The Keys of the Papacy – 13 January 2023


31 DECEMBER 2022 – 11.15 PM


The Holy Trinity, with Our Lady and three Seraphic Angels, came at around 11.15 pm. Saint Michael stood behind me. The Eternal Father was holding the Royal Crown and Jesus was holding the Keys of the Papacy. The Eternal Father said:

THE ETERNAL FATHER: “My beloved son, today I Crown you as My Last Vicar!”

Jesus said:

OUR LORD: “I hold the Keys of Saint Peter!”

And the Holy Spirit became bigger and put His Wings around us. The Eternal Father said:

THE ETERNAL FATHER: “From this moment on you are My Last Vicar!”…

Feast day of Mary, Mother of God

1 January 2023

JESUS: “Today is a Great Feast of My Holy Mother. One that will be linked with you, My Holy son, because today I wish to ask the Church to Inaugurate, officially, the Feast of Mediatrix of All Graces, Co Redemptrix and Advocacy, because today is the day My Mother’s Victory will commence, because the Days of Darkness upon mankind, will truly begin. This will be your First Dogma for Holy Mother Church and men within My House will understand that I have chosen you to be My Holy Vicar for Holy Mother the Church, which will bring forth the Victory of My Holy Mother, for mankind.”

Authorised by: Bishop Malcolm L. Broussard, Jr.