Message 627 – 15 August 2004

Mission of My Priests will be to gather wandering sheep; Words spoken long ago echo now throughout the world: Will I find Faith when I Return? – Apostasy of faith will reach its climax very soon – When John Paul II leaves, darkness will enter My House – Sand in the hourglass has been emptied; the Eternal Father will place Judgement upon the world – Much sorrow, agony and betrayal has been engulfed in the hearts of my children here – Little Abraham will travel around the world gathering up the sheep before the Chastisements hit the Earth.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Since the beginning of the Rosary, a white Cross has been shining very brightly, radiating its light very deeply into the sky. It is sited within a pyramid that is part of a ‘road’, or tunnel, made by many more pyramids, and through it the Cross may be seen. On top of the point of each section is an Angel – and Saint Michael is on the very top. He has been shouting, very loudly: “Who is Like Unto God?” Upon each apex of the pyramids that make a tunnel – which comes into the Chapel – a Saint stands on the edge of it. Among those right up front, I can see Saint Charbel, Saint Benedict, Saint Francis, Saint Padre Pió, Saint Theresa, Saint Hildegard, Saint Gregory the Great, Paul VI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Saint Clare, Saint Dominic, Saint Alphonsus, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Thomas á Beckett, Saint Thomas More, Saint Isabella, but these are only a few of the number who are there. From the white Cross there comes a tremendous Light that shines right through this tunnel. I can’t explain it very well.

Saint Michael continues to yell at the top of his voice. I can also see the other six Great Archangels – Saint Barachiel, Saint Uriel, Sealtiel, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael and Saint Jehudiel. There are three on each side of Saint Michael, and they join with him in proclaiming the Omnipotence of God.

As the white Cross opens up, from it a beautiful beam of Light comes into the Chapel. This brightens up the whole interior, and a gold and silver cloud of dust floats down upon the building, and on us. Through the door of the white Cross I can see Jesus, coming as a King, gliding on the beautiful golden-silver cloud. He looks very majestic, like royalty, in His plush-looking dark-blue velvet cape – and He is wearing a seven-pointed Crown. He also has on a white tunic, with a golden belt around His Waist. He looks absolutely beautiful. Jesus is smiling. Behind Him are multitudes of Angels of various sizes and in varying colours, diverse clothing and different sized wings. They represent all the Choirs, and follow Jesus, very swiftly.

Our Lord now enters the Chapel, and stands on the Tabernacle, holding two keys in His right Hand, while in His left Hand there is a Staff of Light. A beam of red Light comes from His right Hand, and a whitish-blue beam comes from the left; both pierce my soul. Jesus continues to smile. The Angels have created a dome around the Community – and the Saints have come down from the pyramid to hover over the Chapel.

Now, coming out of the white Cross, once again I can see Our Holy Mother. She, too, is dressed in glorious fashion and is wearing a Crown – and, like Our Lord’s, it has seven points, with the addition of a dome-shaped Light atop it. Her clothing is very similar to Our Lord’s, but Her blue cape has a border of Light. Our Lady glides on a white cloud, and comes very swiftly. As She travels toward us from the Cross, rose petals fall from Her cloak. As they do they form ‘road’ behind Her. There are Angels coming behind her gathering these petals in their garments. It reminds me of Guadalupe, where the Seer gathered the roses and placed them in his apron.

I notice that Our Lady has a transparent veil, too. In Her right Hand She holds an Ark, and – notably – in Her left Hand, a bow. I have never before seen Our Lady with an archer’s bow.

Coming from behind the Crown of Our Lord – I didn’t see him before – is little Saint Amor-Dei. He is rather good at hiding. He comes out and sits upon Our Lord’s right shoulder. He is only a small Angel – not even thirty centimetres tall. He, too, has a little crown on his head, is smiling and holds a golden arrow. Jesus and Mary smile, and a tremendous amount of energy comes from them. The Ark, the bow and the arrow each have a particular Light – and they come together into a single beam that penetrates my soul. I don’t know the meaning of this. Saint Charbel now descends and stands next to the Mother of God – to Her right. Jesus hands the keys to Saint Charbel, and raises His right Hand:

OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son, My Father’s Prophet for the ‘end times’ – Our little ‘White Rock’, ‘Little Abraham’, and ‘Little Peter’. I greet My Bishops of My Heart, and all My Priest-sons here present, and My Privileged children – children of My Most Holy Mother. I greet all of you throughout the world from the Throne of My Heart and that of My Most Holy Mother!”

Today is a special day because it is a turning point for many of My children who will bear witness to My Word. The Mission of My Priest-sons will be to gather the wandering sheep throughout the world. Many more sons will be called to follow in your footsteps, for the world is like a desert that thirsts for the Word – the “Living Water” that springs forth from My Sacred Humanity.”

The world, My dear children, is under great trial, but it is only the beginning of sorrows, for mankind have desired to follow their own will. Many have abandoned My Word; many have abandoned My invitation. The Remnant Church of My Heart? – the members are in the few, no different from in the time when I walked the Earth. Many were called, many heard My Word – but most left My side. It is no different today! The Words that I spoke many centuries ago echo now throughout the world: “Will I find Faith when I return”?

The Church that I founded upon Peter has become weak, though the foundations are strong – because I am the Foundation. However, many have fallen away, and few of the Shepherds stand up for the Truth. The Apostasy of Faith is here, and will reach its climax very soon. When John Paul II leaves, darkness will enter My House upon Earth, so that all Words prophesied will come to completion; so that My House upon Earth will be reborn.”

The Chastisements continue, and will continue until mankind are brought to their knees, striking their breasts, asking God for forgiveness. Until that hour, My dear children, all of you will need to continue to carry your cross. Do not waver; do not falter. All those who have been given much – much will be expected of them. All those who know God’s Divine Will for them must follow it to the letter.” “Follow it in hope, follow it in trust – and in confidence – that all will come to its completion, for all that God and My Most Holy Mother have revealed to mankind – privately and publicly – will be fulfilled to the letter.”

But you, My sweet elect, of My Sacred Heart, you must pick up your cross, now, and do not lose heart. You must believe, and have faith. Do not place your cross aside, for you may not have the Grace to pick it up again, and may be called before the Throne of God to give testimony of your life.”

The sand in the hourglass has now been emptied; the last grain has passed through!! The Eternal Father will place judgement upon the world, and you will see His Wrath meted out very soon. Therefore, My sweet children, take up your “beads of love”, unite yourselves with My Most Holy Mother, and pray; offer up sacrifices and atone for your sins.”

You, My beloved son, Prophet of My Father: continue to announce His Words, for your triumph is near. Great events are in the making, for you, for this Holy Order, and for all of Our children who live for the Will of God. Take courage, and continue to go forward in leading My sheep.”

I Bless you now from My Father and Our Spirit, with My Most Blessed Mother: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus now looks at His Holy Mother. She glides forward and is about two metres from us. Our Holy Mother’s Light shines upon the [name withheld], so I will remain silent now.

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LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother has returned to the side of Our Lord – and The Eternal Father has now gone. As He was entering into the Chapel, and [name withheld] was describing what they could see – I noticed that, on His very long, blue, cape, there were little babies sitting or playing, being given a ride there. Actually, I almost burst out laughing, but it would have been a bit of a distraction. They are all innocent children, playing on His cape.

Our Lady is smiling, as is Our Lord. Jesus asks the Bishop and all the Priests to now make the Sign of the Cross, so Jesus may Bless all of us through His Priests.

BISHOP AND PRIESTS: May Almighty God Bless you: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus has placed a pure white lamb on the Altar, and Our Holy Mother places a beautiful rose there, too. The rose is not lying down – it stands in front of the lamb, and seems to grow without any roots. It becomes suspended now, and twirls. As it does so its petals shoot off, and float down over the souls here in this Chapel. Both Jesus and Mary Bless us now.

JESUS AND MARY: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: They go back now. They don’t turn around, but glide backwards. It is like the effect of a zoom lens in a camera, as they go backwards towards the Cross, followed by the Saints and the Angels. I believe that there will be some very extraordinary photos today. We will say the last decade of the Rosary, and sing a hymn in honour of Our Lady’s Assumption.