Errors of Global Climate Change

Errors of Global Climate Change

From: [Name Withheld]

Date: 19 December 2016 at 7:24:34 pm AEDT

To: William Costellia

Subject: Resend: Updated: Dec 14, 2016 >>>>> Evil Taxation Plans & Errors of Global Climate Change <<<<<<

Dear William, Jesus reveals the evil plan of Governments desiring to introduce heavy taxation burdens upon mankind in the guise of believing mankind is able to reduce global temperatures to affect “Climate Change”.

The Vatican's Secretary of State was one of the leaders representing 150 nations in the Nov. 30-Dec. 11 2015 discussions in the COP-21 summit on Climate Change in Paris. After reaching an “adoption of an agreement” on the Paris climate talks, there was an immediate urging for the international community to promptly put it into action (Sunday Angeles address Pope Francis) (

Saint Pope John Paul II – “Truth cannot Contradict the Truth”

It is the responsibility of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences to advise the Pontiff in matters of scientific research, including any relevant information that may be “unsettled”. Pope John Paul II delivered a profound statement “Truth cannot Contradict the Truth” in delivering a message to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences 22 October 1996 regarding the scientific theory of Evolution & Creation. This profound statement inferred to the heart of known contradictions of the completeness of scientists theories on Evolution, in addition to reconciliation with the truths of revelation on Creation. (

Scandals, contradictions, non-concensus, data model shortcomings

Even greater contradictions, non-concensus, and data model shortcomings – in true scientific knowledge – are replete in the theory of “Climate Change”. Yet, there indicates a “rush”, supported by the Vatican, to declare this “man developed theory” in where it necessitates implementing a serious burden upon nations, states, and individuals to solve a perceived manmade or man-participating “threat” to an “emerging planetary crisis”***. Pope John Paul II would again echo the profound statement “Truth cannot Contradict the Truth”.

Indeed, there is great controversy and scandal that has been revealed regarding global temperature databases. (

Regardless of the scandals, contradictions, non-concensus, and data model shortcomings, there is a level of physics that dwarfs this Climate Change discussion and which introduces “great error” in the prudence of adopting any accord (regarding Climate Change).

The Great Error – unseen Classified Physics dwarfs “Climate Change”

A Great Error exists where “Mankind” is not able to see the true “dominant” cause of the great energy driving the changes in the Earth. The truth is, “Mankind” is unable to scientifically remedy or affect these great Earth energy changes. Thus, any type of “Climate Change” taxation is folly, and should be even considered immoral.

Any fundamental immoral position should be of great concern to the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences – and to the Papacy itself.

The Great Error exists in that current mainstream physics is woefully inadequate in defining the full energy of God's creation. This great lack of existing physics theory leaves 96% of the Universe unexplainable. Scientific theory has only managed to explain 4% of the visible universe – the rest is a mystery to scientists (

Yet, this misunderstood 96% is a dominant factor in the Planetary Solar System, the Earth, the Galaxy, and the Universe of God's Creation. Classified physics have made great discoveries in this field, however the mainstream of science is greatly lacking in this important knowledge.

It is in this dominant factor of energy & matter that drives our Planets, the Earth, and our Solar system, which is fundamental in a profound way in why we are observing Earth changes (currently & errantly attributed to man-involved “Climate Change”).

In the six sextillion tons (6 sextillion tons = 6,000 billion billion tons) of the entire mass of the Earth, small gas trace changes of CO2 do not have the ability to drastically drive the energy of the full mass of the earth. This will soon be revealed to mankind in tremendous volcanic eruptions, plate movements, harsh weather & storms, and increasing Great Earthquakes. My current research technology is observing this tremendous buildup in the base resonance of the Earth. Only the massive planetary core of the Earth may drive such tremendous energy. Indeed, Scientists are mystified at the Energy changes of the other Planets in our Solar System (Venus' spin is slowing, Netune's “global warming”, Pluto's “global warming”, etc). These neighboring planet effects are correlating with scientists observation of our simultaneous Earth's Global Climate Changes. How can this be? It would be impossible for trace CO2 gasses on Earth to traverse the vacuum of space and affect other planets.

The Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences lack of knowledge of the full physics involved

However, the rest of God's physics (the 96%) that a rare few classified physicists understand, would provide these answers. This lack of complete knowledge of the full physics of creation (100%) is what makes such agreements as the Paris climate accord such an imprudent action for the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences to advise in any recommendation(s).

In addition, mankind has been interfering with our atmosphere/ionosphere using extremely high power transmitters. This technology was developed where it is able to facilitate military needs including clandestine interference with weather. Appropriately designed 250,000 square mile (earth crust based) antenna systems reveal the extreme power levels launched by these transmitters (dubbed “HAARP” antenna transmitter array). One military use was to vector very powerful 0.91hz sinewave submarine communication transmissions (lasting up to 45-50 minutes at a time) to submarines at sea while submerged. This submarine communication capability has been upgraded to a new digital version of very powerful transmissions. These ground based stations are able to create significant heating in the upper atmosphere such that a bulge or a “lens” forms. The bulges create a downward “beam” of Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) towards the Earth for military use in ground penetrating imaging. Scientists are downplaying the energy capability of transmission power from these stations when in fact the crustal based antenna system reveals multi-GigaWatt levels of Effective Radiated Power (ERP). The crustal based antenna system also reveals the existence of at least 3 unpublished stations in U.S. northern territories (AK). There are reports of a number of similar stations in other locations around the world.

Affecting Weather

At these extreme power levels, the heating of the upper atmosphere has the ability to affect jet stream redirection through an atmospheric density change near the jet stream. Thus jet stream driven weather, either for military reasons or for clandestine reasons, may be persistently altered leading to drought, storm redirection, and drastic climate effects in wide regions of the Earth.

These extremely powerful HAARP type phased array antenna transmitter systems interfere with God's Creation, change the Earth's Schumann Resonance (which is necessary and healthy to life), affect the base healthy resonance of the Magnetosphere, and even affect the healthy resonance of the Magnetic core to the inner earth. In time, mainstream physicists will discover these interdependencies. Yet, classified programs by mankind is harming the health of the earth – as our Lord states – with little concern of the impact to humanity and the Earth. Our Lord directly refers to these systems as “truly evil”**.

Correct Knowledge needs to Guide the truth to Climate Change

Perhaps Catholic & secular news agencies* will be blessed with our Lord's words** to guide the Church, the Priests, and the faithful to the full truth so as to not fall into evil plans.

May Pope John Paul II's words echo in the hearts of those discerning the truth “Truth cannot Contradict the Truth”.

God Bless

*( Catholic Online “New priests to learn about global warming as part of formation”) ***(2nd story: “Vatican Calls On Priests To Be 'Highly Sensitive' To Climate Crisis”)


** Message 701 – 14 May 2014

OUR LORD: “Climate change is not the issue, as this was not caused – as mankind believes – by human action relating to global warming, but rather man’s sins. Climate has changed, My son, because men have down-trodden the Law of God, and God’s Wrath has fallen upon mankind. The world has shifted, My son – the grid that governs the balance of the Earth has moved. Tell the world leaders to lead as men of God, rather than weak men of self-worth. Men must pray, love and respect God and their fellow human beings.”

“Governments wish to place heavy taxes and burdens upon My children, making it impossible to live simple fruitful lives – living in peace with God and his neighbour – they believe by doing this, they will change the great ecological changes taking place in the world, but in reality, My children, this is a fallacy, a plan by Satan to drive all men to fear and deplete all their savings so men will become dependent upon the authorities, like lambs living in Nanny States. All this does, My children, is to oppress your spirit and livelihood.”


** Message 10 November 2016 – Yellow Lily (Answer)

JESUS: “Peace! Be not afraid! The Scientist, the gentleman, may know indeed he is correct. Man with the evil one and using his infernal knowledge, knows how to disrupt the energy of the soul. Man’s call to God with every beat of the heart, as the heart has been programmed to match this resonance and improve or disrupt ‘man’s hearing’. The devices that have been placed deep underground are designed to disconnect this resonance, to disturb man, increasing sin and illness.”

“Look at HAARPS workings. These weather machines, if we understand even a little of the energy of a thundercloud: The mix of magnetic, gravity and electricity these contain, made by God so holding positive forces, man imposes, intervenes with evil intent and these ions, energies do not match, creating more of the negative, false, unnatural ions, disrupting the resonance, the tremble, the ‘vibration’, of the Earth and this happens all over the world!”

JESUS: “Know those devices, HAARPS are truly evil.”


Recent Heaven Messages on Climate Change

Message 701 – 14 May 2014

OUR LORD: “Climate change is not the issue, as this was not caused – as mankind believes – by human action relating to global warming, but rather man’s sins. Climate has changed, My son, because men have down-trodden the Law of God, and God’s Wrath has fallen upon mankind. The world has shifted, My son – the grid that governs the balance of the Earth has moved. Tell the world leaders to lead as men of God, rather than weak men of self-worth. Men must pray, love and respect God and their fellow human beings.”

“Governments wish to place heavy taxes and burdens upon My children, making it impossible to live simple fruitful lives – living in peace with God and his neighbour – they believe by doing this, they will change the great ecological changes taking place in the world, but in reality, My children, this is a fallacy, a plan by Satan to drive all men to fear and deplete all their savings so men will become dependent upon the authorities, like lambs living in Nanny States. All this does, My children, is to oppress your spirit and livelihood.”

Directions from Jesus – 24 August 2015

11 August 2015: Jesus said: mankind is busy speaking about human matters namely “climate change” — even trying to place these burdens upon man through Taxation — this is a fallacy as climate change is not caused by those things man is claiming — but more by their sinfulness, as this affects the Earth and the Planetary movements.

Message 694 – 25 November 2013

The climate changes will continue to bring on major chastisements like the one recently in the Philippines – but many more, even worse, will come upon other nations. This has nothing to do with global warming but rather of movements in the Planetary System, which will be seen soon.

Message 692 – 2 October 2013

“The time for the purging of the world has arrived. The ecological changes that you now witness are not caused by global warming, as men decree; only a very small percentage is caused by this effect – but rather the drastic climate upheaval is caused by the shifting of the Earth’s axis, the planetary movement from its original positioning, and the expansion of the sun’s inner core giving off more and more sun gases, which disturbs the balance of the Planetary Solar System. Within a short time the Scientists will acknowledge to the world (which for now they have hidden) that the sun and its planets are moving on a different path than usual.”

Events in Sequence and Extras from Jesus – 19 November 2016

“Jesus recently told me that Europe, Asia and America will have a severe winter for 2016-2017”

“Upheavals of nature, in great volumes: Volcanoes, earthquakes, rising seas and meteors.”