiritual Adviser, told her that Christina Gallagher had been told that the month of the Warning will be February, but the year has not been revealed to Christina.
So the Warning must come first before the very last things in the Book of Revelation come to pass. The Warning will occur to every human on earth and they will know from God Himself what they must do to change. This Mini Judgement will occur before the Great Persecution from Antipope and Antichrist, who will appear on the earth shortly after.
Then the Miracle will follow the Illumination in February, in April – in an unknown year.
Now Conchita of Garabandal revealed the month of the Miracle will be in April. This was revealed by an associate close to Conchita that the Miracle of Garabandal, Spain, would occur in April in an unknown year.
It will occur on a Thursday at about 8.30 pm.
It will occur on a date between 8th and 16th April.
It will coincide with “an event of great importance for Christendom
“with an event in the Church.”
Feast of a Saint who is “indirectly connected to the Holy Eucharist”,
And of a Saint who is “a martyr of the Holy Eucharist.”
Will be seen by everybody who comes to Garabandal and its surroundings.
It will last for about fifteen (15) minutes.
The sick who are present will be cured.
There will be a permanent sign in (in Garabandal) Medjugorje and every Shrine
where Our Blessed Mother and Jesus appear.
Conchita said: “The Miracle will be as great and spectacular as the world needs.”
The Miracle will be announced by Conchita eight (8) days in advance.
After these Words, Our Lord Jesus Christ – imposing, with a white Tunic and some shining yellow embroidery, with His wavy and light chestnut colour hair and deep honey-coloured eyes, says to me:
At that moment, the Most Sacred Heart of our Beloved Lord goes through His Tunic and out over the Mantle, and I watch with awe at how, given this dryness of His Most Sacred Heart of which He is telling me, it shines with total Light; I see it alive, the light combining with the Blood; it is an impressive and inexplicable component of the Divine Majesty.
Our Lord tells me: “See how the nature of the human being is no longer respected and man, in his eagerness to defy me, creates an immoral form of relations between man and man, and woman and woman.
Wrapped up in the madness in which those who have insisted on rebelling against Me have risen up, blinded by obeying the Devil, who has saturated their minds with a new cult: the satanic.
They are not aware of what they radiate towards all creation: disobedience, lack of love, impiety, madness, abandonment, death: they have buried faith in Me and crucify Me again when they commit so many heresies and constant sacrileges!
The darkness of man’s soul reaches all creation and unleashes great events that cause humanity to live in great tribulation.
Great nations are grouping together in order to create alliances against other nations to invade them, and thus to dominate, among others, the great nation of the north.”
Our Lord Jesus Christ allows me to see that great invasion in America and at the same time in Europe; I see the United States stripped of its riches and other nations plundered and subjugated to the service of evil.
Suddenly He tells me: “My beloved daughter, look carefully … and suddenly the globe is before me and is approaching at great speed and stops, and I look at the geography of the whole of the Americas; he points me to North America that rises up, leaving the various layers of the earth uncovered, and our beloved Lord tells me: “pay attention”.
And I suddenly see how from the core of the Earth a movement begins that becomes stronger until it reaches the surface.
My Lord Jesus Christ tells me: “daughter, My beloved, watch how this great earthquake happens, it accelerates as it goes up and the movement is greater.”
I watch how the tectonic plates open and how what man has built moves strongly and the great skyscrapers collapse; the human pain is great, there is silence for a while and then amidst laments I hear many asking our Lord for forgiveness.
“My child, I have repeated to you with precision the strong movement within the Earth, the great earthquakes with which all men on Earth will suffer for not converting and for defying me. Part of this perverse generation will go dark and after this darkness scarcity will come.
You do not believe, you do not see yourselves, you do not convert, you take My warnings and those of My Mother as unimportant, even though small warnings are reaching the Earth from the Universe of what will come to Earth on a great scale, causing great destruction.”
Do not adopt modern trends regarding My Word; adhere to My Law and enter into My Word; be Love as I Am Love, true Love (cf. I Jn 4,8 and 16). Do not participate in the modern trends to which they want to subject My Church: My Word is One.
My people, be more spiritual so that, strengthened by My Holy Spirit, you would be fraternal, bearing in mind that evil gnaws at the heart of man, injecting into it anxieties and tendencies that are not My Will, in order to confuse you and rob you of Eternal Salvation.
Do not turn away from My Mother: in Her you will find the strength to continue in My Way. Come to the aid of your brothers and sisters, prepare yourselves in the spirit and with the basics, without forgetting that I reward the one who makes an effort.
Do not be among those who only preach My Love and not My Justice.
The action of one of the great leaders of the world will be silenced and humanity will go into a panic; the opponents will take advantage of this instant to take action.
I want you to understand that you are inflicting your own punishment on yourselves, within which are diseases, natural events, man’s rebellions against Me and against My Mother.
Pray, My People, pray for all humanity that is submerged in its own catastrophe fomented by evil. Pray, My People, most of the Earth shakes – the result of man’s evil action. Pray, My People, pray: the plague advances, just as men advance who do not believe in Me and who go into My Revelations and those of My Mother, not out of fear but in order to deny them, having welcomed evil.
My People, these Revelations are for you to prepare spiritually; do not fear those who make fun of you, do not fear being rejected. The events that man himself is attracting will come, and with My Love you will assist those who have rejected you.
After pronouncing these Words, Our Lord went away, blessing humanity.
I bless you with My Love.
Your Jesus
Brothers and Sisters:
At these Words, all that is left is to meditate and to immerse ourselves in the Merciful Love of the Most Holy Trinity and of Our Blessed Mother, to take refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to pray and be among those who do not keep silence at so much offense to which such an Adorable Heart is being subjected.
The Heart of Jesus, whom we ask to free us from the immorality of this generation, yet we do not go deeply into the ‘why’ of these facts, and the truth is that the Devil is advancing on a humanity without God.