The world has seen many chastisements and sad events; wars, terror and destruction – The world will continue to be chastised, each year worse than the previous year – Dark clouds looming over Rome; soon John Paul II will be removed; chaos will strike the Church – Soon, mankind will truly know the power of God’s Wrath – Threefold Covenant
LITTLE PEBBLE: The White Cross has been stationed in the sky for some time, and Saint Barachiel came down and showed the sign, and blessed me with the Cross that he holds. There is always a sign within the symbol of the Cross that God had given.
Saint Michael is to the left of the Cross, which is to the right of the White Cross. Saint Michael throws down his sword and it hits the Altar creating an electrical effect – it is like electrical lightning – emanating from the Altar itself. The White Cross takes up a great percentage of the sky, and within the centre beam a pure Light – like a ray – shoots down towards the Tabernacle here in the Chapel, and creates a ‘street’ of Light, like many times before. A door opens in the centre part of the cross and you can see beyond it. I can see many Angels and Our Holy Mother being held up by the Angels and gliding upon this Light on this beautiful pure white cloud, held up by the Angels. Behind Our Holy Mother there are many, many Angels forming a Procession. These Angels are holding up various banners acknowledging the various Titles of Our Holy Mother. There are literally thousands of them. Our Lady glides swiftly towards us.
Behind the Angels I can see Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and behind those Saints I see Saint Joseph with another group of Holy Angels with him. They are gliding, swiftly, towards the Chapel, and the Chapel walls are no longer there. There is tremendous Light coming from the Tabernacle, and from the Tabernacle an Altar is formed – like a tree that has been cut from the top, with many branches, but on top of that is the Altar.
Saint Michael comes closer now, but many people cannot imagine the size of Saint Michael. He is much larger than our planets, and his wings are stretched out far, even behind the White Cross. He takes up a good third of the Heavens, and is guarding all those present. The Angels with Our Lady are dressed in green garments, and they all have white wings, but only two. I think they belong to the Archangel Choir.
Saint Joseph’s Angels have four wings, and they are dressed in golden garments, and each of those Angels are holding different instruments – orchestral instruments. It seems very festive in Heaven at this moment.
Our Holy Mother enters the Chapel area and stands upon the Tabernacle on the Altar. She is very beautiful, as always. She is wearing a beautiful white gown, with a dark-blue mantilla that goes from Her Heads down to Her Toes. Our Lady has a golden sash around Her midriff and She is holding a lily, but it is not an ordinary lily – it has three lilies within the lily.
Now I can see many different coloured birds just suddenly appearing, settling above Our Holy Mother; many different birds. Among the birds is a blue bird – as large as a finch – and sits upon this lily that Our Holy Mother is holding, and singing a tune. The Angels and Saints have made a semi-circle around the Mother of God – many metres in depth. Saint Joseph is right at the top with the Angel Choir. It seems as if they are ready to sing to Our Holy Mother.
Saint Anne and Saint Joachim now come to the right of Our Holy Mother, and Saint John the Baptist to the left, and also Saint Patrick of Ireland, Bishop, and he stands next to Saint John the Baptist.
Our Holy Mother is smiling and She now hands the flower to Saint Patrick, and from the side Her sash She takes out Rosary. The beads are pearl pink and the Crucifix is gold. Our Lady takes the Crucifix and kisses Jesus:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son, ‘Little Peter Abraham’! I greet My Bishop-sons, and all My Priest-sons and children of the ‘elect’ before Me and throughout the world!”
“On this great Feast of My Immaculate Conception I bring to you today many Gifts from Heaven for the Christmas-tide and for the coming year. These Gifts come from the Eternal Father for His children. Your Holy Guardian Angels will inspire you to know what they are. Another year has passed where all of you have come to learn about the Love of God and His precious Gifts that He has given to you, not only in this year, but in all past years of your life. It has been a year of reflection where all of My children have been asked by the Eternal Father, in their hearts, where do they stand before God? Are all souls ready to proceed in faith, like the children of old that passed through the sea to enter the Promised Land?”
“Many of you have walked the desert of faith where God called you to trust in His Word without expecting a sign other than His Word. These trials have been for your purification, for your edification and sanctification of your souls.”
“For many years My Divine Son Jesus and I, your Heavenly Mother, have come to the Earth to speak to you about Our desires for mankind – the Calling of God in each of your lives – and explaining to you that the Words of the Messiah, through the Apocalypse, are being fulfilled each day of your lives to the very time that My Divine Son Jesus will return to claim His Inheritance, bury the evil one under His Foot and close the depths of Hell so that the world will live in peace and harmony once more – like Adam and Eve did before the fall.”
“The Promises of God are eternal; every Word uttered from His Mouth will be fulfilled. Our children only need to continue to pray and persevere. The world has seen many chastisements, many sad events – wars, terror and destruction, not only of the material, but of the very soul created by the Eternal. I repeat myself, sweet children: time is very short. Count each day as if it were your last, and live it to the fullest in the Glory of God for the salvation of your soul and those whom you love. Each moment should be lived thus – in this way God’s Presence is ever before you, and you will sin less.”
“I know, sweet children, there are many temptations and many roads that lead you away from My Divine Son, but Jesus Who died on the Cross for you has opened the true road that will lead to your happiness, even on this Earth, but definitely in the next life.”
“The world will continue to be chastised – each year becoming worse than the previous year – until all is fulfilled and come to completion so that the New Holy Era will come to pass and the Reign of Peace will enter the hearts of men. For those who love God: there is no room for fear, but simply hope and trust God’s Goodness.”
“Let this year end with a Triumph of Christ in your hearts so that the New Year will bring forth all the Blessings that you desire and pray for. Live the Gospel, My sweet children, and herald the Words of My Divine Son, Jesus, from the Cross. Forgive one another, love one another, be tolerant of each other, and persevere in good. Take courage, dear children, for I, your Heavenly Mother, have placed My Mantle over you, especially to those who have recourse to Me.”
“You are all My children, even though you have strayed away, and followed a path of your own. Christ’s Calling from the Cross is to renew one’s life, daily, and to be determined to fulfil all that God has asked of each and everyone of you. The dark clouds are looming over Rome, My sweet children. Very shortly My little Vicar, John Paul II, will be removed, and then chaos will strike the Church, for as the Shepherd will be struck, the sheep will be scattered – even more than at this time.”
“Re-read the Messages of years ago, My sweet children, and meditate upon My Words, and you will understand how far you have passed into the pages of the Apocalypse. Soon, mankind will truly know the power of God’s Wrath, for mankind has abandoned God and abandoned himself to himself. Take up My “Beads of Love”, and continue to offer many prayers – not only for those whom you love, but even for your enemies. Pray that the mercy of God will reach their hearts.”
“I Love you, My sweet children, and give you a Kiss of My Maternal Heart, and know that I am with you, always.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother now motions to me that She is going to take my spirit, momentarily, to the [name withheld], who is not in the Chapel today. Our Holy Mother is able to be in more than one place at the same time, for this is a gift those who are in the preternatural state have received.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our lady smiles, and there are many, many birds – you would think we were in an aviary – and the Angels have directed the birds to come to all of us. Each person here and elsewhere received one of these birds. I do not know the significance of the birds, I only know the significance of the Angels. For some reason there is a purpose behind this, I don’t know. Our Lady is smiling, and She doesn’t want to tell me. So I will have to ask many questions again. Our Lady smiles and says:
OUR LADY: “Continue to pray, sweet children, and continue to offer – for all that I have promised you will come to pass – especially you, My holy son, My little Angelic Pastor of My Immaculate Heart. Many events shall unfold, shortly, and you shall be surprised, dear child.”
“Continue to pray now, dear children.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: The two Bishops and Priests will now Bless the people.
BISHOPS & PRIESTS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now glides slowly back towards the White Cross with the Holy Angels, and I ask the Sisters to please say the last decade.