New Seers’ and Old Seers’ – Current Messages



Two News reports of a “huge fireball” over Perth Australia Nov 2, 2016.


To the People of God,

I have compiled a few Messages and Answers from Jesus to various Seers, including to myself. These Seers are united with me and they will help you to understand events; remain firm in your faith and trust in God.

Pray for the Election in the United States, as Donald Trump is God’s choice and should he not be elected on the 8 November, America – as well as the world – is in for a very difficult time.

People are also debunking the Asteroid saga – yet there are facts presented by several Scientists and the constant Fireballs of Meteorites that have been coming down to Earth since September, through October and now November. These are not the normal yearly Meteor sightings as streaks of light in the sky, but actual small bits of an Asteroid that was blasted by nuclear bombs in September. These are the Messages referred to:

25 October 2016 – Little Pebble: Jesus:“Children are being hijacked by the Media Propaganda – controlled by the Elite and Secret Societies – the Freemasons and the Illuminati.”

16 October 2016 – Little Pebble: Our Lady: “A large Comet is approaching Earth – the Poles will shift – the Sun will eject a Major Flare – it will distort the Magnetic Field of the Planet.”

1 November 2016 – Luz de Maria: THE EARTH IS STRONGLY INFLUENCED BY LARGE ASTEROID THAT IS MOVING IN SPACE … The moon will find its rest and will be obscured by the Sun for several minutes … the fight will not only against men, but against demons, legions and principalities of evil … MAJOR EVENTS ARE ABOUT HUMANITY … The elements come to man dangerously … Pray children, the geography will change … pray for France and the United States, terrorism in the darkness — its action plans …

16 October 2016 – Thomas: Jesus addresses a new Seer named Thomas from France, who received visions from Jesus and Mary and St. Pope John Paul II, for ten years. He was instructed by Jesus in September 2016, to contact me and help me in my Mission. Jesus said for him to tell me that pieces of the Asteroid that was hit by a nuclear weapons, will hit the world and that they were dangerous.

President Obama acted correctly in ordering the people of the United States to prepare through the executive order.

30 October 2016: Jesus said for Thomas to tell me that it was His Will that Donald Trump become President of the United States, but that the elections were rigged.

Pope Francis is not the official Pope. Benedict is, but the Curia forced his resignation.

22 October 2016 – Jesus to Thomas for the Little Pebble:

  • The Prophet, Luz de Maria, believes sincerely in the Little Pebble, but is afraid of public opinion.
  • Pope Francis is doing things in the Church contrary to God’s Will.
  • The Antichrist will show himself soon and the Little Pebble will fight him.
  • The Vatican is in danger.

21 October 2016 – Jesus to Thomas for the Little Pebble: The Third World War will start soon, as tension increases between the Great Powers; U.S.A. and Russia.

22 October 2016 – Jesus to Thomas for the Little Pebble:

  • World War III is imminent.
  • The Little Pebble’s Mission is very important for the world – especially in the near future.
  • The Message regarding a silent plague in Australia is very dangerous, especially in the countryside and the cities.
  • Luz de Maria is very close to you.

2 November 2916 – Jesus spoke to me – William Costellia – and said the Antichrist will soon make himself known publicly, but he will come as an Alien, claiming he comes to the world to save it from its own destruction. He will be very handsome and the Heads of State and Pope Francis, will make it known to the world that he comes from another place, making it seem that the U.F.O’s are true.

2 November 2016 – Jesus said the following to two Seers God calls ‘Raindrops’, in answer to be, Little Pebble. Unfortunately it was true, because His children believe in Aliens and not him – (because personally, Raindrop, I was hoping the Alien thing was going to be eradicated, because it’s so stupid, like a bad movie. That’s just me.)

Jesus:“At the Warning My children will return to Me and they will receive Graces and Blessings, for their new lives in me.”

22 October 2016 – Jesus to Raindrop for Little Pebble: “Concerning the silent plague that grows quickly in Australia and throughout the world – it is inside, diminishing the heart and soul of My children – it is paganism and apathy. It grows like an uncontrolled weed, choking all in its path.”

In the recent Messages given to the Prophet, Luz de Maria, Jesus and Mary speak often about the coming Warning, the Asteroids, the Sun and their effects; about the coming interference of our electronics via the effects of the Sun. Also how man has interfered with the elements of the Earth and the atmosphere, causing great weather changes, bringing on huge storms, earthquakes, much flooding and volcanic reactions.

13 October 2016 – to the Seeer Edson Glauber, Brazil: “A great evil will make many lose faith and many will not know what to do. The Church will be attacked as never before.”

23 October 2016: “The world is about to be purified and many things will change.”

We are now approaching major events before Christmas and the New Year.

God Bless

William Costellia


Website of Manuel Silveira – Pope Peter II (Package)



In the spiritual communion of hearts, the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem invites all of her own faithful members and all the people of good will to join in prayer to plead with God the Father Almighty, so that He may turn His eyes towards His children and all humanity, to defend the value and sacredness of Life, in the way the Father has conceived, created, donated and manifested it, in Christ, through Christ, with Christ.

“To You, Holy and Good Father, Father of all Goodness, we offer our heart; to You, holy and merciful Father, Father of every Mercy, we give our lives; to You, Holy and Just Father, Father of every Justice, we offer our prayer, so that in the heart and in the will of Your children, Your Holy Law is loved and honoured, protected and safeguarded, defended and respected; and may reign and triumph for eternity.”

“To You, Holy Father, we, Your children, turn our eyes of Joy, Peace, Sincerity and Love, so that in Your goodness, in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Yours and our Mother, You may donate to all Your children and all men of good will the true Life, that in Christ, Your Son, our Lord, is and always will be.”

“To You, Holy Father, our cry and our supplication of children, so that every child of this Church, Mother Church, New Jerusalem may feel Your living Presence of Father at his side; and with You, in You and through You may feel loved, protected and alive.”

“We beg You, Holy Father: extend Your Arm and show Yourself as You are, Father of infinite Mercy and Father of eternal Justice. Have mercy on all Your children that, with living Love in Christ, with Christ and through Christ, are turning to You. And give Your justice to the righteous. Annihilate and stop Your enemy and all his children, those who remained insensitive to Your call, have hardened their heart and betrayed Christ; those who persist in sullying what was holy and holy was to remain, committing murders, injustices, abusing of children and deceiving the hearts of the simple.”

“To You, Holy Father, we entrust Your Church. Watch over and guard, so that St Michael may protect Her. And on the example of the Holy Family, every child and every man and woman of good will may understand, love and live the gift of Life, that in Christ Way You have taught, that in Christ Truth You have defended and that in Christ Life You have given for eternity. Praise and Glory to You, Holy Father, to win and to triumph; and to proclaim Mary to the whole world, Mother Church, New Jerusalem.”

In union with Christ and with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Daughter, Bride and faithful Mother, we say together: