God will Intervene – 30 May 2023

God will Intervene

By Bishop Malcolm Broussard

The Antichrist is ready to move on the Vatican when Pope Francis is removed. However, before he is allowed to move, the events must move forward.

The Antichrist will be eager to get going — but first, we need to wait for the Chastisement to follow through in August. Then the coming of the Third World War, which will follow with atomic bombs being dropped in the USA and Australia. Australia will receive six nuclear bombs in Sydney and Melbourne within the next 12 months.

God will intervene half-way through the War, because China must invade Europe — with Russia invading Europe first, and China using its great 200 million forces to invade the Pacific and attack the USA which will be invaded plus nuclear bombs.

California will be invaded and torn away from the USA, Hawaii and Japan will sink into the sea. Australia will also sink. Too much will be underwater, but parts will survive.

See these (2) important Messages:

Christina Gallagher

See Message: https://thetruthful.org/2023/01/27/message-to-christina-gallagher-20-january-2023/

The explanation is given by the Seer Shelly Anna

See Message: https://thetruthful.org/2023/04/15/message-to-shelly-anna-6-april-2023/

There are seven and a half moons from the time of the Message given to Christina Gallagher. The time is complete in August 2023.