Our Lady – Queen of the Vicars of Christ
The life of Pope Benedict will soon be over; Russia about to attack Italy and the Vatican – The Holy Relic of the Holy Faith has been taken to Heaven – The Victory of My Little White Rock, is very near. My beloved son who is suffering so much; Very soon you shall be freed – Mankind preparing for Third World War; an Asteroid is heading towards the world – China preparing for war in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea – Russia preparing to attack many countries in Europe – The Great Split will come.
WILLIAM: Our Lady Appears before me as Our Holy Mother of the Papacy. She is dressed in a white with a yellow cape and wears a Crown with three points, representing the Divine Trinity. Saint Michael, Saint Raphael and Saint Gabriel stand around Her. Our Lady said to proceed, and makes the Sign of the Cross:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
WILLIAM: There is a beautiful Light coming from Our Lady; the White Cross is behind Her.
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My child: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
WILLIAM: In Our Lady’s left Arm is a long golden-coloured shield with the emblem of Pope Peter II.
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My beautiful son and Last Vicar of Holy Mother Church. I chose today to speak to you to prepare you for your role as the Last Vicar for Holy Mother Church, which will be very soon, because the life of Pope Benedict will be over, very soon. Russia is about to attack Italy and the Vatican, because the time has arrived for the Prophecy to be fulfilled. The Holy Relic of the Holy Faith has been taken to Heaven, but you must understand that you were chosen as the Last Vicar over many, many years ago, so remain at peace – especially My children who believe in the Divine Messages given to the Seer, Maria of Ireland; The Message is not contradicting the last Messages given in the major Messages for the world.”
“Your Victory is close at hand, because the Plans are drawing up for the final stages for the Victory of Holy Mother the Church. Pray, My sweet children, because the last stages are being fulfilled right now. You must trust in My Immaculate Heart, because the Victory of My Holy son, the Little White Rock, is very near. My beloved son who is suffering so much – very soon you shall be freed.”
“My beloved son and children of the world, mankind is preparing for the Third World War, but the world will be shocked very soon, as an Asteroid is heading towards the world and will alarm mankind to realize that they are very much in danger, as this is heading towards the Coast of America and the middle, between the U.S.A. and South America. It will cause a deep vibration of the seas and cause many great floodings – which will cause the death of many people. Pray, My beloved children, because as of the red Moon of next month, the event will cause to bring forth many Great Chastisements, which will cause many people to reflect upon their lives.”
“My children, pray for China, because it is preparing for war in Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, to bring the great war, that mankind do not believe will happen. Therefore, I ask for many, many prayers. Russia is also preparing to attack many countries in Europe, which will unsettle the whole world. Pray for Norway and the countries that border Russia.”
“I beg Our children to pray for the Church of Jesus Christ, the Truth of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, because the Great Split will come to all Our children. Those who wish to practice the current Catholic Church and Modern Faith to the faithful Catholic Church. The true Vicar of Christ will suffer as he leaves Rome into a foreign country, where he will sacrifice his life to bring forth the Great Tribulations upon Holy Mother Church.”
“I beg of you, My children, to pray, because the Church will undergo the Great Tribulations. I beg of you all, My children, to suffer all for God and His Holy Catholic Church and the future Vicar, Pope Peter II.”
“I come today to give you Graces and Strength to do the Will of the Most High.”
“I Love you very much, My children. Fear not, because I am your Mother and Protector of Holy Mother the Church and Protector of Our Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict and the future Vicar, Pope Peter II. Pray a great deal, My children, My Most Holy Rosary and forget not the Chaplet of Mercy.”
“I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Keep strong, My Holy son, because you will be free very shortly.”
“I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Your Mother and Protector of the Vicar of Holy Mother the Church.”
WILLIAM: After Our Lady Blessed me She said She is sending the three Great Angels, for they will be my protection.
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I Love you.”