Message 620 – 27 July 2003

Your crucifixion is near – The Mystical Body is to go on Calvary to purify and perfect souls – The hour-glass is now empty; the time of ‘time and a half‘ will come to its completion – All that is rotten must fall, for the reaper “Exterminatus” will come to take away those souls that are dead – great Chastisements are awaiting to fall upon an unrepentant generation – My Little Peter II, the Eternal Father has given you the cross of the world, though man cannot comprehend these Mysteries – the times are very evil, far worse than in the time of Noah.

LITTLE PEBBLE: The white Cross has been visible since the beginning of the Rosary, and Saint Michael has been standing at the right side of the White Cross for the same amount of time. As is usual, he is very large. He has a very beautiful sword, which he holds up very high, as though ready to use it. During the decades of the Rosary, two other Crosses were formed in the sky – one each side of the White Cross, and they were in darkness. Coming from the ‘White Cross’, right down to the Chapel, is a wide road that has been formed with thistles, and the hawthorn bush. The bush itself is about three metres tall.

I see the sign over the front of Saint Michael, who now moves to the back of the White Cross, standing partially above it. With him Archangels stand, three to each side of him – and while Saint Michael now also holds a balance scale, the six Archangels hold trumpets, which they now blow, and I can feel the vibration from the sound as it comes towards the world.

The white Cross now opens-up at the centre of the crossed-beams, and from the opening comes a beautiful film of Light that flows downwards over the thorns of the hawthorn bush and the thistles – like a cushion. Now I can see Angels coming out of the White Cross, and behind the Holy Angels – which are many – I see the Virgin Mary on a beautiful, pinkish, cloud. Behind Our Holy Mother are many more Angels, dressed in pastel-coloured clothes. All of these Angels have four wings; each also has a small star over their head. They come forward, swiftly, to form a guard of honour for Our Holy Mother along this long road.

Our Lady comes very quickly now and the pink cloud that She stands upon emits sparkling particles – like those from a fireworks sparkler – which then fall down onto the cushion of the clouds that are being formed. Our Holy Mother now comes into the Chapel and stands over the Tabernacle, a little to the right. She is dressed this time in black, with a very deep blue, velvety-looking, veil that reaches from Her Head down to Her Toes. I can see Our Lady’s Toes as They are on this cloud. Our Blessed Mother has twelve roses around Her Feet – each a different colour. In Our Lady’s right Hand She holds a sceptre – it has a cross on top of it – and in Her left Hand She holds a Rosary made of black beads with golden Our Father beads. The Crucifix itself is golden, and very life-like.

The Seven Great Archangels move from where they were, so as to be much closer behind Our Holy Mother. There are many Angels there now and I recognise most of them – including Saint Raphael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Uriel. They all join hands to form a shield around Our Holy Mother, Who is smiling – although seeming to be a little sad. One Angel leaves the group that have come with Our Holy Mother. He is about two metres or so tall, and now kneels just near the bottom of the Altar to my left, looking towards Our Holy Mother. He has four very beautiful wings – as I mentioned – and in each wing is a written symbol of Heavenly nature, in a language that I don’t recognise.

The Angel turns to me and smiles, and he looks back again to Our Holy Mother, and Our Holy Mother now gives him the sceptre, lifts up the Holy Rosary and takes the Crucifix and kisses Our Lord:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved Mystical Spouse, My ‘Little Abraham’, the last Prophet of the ‘end times’! I greet My Bishop-son, ‘Little John’, and all My beloved children gathered here before Me in the Presence of My Divine Son Jesus, hidden within the Bread of Life.”

“I come to you today as “Mother of Divine Light” and “Mother of Hope”. It has been some time since I spoke to all of you. It pleases My Maternal Heart that you have united with My precious son, Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Divine Love, in offering up all for God’s Kingdom. The time of great trial is upon you; Calvary is with you; but be assured that, as I was with My Divine Son beneath the Cross, I am now your Mother with you – especially you, My predilected son! Your crucifixion is near, but the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in you, and through you, and with you, is also near, because God’s Promise is real and will be fulfilled to the very letter of God’s Word.”

“All My children of the Earth – those open to My Divine Son’s Heart and My Immaculate Heart – are united as one. You are to know, My sweet children, that the days are numbered in the few concerning the world as you know it. It is for this reason that the Mystical Body of My Divine Son Jesus – the Church – is to go on Calvary, so that the souls will be purified and perfected for the Glory of God in the triumph that is to follow. The hour-glass is now empty, and the time of ‘time and a half‘ will come to its completion. Therefore, sweet children, you must remain vigilant and persevere, for then peace will govern your hearts and you will not be troubled by all that will take place in your lives here in this country, Australia, and throughout the world. All must now come to pass so that the triumph of the Cross of Truth will manifest itself to bring Glory to God and His Church. All that is rotten must fall, for the reaper “Exterminatus” will come to the world and take away those souls that are dead, so that the living will truly live and give Glory to God.”

“The very great Chastisements are, sweet children, awaiting to fall upon an unrepentant generation. Our Messages, which have gone throughout the world for many, many, years, have gone unheeded; therefore, there is no alternative for the Eternal Father but to cleanse the world, and start anew. It is for this reason, Scripture will be fulfilled. There will be a new Heaven and a new Earth.”

“Rejoice, sweet children, and be glad that you are privileged to live in these times, for many of the Saints of Old wish to live in these times if they could – for you have many opportunities to gain merit and bring salvation to many souls who are in great need of your prayers, your sacrifices and your offerings. This is the time, sweet children, where you must fill your lives, deeply, in the Sacramental Life and immerse yourselves in the Words of My Divine Son and My Immaculate Heart, for many Words have been delivered to you as food for your souls and your hearts – and these Words will bring consolation to many.”

“Spend less time in the world as you know it, sweet children, for sin flourishes in the streets and in the many places that you venture – many times, foolishly – allowing your souls to be tempted, thus giving Satan the opportunity to place himself within your hearts and your minds. Remove yourselves, sweet children, from the occasion of sin. Keep yourselves pure in thought, in word and in deed – for remember, God sees all, for nothing can be hidden from Him. Although the times are very evil, far worse than in the time of Noah – when God punished the world with the deluge – what do you believe will occur to this world now, sweet children, if it is worse than at that time? You still have the time – though very short – to change your lives. Listen to My Calling as your Sorrowing Mother, but yet hopeful. The time of darkness is upon you, like it was on the hill of Calvary, But the time of rude awakening – and clear thinking of your conscience – is near, when there will be no more excuses for any soul.”

“Count each moment and each day as a Blessing from the Eternal Father. Do not complain and grumble to God, asking that God gives you more time, but be joyful in the knowledge that God cares, and desires only good for you. Do not take for granted the moments that He gives you, for each moment should be a moment of a reflection of your hearts towards God, so that your actions and your words will reflect the truthfulness of the existence of your God in your lives.”

“And you, My ‘Little Peter II’ – last Vicar for Holy Mother Church: the Eternal Father has given you the cross of the world, though man cannot comprehend these Mysteries; but, as promised to you, victory is near. A few more steps to carry this cross, dear son – for, soon, the Eternal Father will take Our beloved Vicar, John Paul II, to His Bosom, then the reign of the keys given to you [will begin] – as the keys were given to Peter so long ago. Your turn will then come to restore Holy Mother Church and bring it to the glorious Reign of Peace that awaits so many hearts. Take courage, and know that I and My Divine Son, Jesus, are always with you.”

“And to all My beloved children, here present and throughout Christendom: always live in hope. Never be discouraged. Remember that Christ Died for you so that you will be reborn into Eternal Life – and I, your Heavenly Mother, Am always there to console your hearts. I embrace you all with My Maternal Kiss that comes from the Triune God: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

BISHOP BROUSSARD: Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.

(Hymn to Our Lady was sung)

LITTLE PEBBLE: The Holy Angel that came down and knelt next to Our Holy Mother, is the Angel, “The Illumine Rose”, and he is the Angel that takes the Rosaries from Our Holy Mother to bring them to God’s people.

If ever you need help from Our Holy Mother, pray to this Holy Angel who will bring you the Rosary from Our Holy Mother’s Heart, and he will pray with you. He, himself, is a very special power – he is the Angel Staff of the Holy Mother.

Our Holy Mother has already gone. Saint Michael still remains, and this lovely Angel will take him home: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.