Anniversary of the death of Padre Pió
Soon you shall go on a very quick journey – Many signs will be given throughout many of My Apparition Sites on the 13th of October – You will appear simultaneously to the children and seers of the Apparition Sites, to bring forward great unity and strength among Our children – Every moment lost can mean a soul that is lost, or could be lost for all eternity – The two stars you saw falling from My Hands are two more Seers who have fallen from Grace.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady, through the Angels, told me this morning that She would come to speak to me for a short while. I am holding the Crucifix that Bro. Joseph Francis of Canada sent me; a Crucifix which was held by the Infant Jesus. Our Lady requested that it be sent to me. The legs of the Corpus were broken, yet the Crucifix is all metal. I think the evil one had something to do with this.
I can now see two Angels who are in this room – the office. I can see Our Lady; She is a little bit higher than the ceiling and is dressed as Our Lady of the Cape, with Her Immaculate Heart showing. Our Lady looks very beautiful. She shows me a star which She holds and it now falls out of Her Hand. A little bit further below I see the evil one – in the form of a dragon – who also holds out his hand, which is very hairy and talon-like it would seem – and he catches the star, which is no longer bright, but very dim. From Her right Hand another star falls and the evil one has opened his mouth and captured it and it, too, has dimmed. Our Lady now says:
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My child – My Little Pebble of Love – from the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I come today, My child, to give you greetings of Love from the Sacred Heart of My Divine Son and, also, to answer several of your questions that are lodged in your heart. Concerning the dates that you have written for your journey that you will undertake next year to Japan: the dates are acceptable, My child. You may proceed. Prepare yourself, dear child, for soon you shall go on a very quick journey.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady told me a name, but it is not to be given publicly yet.
OUR LADY: “As I have said many times, dear child: you will need to go on many journeys throughout the world for the salvation of Our children. Yes, My dear child, many signs will be given throughout many of My Apparition sites and that of My Divine Son, Jesus, on the thirteenth – the thirteenth of October. Many signs will be witnessed by Our children and in many places, you too, My child, will appear simultaneously to the children and the Seers of the Apparition sites, to bring forward great unity and strength among Our children.”
“There is something very important I wish to speak to you about now, My child. Time is very short, and every moment time is lost, souls are in the balance. So remember this, My dear children, whenever you do work for Heaven. Every moment lost can mean a soul that is lost – or could be lost – for all Eternity. Know that My Immaculate Heart Loves you all and will triumph in the end, no matter how difficult the evil one makes it for Our children; no matter how difficult the blockage the evil one places on the road, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I can now see the Immaculate Heart coming from Our Lady’s Chest and It stands right over the evil one and crushes him – and he squirms and moans and groans and is cast aside.
OUR LADY: “My dear child, My Little Pebble of Love: I now wish to give a very special Blessing to My beloved son, Brother Joseph Francis. This Message will be confirmed through him, My child, so be at peace. And I Bless Brother Albert Arseneau and Sister Gail Stephens. Know that you are written within My Immaculate Heart and your names will never be erased. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My dear child, the two stars that you saw falling from My Hands are two more Seers, who have fallen from Grace and gone into darkness. These souls, My child, are Leslie Garey of the United States and the one We call M.A., [also] of the United States. These were gifted souls, My dear child and dear children, however, they lost many Graces through pride and now the evil one is keeping them in darkness. Pray, dear children, for these souls, that they may receive the Light again. However, their Missions are lost and their Graces will be given to the true Seers who are left.”
“Pray, My children, for all Seers that they be strengthened in their faith; in their courage and in their conviction. I Bless you, My child, to give you the strength necessary to proceed on the journey of faith and trust: on the journey of uniting souls and saving Holy Mother Church: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Yes, My sweet child, Padre Pió – My sweet son of predilection; My dear son who suffered so very much while he was on earth – he, too, is appearing throughout the world, like many of Heaven’s personages are appearing to mankind to save mankind.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I can now see Padre Pió coming to the left side of Our Blessed Mother. He is smiling and is very happy.
PADRE PIO: “My son, my Little Pebble of Love: I am pleased – as Heaven is pleased – that you listen to the guidance and the directions that you are given. Call on me whenever you need me and I will come to your aid. It is true, my child, that I am appearing in Poland and telling the children of God to come back to Holy Mother Church; to come back to the Bosom of The Triune God; to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to believe in the Apparition of the Mother of God to you, my child. I bless you, my son, and also your little brother, Brother Joseph Francis, who has a great love for me: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. This blessing, my child, is also for your good wife and your dear children, who love me so.”
OUR LADY: “My dear child: concerning the pages that you have in front of you – it is of Heaven, dear child. Be assured. The Crucifix that you have in your hands was held by My Little Son – My Little Infant Son – Jesus. This Crucifix, My child, was, indeed, tampered with by the evil one, who tried to break it. However, My child, you will mend it by your love. Keep it close to you at night, and you will dream ‘dreams of dreams’ and will also sleep peacefully. I Bless you, My child, to give you strength and courage: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My dear child, I want to speak to your heart now …..”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Thank you, sweet Mother, Please help me. Thank you Mother.
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My sweet son, for I know that you need so much help in your Mission, for many persecute you. However, know, My child, whenever you need Me, I am always there. I Bless you, sweet child: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My dear child: yes, I and My Divine Son, Jesus, have spoken about you once again at the ‘White Cross‘ in Spain. Go now, My child, in the Peace of My Divine Son, Jesus, and know that I Love you.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now shows me Her Immaculate Heart. She is holding Her Immaculate Heart in Her Hands and She comes a little closer, asking me to stand to kiss this Immaculate Heart. The two Angels were bowing down.
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, child, for I must now go. My calling now is on the other part of the globe. Continue now with your love and with your prayers: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady blessed me with Her Immaculate Heart and She now goes further into the sky. The Angels bow to the earth, and Our Lady whispers: “Give My Love to My little Rose, Teresa” Our Lady has gone deep into the sky, and the Angels are following Her.